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  • 5/5 Abd Abo n. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Castle Mountain .. An archaeological site in Amman, Jordan ... Jabal al-Qalaa, one of the seven mountains of the city of Amman, which was taken by the Ammonites since ancient times as the seat of their rule in the city, and after them all of the Greeks, Romans and Byzantines who occupied the city respectively until the Islamic conquest in the seventh century AD, when the Umayyad palace was built on its summit. Temple of Hercules. The Citadel Mountain in Amman was the seat of the Ammonite capital. The remains of the palaces of the Ammonites are still present in it, including the walls of the walls, and the wells dug in the limestone rock. Also found in the castle mountain, four statues of Ammonite kings dating back to the eighth century BC. There are also in the castle mountain, ruins and Roman Corinthian columns and the temple of Hercules, as well as containing Islamic monuments dating back to the Umayyad era, where the Umayyad palace there. In addition, there is the Jordan Archeology Museum on top of the mountain simulating the history of Jordan in general and Amman in particular. The ruins of the castle mountain ... 1. The Citadel Mountain is about 800 meters above sea level, and it has military and strategic advantages; It was surrounded by a high and huge wall, and on it were watchtowers that were almost ten meters high. 2. The remaining ruins are spread in the castle mountain in the form of a triangular corner, and it includes a tower and a structure in the Corinthian style. What was left of them only the foundations and some amputated columns. Recent discoveries indicate that the existing ruins date back to the Middle Bronze, Iron, Hellenistic, Roman, and Umayyad periods. 3. On the castle mountain there is the Temple of Hercules (Temple of Hercules), which was built by the Roman Emperor Aurelius, and a statue of Hercules was erected at the entrance to the temple. And some inscriptions found on the site indicate that the temple was built in the years 161-166 AD. What remains of the temple is a façade made up of six huge columns. 4. There are also remains of the Byzantine Church on the Citadel Mountain, dating back to the sixth century AD. 5. On the mountain of the Citadel there is the Umayyad Palace and the pool carved into the rock, a building dating back to the Umayyad period. 6. On the summit of the Citadel Mountain, there is also the Jordan Antiquities Museum, which was built in 1951 AD in order to be a witness to ancient civilizations and the ancient history that the region passed through. The museum also shows the stages of the historical development that Jordan went through. The museum is one of the most important museums in the region, as its holdings consist of antiquities, some of which date back to the Paleolithic period, and others to the Roman era through the Umayyad era. In addition to the most important and most prominent historical holdings, which are a group of stone statues depicting human bodies dating back to 8000 BC. There are also the Dead Sea Scrolls, which contain the oldest texts of the Torah; And which was discovered by chance inside pottery jars in a cave northwest of the Dead Sea. The museum also displays everything related to the life of ancient man in this region, through pottery vessels, statues, pictures, tools and ancient writings; Which tells stories that go back to past ages. tourism ... Castle mountain. The Citadel Mountain is one of the most attractive areas for tourists in Amman, whether on the external or internal levels. Concerts are held on its shoulders, as it is considered one of the main places of celebration that took place in the Jordan Festival, due to its location overlooking most areas of the capital Amman - especially the center of the country, as the area will be linked to the Roman amphitheater through a light rail (ground train) or what is known as a carriage. Which will be allocated to transport tourists from the Roman amphitheater area to the Citadel Mountain and vice versa, the Temple of Hercules (Amman) ... The Temple of Hercules is a historical building located within the Amman Citadel in the center of the Jordanian capital, Amman. It is considered one of the most important Roman buildings remaining in the city to this day and the largest of any Roman temple built in Rome itself. It dates back to the second century AD. The remainder of this building constitutes one of the most important landmarks of Amman at the present time, which symbolizes it and its history. Temple of Hercules..Destruction caused an earthquake Architectural style ... Roman architecture. History ... the Temple of Hercules, of which today only a few columns remain. This temple was built in honor of the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius between the years 161 and 166 AD, according to some inscriptions found on the site. Today, one remaining facade of the temple made up of six huge columns can be seen, in addition to some other columns from the other palace rooms. The name of the temple was dedicated to Hercules, one of the Roman deities whose mission and mission was to protect the city. It is noteworthy that a huge statue of Hercules was built at the entrance to the temple, where there are remains of today. The hull was originally designed in length of 52 meters and width of 22 meters (Original) جبل القلعة.. موقع أثري في عمان، الأردن... جبل القلعة أحد جبال مدينة عمّان السبعة والذي اتخذه العمونيون منذ القدم مقراً لحكمهم في المدينة، ومن بعدهم كل من اليونان والرومان والبيزنطيين الذين احتلوا المدينة على التوالي إلى أن هلّ عليها الفتح الإسلامي في القرن السابع الميلادي، حيث بني على قمته القصر الأموي. معبد هرقل. وبرز جبل القلعة في عمان مقر عاصمة العمونيين. والذي ما زالت بقايا قصور العمونيين ماثلة فيه، منها جدران الأسوار، والآبار المحفورة في الصخر الجيري. كما عثر في جبل القلعة على أربعة تماثيل لملوك العمونيين تعود إلى القرن الثامن ق.م. يوجد في جبل القلعة أيضاً، آثار وأعمدة رومانية كورنثية ومعبد لهرقل، كذلك يحوي على آثار إسلامية تعود إلى العصر الأموي، حيث القصر الأموي هناك. بالإضافة لذلك يوجد متحف الآثار الأردني على قمة الجبل يحاكي تاريخ الأردن بشكل عام وعمّان بشكل خاص. آثار جبل القلعة... 1. يرتفع جبل القلعة حوالي 800 متراً فوق سطح البحر، وهو يتمتع بمزايا عسكرية واستراتيجية؛ حيث كان محاطاً بسور عالٍ وضخم، وكانت تقوم عليه أبراج للمراقبة والتي كانت ترتفع إلى عشرة أمتار تقريباً. 2. تنتشر الآثار المتبقية في جبل القلعة على شكل زاوية مثلثة، وتضم برجاً وهيكلاً على الطراز الكورنثي؛ والذي لم يبق منها سوى الأساسات وبعض الأعمدة المبتورة. وتدل المكتشفات الحديثة بأن الآثار الموجودة تعود إلى العصر البرونزي المتوسط والحديدي والهلينستي والروماني والأموي. 3.يوجد على جبل القلعة هيكل هرقل (معبد هرقل)، والذي بناه الإمبراطور الروماني أوريليوس، وقد نصب تمثالاً لهرقل عند مدخل الهيكل. وتدل بعض النقوش التي وجدت في الموقع بأن المعبد كان قد شيد في السنوات 161- 166م. والذي بقي من المعبد هو واجهة مكونة من ستة أعمدة ضخمة. 4. وتوجد على جبل القلعة أيضاً بقايا كنيسة بيزنطية، والتي ترجع إلى القرن السادس الميلادي. 5. يوجد على جبل القلعة القصر الأموي والبركة المنحوتة في الصخر، وهو بناء يعود إلى الفترة الأموية. 6. كما يوجد على قمة جبل القلعة متحف الآثار الأردني والذي شيد سنة 1951م لكي يكون الشاهد على حضارات قديمة والتاريخ العريق الذي مرَّ به المنطقة؛ كما يبين المتحف مراحل التطور التاريخي الذي مرَّ به الأردن. والمتحف من أهم المتاحف في المنطقة، حيث يتكون مقتنياته من الأثريات الذي يعود تاريخ بعضها إلى العصر الحجري القديم، وأخرى إلى العهد الروماني مروراً بالعهد الأموي؛ بالإضافة إلى أهم وأبرز المقتنيات التاريخية، والتي هي عبارة عن مجموعة من التماثيل الحجرية التي تصوّر أجساداً بشرية تعود إلى عام 8000 سنة قبل الميلاد. كما توجد مخطوطات البحر الميت، والتي تتضمن أقدم نصوص التوراة؛ والتي تم اكتشافها بطريق الصدفة داخل جرار فخارية في أحد كهوف شمال غرب البحر الميت. كما يعرض المتحف كل ما يتعلق بحياة الإنسان القديم في هذه المنطقة، من خلال الأواني الفخارية والتماثيل والصور والأدوات والكتابات القديمة؛ والتي تروي حكايات تعود إلى عصور ماضية. السياحة ... جبل القلعة. يعد جبل القلعة من أكثر المناطق جذباً للسياح في عمان، سواءً على المستوى الخارجي أو الداخلي. وتقام على أكتافه الحفلات الموسيقية، حيث يعتبر أحد أماكن الاحتفال الرئيسية التي حدثت في مهرجان الأردن، نظراً لموقعه المطل على معظم مناطق العاصمة عمان- وخاصةً وسط البلد، حيث سيتم ربط المنطقة بالمدرج الروماني من خلال سكة قطار خفيفة (قطار أرضي) أو ما يعرف بالعربة التي سيتم تخصيصها لنقل السياح من منطقة المدرج الروماني إلى جبل القلعة وبالعكس معبد هرقل (عمان)... معبد هرقل هو مبنى تاريخي يقع ضمن قلعة عمّان في وسط العاصمة الأردنية عمّان. يُعتبر من أهم المباني الرومانية الباقية إلى اليوم بالمدينة وأضخم من أي معبد روماني تم بناؤه في روما نفسها. يعود تاريخه إلى القرن الثاني للميلاد. يشكّل الجزء المتبقي من هذا المبنى أحد أهم معالم مدينة عمّان في الوقت الحاضر، والذي يرمز إليها ولتاريخها. معبد هرقل..سبب الدمار زلزال النمط المعماري..عمارة رومانية.. تاريخ ... معبد هرقل، الذي لم يبقى منه اليوم سوى عدد قليل من الأعمدة. تم بناء هذا المعبد على شرف الإمبراطور الروماني ماركوس أوريليوس بين عاميّ 161 و 166 م حسب بعض النقوش التي وُجدت في الموقع. يمكن اليوم رؤية واجهة واحدة متبقية من المعبد مكونة من ستة أعمدة ضخمة، بالإضافة إلى بعض الأعمدة الأخرى من غرف القصر الأخرى. لقد كُرس اسم المعبد لهرقل، أحد الآلهات الرومانية التي كانت مهمتها ووظيفتها حماية المدينة. يشار بالذكر إلى أنه قد تم بناء تمثالاً ضخمًا لهرقل عند مدخل الهيكل، حيث توجد آثار متبقية لليوم.. تم تصميم الهيكل بشكله الأصلي بطول 52 مترًا وبعرض 22 مترًا.ن
    9 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Russ L. 6 months ago on Google • 2150 reviews
    The Amman Citadel is an important archeological site dating back to the Bronze and Iron Ages. Amman was an important city during the Roman and Byzantine Empire. It's definitely a MUST place to visit and explore. Stunning site with layers of history to explore and a fantastic view of the city of Amman. Highly recommended to visit in the late afternoon and stay for the glorious view of the sunset. Admire the city color changes and become golden. Also, I love hearing the call to prayer echos here on top.
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  • 5/5 Aqeel R. 4 months ago on Google • 135 reviews
    The Amman Citadel stands as an emblem of Jordan's remarkable history and a breathtaking symbol of the city's ancient legacy. Perched atop a hill, this archaeological site is an absolute must-visit for anyone exploring Amman. The Citadel's sprawling grounds host an array of historical remnants, from the iconic Temple of Hercules to the fascinating Umayyad Palace, each structure narrating a story of centuries past. The panoramic views from this vantage point offer an incredible perspective of Amman's evolving landscape and its juxtaposition of ancient ruins against a modern cityscape. The Citadel is a treasure trove for history buffs and culture enthusiasts alike. The artifacts displayed in the Jordan Archaeological Museum on-site provide a deeper understanding of the region's diverse heritage, spanning various civilizations that have left their mark on this historic site. The preservation efforts are commendable, allowing visitors to appreciate the Citadel's ancient marvels while also enjoying informative signage that illuminates the historical significance of each structure. Moreover, the Citadel's accessibility, coupled with the nearby bustling downtown area, makes it a convenient and enriching stop for tourists exploring Amman. Whether you're admiring the remnants of ancient civilizations, captivated by the Temple of Hercules, or simply taking in the stunning views, the Amman Citadel is an unforgettable journey through time, offering a profound appreciation for Jordan's rich cultural tapestry.
    6 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Rawa 3 years ago on Google
    I love the citadel, for a local ammani it's an escape from the busy city life in the middle of Amman. Good facilities and clean bathrooms, they have a cute little cafe at the entrance of the castle. Beautiful view on the old town and great history.
    6 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 David S. 6 months ago on Google • 985 reviews
    Visited these archaeological remains while in Amman, located on top of one of the city’s seven hills. The queue for buying tickets was short and the site wasn’t crowded. The Umayyad Palace is well-preserved but the Temple of Hercules comprises only two complete columns. Other structures are either in very poor condition or are not excavated. Unfortunately the site is not policed, with tourists allowed to climb over the ruins, further escalating their decay. I personally think that this is a very poor decision. The views across the city are good, enhancing the appeal of this place. Plus it’s only 2JD to enter. There is also a place for refreshments at the entrance and toilets. There are far better archaeological sites to visit nearby, but this is OK to spend an hour if you’re in Amman.
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Mohamed b. 3 years ago on Google
    The Amman Citadel (Arabic: جبل القلعة‎, romanized: Jabal Al-Qal'a) is a historical site at the center of downtown Amman, the capital of Jordan. The L-shaped hill is one of the seven hills (jabals) that originally made up Amman.Evidence of occupation since the pottery Neolithic period has been found and the hill was fortified during the Bronze Age (1800 BC). The hill became the capital of the Kingdom of Ammon sometime after 1200 BC. It was later occupied by various empires that of the Assyrians (8th century BC), Babylonians (6th century BC), the Ptolemies, the Seleucids (3rd century BC), Romans (1st century BC), Byzantines (3rd century AD) and the Umayyads (7th century AD). After the Umayyads came a period of decline and for much of the time until 1878 as the former city became an abandoned pile of ruins only sporadically used by Bedouins and seasonal farmers. Despite this gap, the Citadel of Amman is considered to be among the world's oldest continuously inhabited places. The Citadel is considered an important site because it has had a long history of occupation by many great civilizations. Most of the buildings still visible at the site are from the Roman, Byzantine, and Umayyad periods. The major buildings at the site are the Temple of Hercules, a Byzantine church, and the Umayyad Palace. The Jordan Archaeological Museum was built on the hill in 1951. Though the fortification walls enclose the heart of the site, the ancient periods of occupation covered large areas. Historic structures, tombs, arches, walls and stairs have no modern borders, and therefore there is considerable archaeological potential at this site, as well as in surrounding lands, and throughout Amman. Archaeologists have been working at the site since the 1920s, including Italian, British, French, Spanish, and Jordanian projects, but a great part of the Citadel remains unexcavated.
    5 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Julia S. 1 year ago on Google
    Gorgeous location with historical architecture and the best views of Amman! The tickets were quite cheap and I highly recommend coming and seeing the Citadel especially at golden hour as the light hits the buildings so nicely plus it’s great for photos. Moderately busy depending on what time you go, but not too crowded.
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  • 5/5 عامر �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Jabal al-Qalaa, one of the seven mountains of the city of Amman, which was taken by the Ammonites since ancient times as their seat of rule in the city, and after them all of the Greeks, Romans and Byzantines who occupied the city respectively until the Islamic conquest in the seventh century AD, when the Umayyad palace was built on its summit. In Amman is the seat of the capital of the Ammonites. The remains of the palaces of the Ammonites are still present in it, including the walls of the walls, and the wells dug in the limestone. Also found in the castle mountain, four statues of Ammonite kings dating back to the eighth century BC. [1] There are also in the mountain castle, ruins and Roman Corinthian columns and the temple of Hercules, as well as containing Islamic monuments dating back to the Umayyad era, where the Umayyad palace there. In addition, there is the Jordan Archeology Museum at the top of the mountain that simulates the history of Jordan in general and Amman in a way that the Citadel Mountain rises about 800 meters above sea level, and it has military and strategic advantages. It was surrounded by a high and huge wall, and on it were watchtowers that were almost ten meters high. 2. The remaining ruins are spread in the castle mountain in the form of a triangular corner, and it includes a tower and a structure in the Corinthian style. And what was left of them only the foundations and some amputated columns. Recent discoveries indicate that the existing ruins date back to the Middle Bronze, Iron, Hellenistic, Roman and Umayyad periods. 3. On the castle mountain there is the Temple of Hercules (Temple of Hercules), which was built by the Roman Emperor Aurelius, and a statue of Hercules was erected at the entrance to the temple. And some inscriptions found on the site indicate that the temple was built in the years 161-166 AD. What remains of the temple is a façade made up of six huge columns. [2] 4. There are also remains of the Byzantine Church on the Citadel Mountain, dating back to the sixth century AD. 5. On the mountain of the Citadel there is the Umayyad Palace and the pool carved into the rock, a building dating back to the Umayyad period. 6. On the summit of the Citadel Mountain, there is also the Jordan Archeology Museum, which was built in 1951 AD in order to be a witness to ancient civilizations and the ancient history that the region passed through. The museum also shows the stages of the historical development that Jordan went through. The museum is one of the most important museums in the region, as its holdings consist of antiquities, some of which date back to the Paleolithic period, and others to the Roman era through the Umayyad era. In addition to the most important and most prominent historical holdings, which are a group of stone statues depicting human bodies dating back to 8000 BC. There is also the Dead Sea Scrolls, which contain the oldest texts of the Torah; Which was discovered by chance inside pottery jars in a cave northwest of the Dead Sea. The museum displays everything related to the life of ancient people in this region, through pottery vessels, statues, pictures, tools and ancient writings; Which tells stories that go back to past ages. [3] (Original) جبل القلعة أحد جبال مدينة عمّان السبعة والذي اتخذه العمونيون منذ القدم مقراً لحكمهم في المدينة، ومن بعدهم كل من اليونان والرومان والبيزنطيين الذين احتلوا المدينة على التوالي إلى أن هلّ عليها الفتح الإسلامي في القرن السابع الميلادي، حيث بني على قمته القصر الأموي.وبرز جبل القلعة في عمان مقر عاصمة العمونيين. والذي ما زالت بقايا قصور العمونيين ماثلة فيه، منها جدران الأسوار، والآبار المحفورة في الصخر الجيري. كما عثر في جبل القلعة على أربعة تماثيل لملوك العمونيين تعود إلى القرن الثامن ق.م.[1] يوجد في جبل القلعة أيضاً، آثار وأعمدة رومانية كورنثية ومعبد لهرقل، كذلك يحوي على آثار إسلامية تعود إلى العصر الأموي، حيث القصر الأموي هناك. بالإضافة لذلك يوجد متحف الآثار الأردني على قمة الجبل يحاكي تاريخ الأردن بشكل عام وعمّان بشكل يرتفع جبل القلعة حوالي 800 متراً فوق سطح البحر، وهو يتمتع بمزايا عسكرية واستراتيجية؛ حيث كان محاطاً بسور عالٍ وضخم، وكانت تقوم عليه أبراج للمراقبة والتي كانت ترتفع إلى عشرة أمتار تقريباً. 2. تنتشر الآثار المتبقية في جبل القلعة على شكل زاوية مثلثة، وتضم برجاً وهيكلاً على الطراز الكورنثي؛ والذي لم يبق منها سوى الأساسات وبعض الأعمدة المبتورة. وتدل المكتشفات الحديثة بأن الآثار الموجودة تعود إلى العصر البرونزي المتوسط والحديدي والهلينستي والروماني والأموي. 3.يوجد على جبل القلعة هيكل هرقل (معبد هرقل)، والذي بناه الإمبراطور الروماني أوريليوس، وقد نصب تمثالاً لهرقل عند مدخل الهيكل. وتدل بعض النقوش التي وجدت في الموقع بأن المعبد كان قد شيد في السنوات 161- 166م. والذي بقي من المعبد هو واجهة مكونة من ستة أعمدة ضخمة.[2] 4. وتوجد على جبل القلعة أيضاً بقايا كنيسة بيزنطية، والتي ترجع إلى القرن السادس الميلادي. 5. يوجد عل جبل القلعة القصر الأموي والبركة المنحوتة في الصخر، وهو بناء يعود إلى الفترة الأموية. 6. كما يوجد على قمة جبل القلعة متحف الآثار الأردني والذي شيد سنة 1951م لكي يكون الشاهد على حضارات قديمة والتاريخ العريق الذي مرَّ به المنطقة؛ كما يبين المتحف مراحل التطور التاريخي الذي مرَّ به الأردن. والمتحف من أهم المتاحف في المنطقة، حيث يتكون مقتنياته من الأثريات الذي يعود تاريخ بعضها إلى العصر الحجري القديم، وأخرى إلى العهد الروماني مروراً بالعهد الأموي؛ بالإضافة إلى أهم وأبرز المقتنيات التاريخية، والتي هي عبارة عن مجموعة من التماثيل الحجرية التي تصوّر أجساداً بشرية تعود إلى عام 8000 سنة قبل الميلاد. كما توجد مخطوطات البحر الميت، والتي تتضمن أقدم نصوص التوراة؛ والتي تم اكتشافها بطريق الصدفة داخل جرار فخارية في أحد كهوف شمال غرب البحر الميت. كا يعرض المتحف كل ما يتعلق بحياة الإنسان القديم في هذه المنطقة، من خلال الأواني الفخارية والتماثيل والصور والأدوات والكتابات القديمة؛ والتي تروي حكايات تعود إلى عصور ماضية.[3]
    4 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 noor al d. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) I advise everyone to visit it, a beautiful place with its monuments and nature ... it overlooks the center of the country in a charming way ... (Original) انصح الجميع بزيارته ،مكان جميل بآثاره وطبيعته .. مطل على وسط البلد بطريقة ساحرة ..
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  • 5/5 maysoon s. 2 years ago on Google
    A spot worth visiting. -There e is one Resturant Dar Nima offers breakfast -Unfortunately we arrived late so we didn’t taste its delicious pastry
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  • 5/5 Dan B. 1 year ago on Google
    What an amazing place. In most other countries it would be fenced off but here you are free to roam around it all and really get a feel for the place. The temple of Hercules has a couple of impressive columns still standing that are visible from the whole surrounding area. The hand of Hercules is big which gives an idea of how big it must have been. With the Jordan Pass it costs nothing to get in, otherwise it is 3JD for visitors. It's really worth a visit, make sure you wear a hat!
    4 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Cashflow RE Diana L. 1 month ago on Google • 819 reviews New
    we made it today. Nice place with city view & plenty ruins with some descriptions to learn the history.
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  • 5/5 yousef i. 3 years ago on Google
    What a great historical place to visit. Let’s start about his historical value as it’s include a lot of history and stories behind every stone in that land “im not telling information to keep the exciting for first visit” The view for Amman city unbelievable I couldn’t describe how beautiful it’s, you should see by yourself. The place is very clean that’s respect fro people behind , parking are available and entrance fees is nothing compare with the experience
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 بانه �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) An archaeological and historical site Beauty, history and civilizations are all reduced to the castle mountain, so the passage of many different civilizations over this place, from the Umayyads to the Abbasids to the Fatimids and the Ayyubid and others, in addition to the site's heritage and a great aesthetic The "castle mountain" is located at an altitude of 800 meters above sea level in the remains of the Temple of Hercules, and the remains of the Byzantine Church, which dates back to the sixth century, and on the top of the mountain there is the Umayyad Palace, and inside it is a museum containing many sculptures and ancient and historical artifacts And the beauty of the view from which you can see all of - the center of the country - is the perfect beauty for me It will be a distinct and enjoyable trip that you can take in Jordan -It has a car park 🚗 - It contains a small café ☕ "but it is closed due to the preventive measures for Corona" Prices are $ and opening dates: pictures are available (Original) موقع اثري وتاريخي📍 الجمالُ والتاريخ والحضارات كلها مختزله داخل جبل القلعة، فمرور الكثير من الحضارات المختلفة على هذا المكان من الأموية الى العباسية الى الفاطمية والأيوبية وغيرها، اضفا للموقع عراقة وجمالية عظيمة "جبل القلعة" موجود على إرتفاع ٨٠٠ متر عن سطح البحر في بقايا من معبد هرقل، وبقايا من الكنيسة البيزنطية والتي تعود للقرن السادس، وعلى أعلى قمه الجبل هناك القصر الأموي، وفي داخله متحف يحتوي على العديد من المنحوتات والقطع الاثرية العريقة والتاريخة ⏳ وجمال المطل الذي تسطيع ان ترى منه كل -وسط البلد- هو الجمال الكامل بالنسبة لي 🌄 ستكون رحلة مميزة وممتعة يمكن أن تخضها داخل الاردن 🌍 -يحتوي على موقف سيارات 🚗 - يحتوي على مقهى صغير ☕ "لكنه مغلق بسبب الإجراءات الوقائية لكورونا" الاسعار$ ومواعد الافتتاح : موجودة بالصور
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Yaseen A. 2 years ago on Google
    One of the oldest site in the city of Amman close to downtown. Going here you can get a view of the new city and the old city. Lots of historical archaeological sites here dating back to the time of the romans. Coming here before sunset will have a better view and change in scene. Also hearing the call of prayer of across the city is meaningful.
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Khaled Al H. 1 year ago on Google
    This is a nice tourist place in the heart of Amman, and it can be easily accessed within 15 mins if you are around the city. You can spend 2-4 hours wandering around the ancient ruins and visiting the museum, the view is spectacular as you have 360 degrees over the old city. There’s a nice restaurant there serving authentic food and drinks, and there’s also a convenience store at the entrance selling snacks, drinks and souvenirs. Public restrooms are just next the store. Buses and car parking is available in front of the place free of charge. There are guided tours if you wish to know everything about the place in main languages.
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Adnan A. 1 year ago on Google
    One of the most beautiful places to visit in gorgeous old city of Amman. The main attraction is the incomplete Roman temple of Hercules. We visited this during sunset and were in awe of this place. It’s located on a hilltop from where you can see the whole of Amman. Also the tall Jordanian flag 🇯🇴 which is an attraction in itself. There’s a parking at the site and also a restaurant which has great views. This is a Must visit attraction for tourists in Amman. Don’t miss it !!!
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Josef W. 1 year ago on Google
    Highly recommended to visit. This place is probably the best thing that you can see in Amman. Nice archaeological area with great viewpoints on city. There is a lot of space and during non season visit you meet only a few people. On every important location you can find information board with description in English, so you don't need guide. And if you have Jordan Pass, the entry is free (included), of course. Enjoy your time. (visited: January 2023)
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Enis O. 8 months ago on Google
    An amazing historic place to visit in Amman. You will definitely enjoy it. A breathtaking view of the capital. It is quite hot in this time of year so refresh yourself with lots of water. The entrance fee is 3 JOD. If you prefer, you can easily arrange the private tour in the complex. Everything started here. I came during the day where not so many people inside, but I was advised later to come here before the sunset and enjoy it. There is an archaeological museum inside you should also check. A truly must visit place!
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Eva S. 1 month ago on Google • 10 reviews New
    It’s like traveling through time, seeing what civilizations before us have achieved! It’s a really great place to visit if you’re in Amman but you have to take into consideration the prices of the tickets vary if you’re a foreigner, as for the Jordanien the ticket will cost 25 Qiresh(0.25 dinar) but if you’re a foreigner the ticket will cost you around 5 dinar.
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 PM V. 4 years ago on Google
    Worth a visit. Amman is situated on top of a hill and commands dominating view of large areas all around. Specifically constructed 'view point' with protective railing gives fantastic view of Amman City spread out below and across the valley all along the slopes of neighboring hills. From the large stone structures erected near the entry gate with information about occupancy of the citadel site, it appears that the site has been in continuous occupation since 5500 BC, Neolithic age till the present day. A period of more than 7500 Years. The hill is dotted with archaeological sites. Mute testimony to the various empires, rulers and kings who have left their imprint in the form of buildings and structures on the citadel. All these sites have become tourist attractions in their own right. We did not see all of them. The ones which we saw were Temple of Hercules Umayyad Audience Hall and Throne room. Open Cistern, Though not an archaeological site yet another attraction visited by us was Jordan Archaeological Museum. Over all experience at Amman citadel was Good. Time well spent.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Lubna M. 3 years ago on Google
    I can say that as a Jordanian I am ashamed that I never went to Amman Citadel before.. it's just amazing, wonderful and magical.. there's a museum, a temple, a church and an Uhmmayad small castle.. it's def a place to visit.. the entry fees for Jordanians is 0.25 cents, and for foreigners around 5 USD
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 عبدالكريم �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Jabal al-Qalaa, one of the seven mountains of the city of Amman, which was taken by the Ammonites since ancient times as the seat of their rule in the city, and after them all of the Greeks, Romans and Byzantines who occupied the city respectively until the Islamic conquest in the seventh century AD, when the Umayyad palace was built on its summit. A prominent mountain castle in Amman, the seat of the capital of the Ammonites. The remains of the palaces of the Ammonites are still present in it, including the walls of the walls, and the wells dug in the limestone. Also found in the castle mountain, four statues of Ammonite kings dating back to the eighth century BC. [1] There are also in the mountain castle, ruins and Roman Corinthian columns and the temple of Hercules, as well as containing Islamic monuments dating back to the Umayyad era, where the Umayyad palace there. In addition, there is the Jordan Archeology Museum on top of the mountain simulating the history of Jordan in general and Amman in particular. (Original) جبل القلعة أحد جبال مدينة عمّان السبعة والذي اتخذه العمونيون منذ القدم مقراً لحكمهم في المدينة، ومن بعدهم كل من اليونان والرومان والبيزنطيين الذين احتلوا المدينة على التوالي إلى أن هلّ عليها الفتح الإسلامي في القرن السابع الميلادي، حيث بني على قمته القصر الأموي. وبرز جبل القلعة في عمان مقر عاصمة العمونيين. والذي ما زالت بقايا قصور العمونيين ماثلة فيه، منها جدران الأسوار، والآبار المحفورة في الصخر الجيري. كما عثر في جبل القلعة على أربعة تماثيل لملوك العمونيين تعود إلى القرن الثامن ق.م.[1] يوجد في جبل القلعة أيضاً، آثار وأعمدة رومانية كورنثية ومعبد لهرقل، كذلك يحوي على آثار إسلامية تعود إلى العصر الأموي، حيث القصر الأموي هناك. بالإضافة لذلك يوجد متحف الآثار الأردني على قمة الجبل يحاكي تاريخ الأردن بشكل عام وعمّان بشكل خاص.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Mona N. 3 years ago on Google
    I was amazed this morning with the beauty of this place i went before but this time it was waaay better than ever.. its clean quite huge and the view from each spot is a diffrent story..
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Laas 2 years ago on Google
    The view was amazing. Beautiful monuments dated from the Romain century. There is one entrance at south eastern side of the attraction. Take your time here and enjoy
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Alexandra T. 2 years ago on Google
    Amazing place to visit. We spend the entire morning there, enjoying the good weather and mostly the view! There’s a very interesting museum with antique objects. A must to see when in Amman.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Erik S. 2 years ago on Google
    Amazing 🤩 site to see!!!! The nice walk and gorgeous 360 degree view of the city makes it alone with the visit. But on top of that you get to see incredible ancient ruins. All for just three JD too! I recommend coming here at sunset so you get the view of everything in the day and the night. Beautiful at both times. I highly recommend you visit this spot. Enjoy
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Marta M. 1 year ago on Google
    The citadel is not big, it took us around an hour to see all the ruins and there is a small museum at the top. Located on the hill it offers great vistas of Amman. From here you can easily spot the Roman amphitheater below and one of the world's longest flags. We wisited during noon and there wasn't much shade on the site so wear a hat, bring water with you and protect your skin. At the entrance you can find a small cafe/shop with refreshments and a toilet nearby.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 Etienne P. 1 year ago on Google
    It's a nice view from the top of the mountain, where you can enjoy Amman and the Amphitheatre. Inside you will find an interesting measure with treasures going back to 10.000 BC. It's nice to just walk around and enjoy where the humanity did started and where we are right now. It makes you reflect a lot. The Jordan Pass works here.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Ahmad M. B. 1 year ago on Google
    A beautiful archaeological site in the heart of Amman.. well maintained, clean and neat! Best time to visit: right before the sun sets!
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Ales T. 8 months ago on Google
    Oh man this is my favorite spot in the whole city. I love the view from the top of the hill and watch what is happening around the city. This place is quite big so you can definitely find your apace where to enjoy it in peace. There are also facilities like on the other touristic places. Thank you🤩
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 Rahul B. 7 months ago on Google
    A great place to visit. The views were amazing from the top. The museum was pretty informative and worth a visit especially for a welcome break from the heat. Drink plenty of water. There is parking and toilets. Cafe is located at the entry. The Jordan pass will get stamped at the ticket booth for free entry.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Arnab G. 7 months ago on Google
    In addition to the spectacular remnants of the land's rich history, the Amman Citadel overlooks remains of the amphitheatre and also offers a spectacular panoramic view of the city and the terrain. For history enthusiasts and those with a thirst for knowledge who want to know more about the place, there are certified tour guides who can be engaged for a nominal fee. If you go during the daytime, wearing a hat is recommended. While the weather is generally amazing (unless it's mid-summer, of course) it does get quite sunny.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 Snigdha S. 6 months ago on Google
    Beautiful site packed with history! Glad to have visited the site. It also gives a Panasonic view of the entire Amman City. We didn’t have enough time to visit the Roman amphitheatre but we’re glad to have a good sighting of it through the Citadel.. Be sure to visit with good sun protection if visiting during the day.. it can get really sunny!
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Thanos G. 6 months ago on Google
    After leaving the theatre, you can walk up to the hill by using the stairs, just look at the signs or ask the locals. Again, it is free for Jordan pass holders. There is a very interesting museum, a mosque and a coffee shop at the entrance and toilets. A fantastic view to town. Not recommended to wheelchair.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Wei Jie T. 3 months ago on Google • 172 reviews New
    It costs 3JD for tourists. The views up here is spectacular and there's also a simple archaeological museum that you can visit. It closes around 5.30pm during winter.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Sam N. 3 years ago on Google
    Amazing place, go early in the morning or for the sunset, and I you can, bring your stuff for a memorable picnic. There's lots of places to explore around, its totally worthy.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Ghazi Al j. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Jabal Al Qalaa is one of the most attractive areas for tourists in Oman, both on the external and internal levels. One of the main celebrations that took place at the Jordan Festival, it is one of the main festivals of the Jordan Festival, due to its location overlooking most areas of the capital Amman - especially downtown, where the area will be linked to the Roman amphitheater through a light rail (ground train) That will be allocated to transport tourists from the Roman amphitheater area to the castle mountain and vice versa. (Original) يعد جبل القلعة من أكثر المناطق جذباً للسياح في عمان، سواءً على المستوى الخارجي أو الداخلي. وتقام على أكتافه الحفلات الموسيقية، حيث يعتبر أحد أماكن الاحتفال الرئيسية التي حدثت في مهرجان الأردن، نظراً لموقعه المطل على معظم مناطق العاصمة عمان- وخاصةً وسط البلد، حيث سيتم ربط المنطقة بالمدرج الروماني من خلال سكة قطار خفيفة (قطار أرضي) أو ما يعرف بالعربة التي سيتم تخصيصها لنقل السياح من منطقة المدرج الروماني إلى جبل القلعة وبالعكس.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Ashrafjordan A. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Castle Mountain (Original) جبل القلعة
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Burim S. 3 years ago on Google
    Very interesting and quite place.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 Talal S. 3 years ago on Google
    Great location with amazing views. Really a nice day trip. My only two problems with it are that it closes before sunset, and no activities are held in it, or like a small higher quality cafe that can be enjoyed during the day and during the evening as well. It could be very nice to go for a coffee with the family or girlfriend there. We went today at 6:30 before it closes, and the sunset views are incredible!
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 NitaBC 4 years ago on Google
    This Citadel is really worth visiting.You will marvel at the fact that it lies at the heart of the city and has been inhabited continuously since the Bronze Age. It lies on the summit of the highest of the seven Hills for which Amman is famous. The view from the Citadel is just fantastic. The Roman Amphitheatre is also visible from here. We spent hours taking in the view, as we were lucky to have been there on a clear sunny day. There is a church, a mosque and of course the famous Roman temple of Hercules. You will also enjoy walking though the ruins and taking numerous pictures. There is a small museum, which can be accessed for a fee. Though small, it is remarkably informative. There is also a cafeteria that serves snacks and coffee. Taxis are always available outside, so if you are a tourist, and not part of a tour group, you will not have transportation problems.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Leonardo Z. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Very nice visit. We went uber and without a guide or tour. The tourist attraction has several explanatory signs. Worth the visit. (Original) Muito bacana a visita. Fomos de uber e sem guia ou tour. A atração turística tem várias placas explicativas. Vale muito a visita.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Duha A. 3 years ago on Google
    It's amazing place in the heart of the city, but it needs cafeteria or market.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Hamza2017 2 years ago on Google
    It's very amazing for people who are lovers of archaeology or history. The Temple of Hercules was Very tall. Umayyad Moswue was big. Several graveyards and caves. The Byzantine Church was broken down, but interesting. The famous Roman Theatre was visible. Recommended to visit.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 qalsayed 2 years ago on Google
    Just amazing place , very clean , highly recommended, we had very enjoyable experience
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Issa 2 years ago on Google
    This place should be in your travel must visit ,very nice view , The Citadel is considered an important site because it has had a long history of occupation by many great civilizations.Most of the buildings still visible at the site are from the Roman, Byzantine, and Umayyad periods.The major buildings at the site are the Temple of Hercules, a Byzantine church, and the Umayyad Palace. The Jordan Archaeological Museum was built on the hill in 1951.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 Riyad E. 2 years ago on Google
    Nice historical place to visit with the family Located at the center of Amman City and on the top of mountain offering a great view for old/ new Amman city parts 1- Taxi can reach there 2 - well organised 3 - there is a photographer & assistant/guidance if you would like to join you during your walk (not free of charge) 4 - a small market Is available at the entrance offering water soft drinks ... as well as bathrooms. 5 - many spots during your walk I do recommend to visit this place afternoon ☺ Take with you good camera because you are going to take plenty of photos 📷😉 Hopefully that one day this place will offer a golf car for old people and children
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Feras H. 2 years ago on Google
    A must see historical site in Amman. Tour guides available on site and ask for a very fair fee. Entrance is also cheap.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Kata P. 2 years ago on Google
    Wonderful human creature. Such an amazing historical place. Take your time here even up to 1-2 hours. Including to visit the museum inside.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 Ted E. 1 year ago on Google
    The Amman Citadel is high on the hill in Amman. Ruins from different periods are scattered around. We wanted to come to take a photos and to see the Hercules hand which we had seen in photos on Instagram. It looks gigantic! Come to find it’s all a matter of perspective. It’s actually about the size of a beach ball. Jordan pass is accepted. The bathrooms are by the entrance and are clean enough. The entire place is not that big and can be seen in around an hour.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Dina Q. 1 year ago on Google
    The view is just fascinating, you can see they'd and new part of Amman. You need around 2 hours there if you want to walk around, check the museum and enjoy the breathtaking view Check the nearby coffee house for breakfast or an evening coffee with the beautiful night lights of Amman it's called Dar ne'meh.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Husain H. 1 year ago on Google
    The most important historical site in Amman. It's absolutely necessary to visit this location during your time here. I saw couples posing for wedding photos, tourists enjoying the panoramic view of the city, locals stopping by for a stroll. You can quite easily spend the whole day here in reflection. The views of the city are absolutely breathtaking. There is a well-curated museum on site and it's a nice way to get some shade and learn a little more about Jordan's history. Highly recommended.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Elias H. 1 year ago on Google
    An absolutely stunning attraction. The combination of civilizations and unique architecture is spectacular. You must visit if you’re in Amman. Go at sunset for an especially memorable view. Also a great cafe at the top.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Allen L. 1 year ago on Google
    Without a doubt the best attraction in Amman. Temple of Hercules, a small museum, a beautiful view of the city all in one. I recommend coming here near sunset as the sky will be red and the sunlight will shine on the houses in the city. Also know that Jordan pass gives you free entry here and the orange juice at the cafe is better than most.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 Simon K. 1 year ago on Google
    Lovely place and quite big. Easily accessible by taxi. If you’re going to walk then there’s a steep hill to get up to it. Taxi drivers that hang out here may try and trick you into paying a lot of money for a taxi back. If so, call an Uber. The place itself is quite large with lots to see and some clear signage but not a lot and some signs have faded or are broken. Some parts are in good condition but, as with many ruins in Jordan, it could do with more investment to bring it up to a good standard. Much more could be done here to understand and restore it but what’s here is good. The museum is small and worth a look but nothing incredibly impressive here. Beautiful views of the city and the theatre. Bring water if it’s a hot day. Overall I’d recommend it - an interesting place with a lot of history, nice ruins and great views.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 HH 1 year ago on Google
    A must visit. Often ignored for Petra and other places, but this is surely a top tourist attraction. You will get to see a nice view of Amman
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Louai 9 months ago on Google
    ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ The Amman Citadel is an absolute marvel, and visiting it was an incredible journey through time! This historical site in the heart of Amman, Jordan, left me completely captivated with its rich history and breathtaking views. Perched atop Jabal al-Qala'a, the Amman Citadel offers panoramic vistas of the city that are truly awe-inspiring. The view alone is worth the visit, allowing you to appreciate the modernity of Amman while surrounded by ancient ruins that date back thousands of years. Exploring the Citadel's ruins is like stepping into a living history book. From the fascinating remnants of various civilizations, including the Roman, Byzantine, and Umayyad periods, to the majestic Temple of Hercules and the impressive Umayyad Palace, every corner holds stories waiting to be discovered. I was particularly fascinated by the Archaeological Museum, which houses a remarkable collection of artifacts, sculptures, and pottery, shedding light on the region's rich cultural heritage. The site is thoughtfully maintained, and the information boards provide valuable insights into the significance of each structure and era. The knowledgeable guides are eager to share their expertise, making the experience even more rewarding. Whether you are a history enthusiast or just curious about the past, the Amman Citadel promises an unforgettable journey. It's a must-visit destination in Jordan that offers a perfect blend of historical significance, architectural marvels, and breathtaking views. A five-star experience without a doubt!
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 ‫الحَلاج �. 8 months ago on Google
    Astonishing views on downtown, the old city and an exceptional angle of the roman theater. Great architectural details and a nice informative museum with super interesting old sculptures and crafts some dates to more than 100 thousand years… Friendly staff and security guys and a nice path to walk around with spots to rest. Not sure about the price for foreigners but it’s definitely included in the jordan-pass. *no wheelchair access unfortunately
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 3/5 Vladimir M. 4 months ago on Google
    One of the main historical places in Amman. Interesting but not in very good shape. Good and safe place to make beautiful images of Amman city and Amman Theater. Jordan pass is valid to access this spot for free.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Majid H. 3 months ago on Google New
    This was good place. It is open and has a lot to see. This is great to see the history of Amman. The museum is free. For western foreigners you will find a lot of trash for historical place.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 Fredric J. 1 month ago on Google • 110 reviews New
    The citadel was a miss for me. They have a policy where you have to be there, buy the ticket, then enter an hour before the Amman Citadel will close. I arrived 15-minutes late and just got a glimpse outside before sunset. It has a great view outside the gates anyway. Please remember to come early and don’t miss the opportunity to visit this historic piece in Jordan.

  • 4/5 Havinfun L. 4 months ago on Google • 14 reviews
    It was windy when I went. The view of the city was beautiful. It helped that I had a guide to explain the history and significance to everything. You can climb on and walk through everything. There is also a small museum at the top. I learned quite a bit. I'm curious how the people destroyed the statutes at any of the locations a long time ago, though. Nobody will talk about it, but I want to know if there was like a celebration or anger. It would be nice to place myself back in time. It's very fascinating.

  • 5/5 ffygvhh K. 3 years ago on Google
    It's very beautiful and older.

  • 5/5 nidal a. 3 years ago on Google
    It is one of the most important historical place to see when you visit Amman .

  • 5/5 Saifeddin Q. 4 years ago on Google
    One of the best places in Amman. Mixed with Roman and Islamic sites like the Temple of Hercules and the Mosque, also there is a museum with many things from different ages, and for sure a very nice view on the Roman Theatre and the down town. Car parkings are available for free. Highly recommended.

  • 5/5 Nazli E. 3 years ago on Google
    It’s impressive view and history. I suggest to go there at sunset & sunrise. 👌✨

  • 5/5 Hanna A. 4 years ago on Google
    The Amman Citadel is a historical site at the center of downtown Amman, the capital of Jordan. The L-shaped hill is one of the seven hills that originally made up Amman. Evidence of occupation since the pottery Neolithic period has been found and the hill was fortified during the Bronze Age. Wikipedia The Citadel is worth visiting, the scenery is great. Lots to see and learn. Great ancient Roman ruins and the museum although fairly small is really interesting. A beautiful place that shows the rich history of Jordan. If you are visiting Amman - Jordan...A visit to this place is highly recommended. More photos will be uploaded soon.

  • 5/5 Crissi B. 4 years ago on Google
    For a few JD, you get a wonderful glance into history and beautiful views of the city. (Also included in Jordan Pass.) Several stunning structures, lots of explanations on plaques (in English, too) and a very cool vibe overall. Definitely worth making the trek. Just be careful outside if you want a ride back down the hill; the taxis will *severely* overcharge tourists. It shouldn't cost more than a few JD.

  • 5/5 Dil P. 3 years ago on Google
    I came from Nepal to see it, It was historic place. Great place.

  • 4/5 hassan s. 3 years ago on Google
    مكان جميل وله قيمة أثرية عالية يستحق تكرار الزيارة مرات عديدة

  • 5/5 ايمن �. 3 years ago on Google
    مكان عمره آلاف السنين مرتفع ومطل يصلح للتأمل. التفكر بالإضافة انه هادىء وجميل

  • 5/5 Saef R. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) fantastic place (Original) مكان رائع

  • 5/5 حمود �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Sweet place (Original) مكان حلو

  • 5/5 abdalla I. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Excellent (Original) ممتاز

  • 5/5 Dorinha F. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Beautiful! (Original) Linda!

  • 5/5 ammar A. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) A place worth visiting always (Original) مكان يستحق الزيارة دائما

  • 3/5 Bara A. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Entrance is a quarter of a dinar .. Overlooking old Amman ... The view is magical at sunset (Original) الدخوليه ربع دينار .. مطل على عمان القديمه ... المنظر ساحر عند الغروب

  • 5/5 مالك �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Fantastic ambiance Cleanliness in everything (Original) اجواء خيالية نظافه في كل شيء

  • 5/5 Omar B. 3 years ago on Google
    A worth to visit historical site. Admission is JD 3 pp for foreigners and .5 JD for Jordanians. Site is well prepared for disabled people also with an accessible parking lot.

  • 5/5 abode a. 3 years ago on Google
    The castle is very beautiful and wonderful in roman style design and is located on top of a mountain and can take beautiful photographs especially at sunset very much I liked the place I wish to visit again 👍❤️

  • 5/5 Nana D. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) It is more wonderful, especially if it is accompanied by a loved one (Original) اكثررررر من رائعه خاصه اذا كانت برفقه احد محبب للقلب

  • 5/5 قصي ابو �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Wonderful (Original) رائع

  • 4/5 Yousef Abu H. 3 years ago on Google
    Nise please

  • 5/5 Issa C. 3 years ago on Google
    Nice 👌

  • 4/5 Abed al-fatah M. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Historical place with Roman and Islamic antiquities and the general condition of the antiquities is good (Original) مكان تاريخي به اثار رومانيه واسلاميه والحاله العامه للاثار جيده

  • 5/5 Mohammad M. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) very wonderful (Original) رائعة جدا

  • 5/5 serenity v. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) The look is a fantasy (Original) الاطلاله خيال

  • 5/5 Neven E. 3 years ago on Google
    That is wonderful place with wonderfull view.

  • 4/5 tamer t. 3 years ago on Google
    Very nice view from there

  • 5/5 محمود �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) tourism (Original) سياحة

  • 5/5 Fi D. 3 years ago on Google
    Very nice place

  • 4/5 مش انا �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Good place for walks and great panoramic view (Original) مكان جيد للتنزه و منظر بانوراما رائع

  • 2/5 Mohammad S. 3 years ago on Google
    مطل جميل غروب عظيم مواقف السيارات و المركبات جيده خدمه والنظافه متوسطه

  • 3/5 Jehan N. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) C (Original) ج

  • 5/5 مريم ابو �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) The sweetest place (Original) أحلى مكان

  • 1/5 mousa s. 3 years ago on Google
    ناقصها نظافه بسبب الناس

  • 2/5 omar h. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) There are no services, just stones without vitality (Original) لا يوجد خدمات مجرد حجار بدون حيويه

  • 1/5 عايش �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) The scar (Original) خرا

  • 5/5 Elia R. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) A charming and special place (Original) مكان ساحر ومميز

  • 5/5 Kariman B. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Beautiful (Original) جميلة

  • 4/5 Logman B. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) A Roman castle in Jabal Amman, next to Jabal Al-Hussein, overlooks and its height has a wonderful view (Original) قلعة رومانيه في جبل عمان بجانب جبل الحسين مطله ومرتفعه ذات منظر خلاب

  • 5/5 Asrar M. 3 years ago on Google
    Historical, wonderful views, very clean bathrooms

  • 5/5 Ahmad A. 3 years ago on Google
    Place you can enjoy the view, in the middle of Amman

  • 5/5 talal j. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) nice place (Original) مكان جميل

  • 5/5 احمد �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) The castle mountain is very cool (Original) جبل القلعة رائع جدا

  • 5/5 الأستاذ أحمد الطويسي - �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) What time does the place close? (Original) اي ساعة يغلق المكان ؟

  • 5/5 بدر علي قطيان �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) It is the legacy of the past (Original) انه عراقة الماضي

  • 5/5 NABEEL G. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) A very beautiful place (Original) مكان جدا جميل

  • 5/5 عبد القادر �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) magnificence (Original) روعه

  • 5/5 Esmael A. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Ancient historical landmark (Original) معلم تاريخي عريق

  • 5/5 PRAVEEN J. 3 years ago on Google

  • 5/5 968 L. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) A tourist and archaeological Roman Islamic place that passed through eras of times and many civilizations attract the visitor from the awesomeness of how harmonious and beautiful engineering dazzles the visitor. (Original) مكان سياحي واثري روماني اسلامي مر عليه حقب من الازمنه والكثير من الحضارات يجذ الزائر من الوهله عن كيفية الهندسه المتناسقه والجميله تبهر الزائر شيدة على احد الجبال السبعه التي امتلت بالاحياء والمساكن ومنه ترى المدرج الروماني والمسجد الكبير والمناظر الخلابه التي تجعل الزائر مبهور

  • 5/5 Test A. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Of course, a place full of ancient antiquity heritage from Islam and other places there is information, places and stories ... and this place was published on my channel ... (Original) طبعا مكان مليئ من التراث العصور القديم من اسلام وغيرها توجد معلومات وامكان واقصص ... وتم نشره على قناتي هذا المكان ...

  • 5/5 Rawan N. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) The place is very nice looking and clean (Original) المكان جدا جميل كاطلالة ونظيف

  • 5/5 Jehad A. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) A very very beautiful place and wonderful ancient ruins from the days of the Romans (Original) مكان جميل جداً جداً ورائع آثار قديمة من أيام الرومان

  • 2/5 شمس �. 3 years ago on Google
    Not good

  • 4/5 yousef h. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) An ordinary and beautiful antique place (Original) مكان اثري عادي وجميل

  • 3/5 يحيى �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) A place with great views ... I recommend everyone to visit it (Original) مكان ذو اطلاله رائعة... انصح الجميع بزيارته

  • 5/5 hamzeh m. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) A famous archaeological site and one of the Roman landmarks in Jordan, so it is a must to visit it (Original) موقع اثري مشهور وهو من المعالم الرومانيه في الاردن لذا يجب زيارته

  • 2/5 Mohammed G. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Historic place but underserved (Original) مكان تاريخي لكن يفتقر إلى الخدمات

  • 4/5 علي �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Good, it's okay (Original) جيد لا بأس

  • 5/5 محمد منصور �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) nice place (Original) مكان جميل

  • 5/5 زكريا �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) An archaeological and beautiful place with a history (Original) مكان أثري وجميل وله تاريخ

  • 4/5 Sam H. 3 years ago on Google
    To the old part of your live

  • 5/5 Adam J. 3 years ago on Google
    I love castle

  • 4/5 Yahya D. 3 years ago on Google
    Good place

  • 5/5 Rana A. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Beautiful (Original) جميله

  • 5/5 soud a. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) magnificence (Original) روعه

  • 5/5 عبد العزيز �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) fantastic place (Original) مكان رائع

  • 5/5 Ahmad Al K. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) A place worth visiting (Original) مكان يستحق الزياره

  • 5/5 محمد �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Very beautiful atmosphere ♥ (Original) اجواء جميله جداً ♥

  • 5/5 Fuad S. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) His case and date. It has an unforgettable station in my life (Original) حظاره وتاريخ. لها محطه في حياتي لاتنسى

  • 5/5 Sallam A. 3 years ago on Google
    Best place in amman

  • 5/5 Lary H. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Beautiful and cool atmosphere that takes you back to my childhood time (Original) أجواء جميلة وباردة تعود بك إلى زمن طفولي

  • 5/5 Imri Y. 3 years ago on Google
    Wanted a cheese steak at 3am so I drove into Philly but the stores were closed (blue laws?) so I ate street falafel and enjoyed this beautiful citadel view instead. Philadelphia 5/5

  • 5/5 Aseer A. 3 years ago on Google

  • 5/5 TrueMarkets3D 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Jabal al-Qalaa, one of the seven mountains of the city of Amman, which was taken by the Ammonites since ancient times as the seat of their rule in the city, and after them all of the Greeks, Romans and Byzantines who occupied the city respectively until the Islamic conquest in the seventh century AD, when the Umayyad palace was built on its summit. Temple of Hercules. A prominent mountain castle in Amman, the seat of the capital of the Ammonites. The remains of the palaces of the Ammonites are still present in it, including the walls of the walls, and the wells dug in the limestone. Also found in the castle mountain, four statues of Ammonite kings dating back to the eighth century BC. There are also in the mountain castle, ruins and Roman Corinthian columns and the temple of Hercules, as well as containing Islamic monuments dating back to the Umayyad era, where the Umayyad palace there. In addition, there is the Jordan Archeology Museum on top of the mountain simulating the history of Jordan in general and Amman in particular. The site was photographed in 360 technology by the Real Market 3D Imaging Company. TrueMarkets3D (Original) جبل القلعة أحد جبال مدينة عمّان السبعة والذي اتخذه العمونيون منذ القدم مقراً لحكمهم في المدينة، ومن بعدهم كل من اليونان والرومان والبيزنطيين الذين احتلوا المدينة على التوالي إلى أن هلّ عليها الفتح الإسلامي في القرن السابع الميلادي، حيث بني على قمته القصر الأموي. معبد هرقل. وبرز جبل القلعة في عمان مقر عاصمة العمونيين. والذي ما زالت بقايا قصور العمونيين ماثلة فيه، منها جدران الأسوار، والآبار المحفورة في الصخر الجيري. كما عثر في جبل القلعة على أربعة تماثيل لملوك العمونيين تعود إلى القرن الثامن ق.م. يوجد في جبل القلعة أيضاً، آثار وأعمدة رومانية كورنثية ومعبد لهرقل، كذلك يحوي على آثار إسلامية تعود إلى العصر الأموي، حيث القصر الأموي هناك. بالإضافة لذلك يوجد متحف الآثار الأردني على قمة الجبل يحاكي تاريخ الأردن بشكل عام وعمّان بشكل خاص. تم تصوير الموقع بتقنية ال 360 من قبل شركة الأسواق الحقيقية للتصوير الثلاثي الأبعاد.. TrueMarkets3D

  • 5/5 منوعات �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Nice (Original) جميل

  • 4/5 shaker abu m. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) A wonderful archeological landmark worth a visit (Original) معلم إثري رائع يستحق الزياره

  • 5/5 Francesca 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) An extremely important archaeological site due to the role it had during its long history, with the various occupations by many great civilizations. Thanks to the pottery found there is evidence of its occupation even from the Neolithic; but you can also visit Roman, Byzantine, Umayyad structures, etc. The site being on a hill also offers a nice 360 ​​° overview of the city. (Original) Sito archeologico importantissimo per il ruolo avuto durante la sua lunga storia, con le varie occupazioni da parte di molte grandi civiltà. Grazie alle ceramice ritrovate si ha un'evidenza della sua occupazione addirittura dal neolitico; ma si possono visitare anche strutture romane, bizantine, omayyade, ecc. Il sito essendo su di una collina offre anche una bella panoramica a 360° della città.

  • 5/5 nano Q. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) very cold (Original) باردة جدا

  • 5/5 Mohammad Q. 3 years ago on Google
    At the heart of Amman. A lot of history can be seen there as far in the past as the bronze age ❤️❤️

  • 5/5 Mohammad Khair O. 3 years ago on Google
    It's a historical place which should be visited by all people from all over the world. It is in the heart of the capital Amman where you can view the Roman amphitheatre which is also a historical place but the Citadel has a panoramic view over Amman where you can see most of the downtown and mountains of Ammm. Also the weather in the Citadel is mild in summer where people can have fresh air especially in the hot summer nights. While in winter the weather is very nice in the daytime. So the Amman Citadel is worth visiting in all seasons of the year. The ministry of antiquities has taken care of this place by making the necessary restorations to the place and made it worth visiting and seeing. I strongly recommend visiting the Amman Citadel in the first opportunity you can go there to enjoy the experience of watching downtown of Amman and the Roman amphitheatre as if you are looking from the sky . It's an amazing astonishing experience which will be unforgettable in the whole of your life. I believe that when you visit the Amman Citadel, you will wish to visit it so many times in different times of the day and night and in different times of the year. Enjoy yourself.

  • 5/5 Anthony R. 3 years ago on Google
    This place deserves a visit

  • 5/5 Bryan C. 3 years ago on Google
    A remarkable place to visit! The views of the city from the grounds are beautiful. The history is extremely interesting and a guide that is able to convey the significants of the ruins is must.

  • 5/5 Anwar H. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Very cool and always beautiful. History tells about itself when there are landmarks (Original) رائع جداً وجميل التاريخ دائما هو يحكي عن نفسه عندما يكون هناك معالم

  • 5/5 Batool Z. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) View of Oman and downtown (Original) اطلالة على عمان ووسط البلد

  • 5/5 Andreea-Daniela C. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) I liked the view the most. From there I could see a large part of Amman, with the beauty of the places (Original) Cel mai mult mi-a plăcut priveliștea. De acolo am putut să văd o mare parte din Amman, cu frumusețea locurilor

  • 5/5 خديجه �. 3 years ago on Google
    That's amazing place

  • 5/5 Khetam A. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) One of the most beautiful areas of Amman (Original) من أجمل مناطق عمان

  • 4/5 Hussein S. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) fantastic place (Original) مكان رائع

  • 4/5 jihad a. 3 years ago on Google
    It is my home land

  • 5/5 Hatem H. 3 years ago on Google
    Love the view

  • 5/5 Ibrahim A. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) It's a good place (Original) Det är bra ställe

  • 5/5 Osama A. 3 years ago on Google
    Great historical place

  • 5/5 Khaled S. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) excellent (Original) ممتاز جدا

  • 5/5 khaled m. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Excellent (Original) ممتاز

  • 5/5 Lubna K. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) From the love of places to my heart and I wish people astray, keeping them clean and so on, because it is a place that explains the heart القلب (Original) من احب الاماكن الى قلبي و يا ريت الناس اضلها محافظين عليها من نظافة و ما الى ذلك لانه مكان بيشرح القلب ❤️

  • 5/5 محمد �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Amman Citadel is a historical landmark that talks about four periods of time according to my observation Byzantine Romanian Umayyad Ottoman The castle has a museum that simulates these periods, in addition to the fact that the castle overlooks the Roman amphitheater in the center of the beloved capital Amman, and large parts of the capital, and the castle enjoys its height on a hill of Amman, which distinguishes it with fresh air. I advise everyone to visit it, and the entrance fee for Jordanians is symbolic, and it is a quarter of a dinar per person. Greetings 🌴 Abu Ghassan Abdel Aal (Original) قلعة 🏰 عمّان معلم تاريخي يتحدث عن أربعة حُقب زمنية حسب مشاهدتي وهي البيزنطيه الرومانية الأمويه العثمانية وفي القلعة متحف يحاكي هذه الحقب، بالإضافة إلى أن القلعة تطل على المدرج الروماني في وسط العاصمة الحبيبة عمان، وعلى أجزاء كبيرة من العاصمة، وتتمتع القلعة بارتفاعها على تله من تلال عمان مما يميزها بالهواء النقي، انصح الجميع بزيارتها، ورسوم الدخول للاردنيين رمزية وهي ربع دينار للفرد، تحياتى 🌴 ابو غسان عبد العال

  • 4/5 Soha R. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Beautiful, in which a detailed explanation of the history of the region (Original) جميل فيه شرح مفصل عن تاريخ المنطقه

  • 5/5 معتز �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Very beautiful pictures (Original) صور بغاية الجمال

  • 5/5 mohamad a. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) I love that place (Original) احب ذالك المكان

  • 5/5 خميس �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) nice place (Original) مكان جميل

  • 5/5 روادالحجر في الشرق �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Beautiful and attractive Roman effects (Original) جميله وبها آثار رومانيه جذابة

  • 5/5 Dana E. 3 years ago on Google

  • 5/5 Husam A. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Wonderful view of the city of Amman (Original) اطلاله رآئعه على مدينة عمان

  • 5/5 Zezo E. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) A very wonderful historical landmark💞💞💞 (Original) معلم تاريخي رائع جدا💞💞💞

  • 5/5 Ayoub Abu H. 3 years ago on Google

  • 5/5 Ana 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Super nice, the museum needs to be restored but the ruins speak for themselves. Do not forget to see the views and find the old aman goes the new aman, the sale at the exit of souvenirs and chews are great, do not forget to haggle. (Original) Súper bonito, el museo le falta restaurar pero las ruinas hablan por sí solas. No olviden ver las vistas y encontrar al aman viejo va el aman nuevo, la venta a la salida de recuerdos y mascadas son buenísimas, no olviden regatear.

  • 5/5 ابو اليمان �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Very cool, calm and prestige, which is high from all around her Then its area is large and it accommodated many people without crowding Then the workers and the safe men dealt at the height of civilization, sophistication, and good handling and management May God protect Jordan, its people, its security and safety from all evil, bad and bad Greetings to all (Original) رائعة جدا وهادئة و تكسوها الهيبة وهي مرتفعة عن جميع من حولها ثم مساحتها كبيرة واستوعب الكثير من الناس دون زحام ثم تعامل العاملين فيها ورجال الآمنة في قمة الحضارة والرقي و حسن التعامل والإدارة حفظ الله الأردن وحفظ أهله وأمنه وأمانه من كل شر و سوء و مكروه تحياتي للجميع

  • 5/5 Ashraf O. 3 years ago on Google
    grear ancient roman and islamic monument located in one of the seven mountains that the old city of amman consists of.

  • 5/5 Retno S. 3 years ago on Google
    Amazing historical Places...hot climate

  • 5/5 mohammed b. 3 years ago on Google
    Wonderful place and beautiful ruins

  • 5/5 The world of cars and m. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) A wonderful historical landmark in Jordan (Original) معلم تاريخي رائع بالاردن

  • 4/5 rajai h. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) More than beautiful experience. Wonderful views of all sides of Oman. (Original) تجربه أكثر من جميله . اطلاله رائعه على كل جهات عمان.

  • 5/5 mustafa s. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) It is one of the most beautiful and archaeological areas of Amman due to its historical position and its views of Oman (Original) من اجمل مناطق عمان الاثرية لمكانتها التاريخيه واطلالتها على عمان

  • 5/5 emad n. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) The most beautiful place to sit, especially in spring (Original) أجمل مكان بجلس فيه خصوصا في الربيع

  • 5/5 Fawaz O. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Amman Citadel fixed and tall as Amman. Fantastic . (Original) قلعة عمان ثابتة و شامخة كعمان . رائعة .

  • 5/5 يحيى �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Azt (Original) اظث

  • 5/5 co4xpedition 3 years ago on Google
    Got a great chance to be in this place and I'm impressed.

  • 5/5 Faisal A. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Amman Citadel; A Roman Byzantine Amoy History. Wonderful place overlooking the center of the country (Original) قلعة عمان.تاريخ روماني بيزنطية اموي. مكان رائع ومطل على وسط البلد

  • 1/5 محمد �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Something excellent and luxurious for Jordan (Original) اشى ممتاز وفاخر ل الاردن

  • 5/5 Carlos N. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Excellent experience to learn more about our past, the view of its surroundings is magical. (Original) Excelente experiencia para conocer más de nuestro pasado, la vista a sus alrededores es mágica.

  • 5/5 خضر �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) An archaeological place and a wonderful view (Original) مكان اثري وأطلالة رائعه

  • 5/5 Albayari R. 3 years ago on Google
    I like it

  • 5/5 ابراهيم �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) The place is amazing (Original) المكان روعة

  • 5/5 اسماء �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) An organized and wonderful place (Original) مكان منظم ورائع

  • 4/5 Sawsan Q. 3 years ago on Google
    I love this place!

  • 3/5 مصطفى �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Labs (Original) لاباس

  • 5/5 ارمين 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very Very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very Very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very Very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very veryVery very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very Very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very much (Original) جميل جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً

  • 5/5 Mohammed B. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Gorgeous (Original) رائع

  • 5/5 محمد غصاب �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Very nice and clean ❤ (Original) جميل جداً ونظيف ❤

  • 5/5 ربيع �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) A beautiful site and security only beyond the borders and there are Roman antiquities, mosaic panels and many antiques and pots made from earlier times. I invite everyone to visit this picturesque place and take some beautiful pictures for the memory of Welcome to Jordan, the country of safety and security (Original) موقع جميل وأمن الا ابعد الحدود ويوجد آثار رومانيه و لوحات فسيفساء والعديد من الاثريات والاواني المصنوعه من سالف الزمان ادعو الجميع لزيارة هاذا المكان الخلاب والتقاط بعض الصور الجميله لذكرى اهلآ وسهلا بكم في الاردن بلد الأمن والأمان

  • 5/5 ميثم �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Nice place I visited in 1998 (Original) مكان جميل زرته في سنة ١٩٩٨

  • 3/5 Mohammad A. 3 years ago on Google

  • 5/5 Alessandra B. 3 years ago on Google
    A must see on a sunny day in Amman but get a tour guide to walk you around and tell you about the history

  • 5/5 Noaf N. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Fantastic (Original) رائعة

  • 3/5 Ashraf M. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) An archaeological place for several eras (Original) مكان أثري ولعدة عصور

  • 3/5 عبد الله �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) so beautiful (Original) جميل جداااا

  • 4/5 O d. 2 years ago on Google
    A nice tourist atraction placed on the top of a hill from where can see the whole city.

  • 5/5 MrHamzoke 2 years ago on Google
    In love with the place The Amman Citadel (Arabic: جبل القلعة‎, romanized: Jabal Al-Qal'a) is a historical site at the center of downtown Amman, the capital of Jordan. The L-shaped hill is one of the seven hills (jabals) that originally made up Amman. Starting in 1995-6, the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities of Jordan in partnership with USAID began a project to conserve and restore this site to benefit tourists and the local community.[15] The Amman Citadel is also the site of Jordan Archaeological Museum, which is home to a collection of artifacts from the Citadel and other Jordanian historic sites.

  • 5/5 Natalie A. 2 years ago on Google
    Beautiful place! Great for a walk or picnic with your friends. Best time to visit is later in the evening in the summer or anytime in spring, fall or winter !

  • 5/5 mahmoud f. 2 years ago on Google
    Nice place to go Clean Not crowded Alot of places that you can take a good shots There a small museum there You can see all the downtown area from up there You can see Alot of places from up there But any body need to go take care from sun, bring your water You can go early morning or after 4 pm is better You can take your family, it's nice for the kids to have fun

  • 5/5 David Jiri P. 2 years ago on Google
    Beautiful spot to see. A view to the Roman theater, to the huge flagpole with 60m to 30m Jordanian flag and all over the city.

  • 5/5 Stephen A. 2 years ago on Google
    Lots of history here, but for most people, the panoramic views of Amman and the opportunity to watch a spectacular sunset are good enough reasons to visit. Definitely recommend it to be one of your main stops when visiting Amman!

  • 5/5 Semeton B. 2 years ago on Google
    Amman Citadel, also known as Hercules Temple. Located in the heart of city, You can go there by walking from Roman Theater. It is a ruin that has been kept for centuries. It has longgg storyyy

  • 5/5 Jennifer S. 2 years ago on Google
    A fantastic place to visit especially near the end of the day. I was there last week and it was practically empty. Guides at the entrance try to entice you to hire but they are not persistent. Rather very friendly. But as there are English-language placards all over the massive site, and with my Lonely Planeg guidebook, I felt sorted. The views over Amman are very nice and the light is amazing for photos especially late afternoon. Included in the Jordan Pass. I took a taxi from the centre for 5JOD (probably overpaid but too tired to argue). Walked back downhill. The Jordan Archeological Museum on the site is worth a peek in but it’s old-fashioned with glass cases and block of text on placards everywhere. Best for intense history lovers like myself.

  • 5/5 Jawad A. 2 years ago on Google
    Historical place, some of the items dates back to 10,000 before birth. Just amazing

  • 5/5 فقيه الصديق �. 2 years ago on Google
    a historical place, which directly gives us a small picture of how ancient civilization developed and went through several phases, from the ancient Roman era of worshiping gods, the Christian era to the reign of the Islamic caliphate.

  • 4/5 Richard S. 2 years ago on Google
    Enjoyable walk around the ruins. Lots of photo opportunities. Go around 4pm to catch sunset. Quite busy. Jordan pass valid. 3JOD otherwise.

  • 5/5 Mahde M. 2 years ago on Google
    The museum is amazing and waking there is very peaceful 😍😍😍😍😍 i really like this place

  • 5/5 Freddy D. 2 years ago on Google
    This beautiful site takes you to more than 3000 years back. There is an exciting museum. Beautiful views all around for the city of Amman.

  • 5/5 Miles W. 2 years ago on Google
    A really interesting site dating back to the Neolithic age, through the Bronze age, the Assyrian Empire, Babylonians, Romans, and Umayyads. The ruins are easy to walk around, the guides are friendly and knowledgeable, the museum has a lot of interesting exhibits and the entrance fee is very inexpensive. Look for the remnants of one of the hands of Hercules, and see a wonderful panorama of the city. A must see for Amman!

  • 5/5 Debra H. 2 years ago on Google
    Wonderful experience with So much history. We had a fantastic guide who had a wealth of knowledge & perfect spoken English. Thank You .

  • 5/5 Maria Loizou I. 2 years ago on Google
    This Acropolis has a few ancient ruins and a very nice museum but what I liked here the most is the fantastic view of the city and also it has the perfect sunset !!

  • 5/5 joyce a. 2 years ago on Google
    Citadel take you to a place of a dreams imagining how big dreams came true in an era of the imposible !

  • 5/5 Judy P. 2 years ago on Google
    Always loved to hang out there while living in Jordan. Some open space in a crowded city, some quiet and great views

  • 5/5 Peter S. 2 years ago on Google
    Very cool place. So much history. Went for the fantastic view of Amman but now want to return and pay for a guide.

  • 5/5 Judy S. 2 years ago on Google
    It was beautiful there lots of History a good place to have a vacation. I visited family there and my fiance most beautiful place I've ever seen. Was the happiest moments of my life.

  • 5/5 sara g. 2 years ago on Google
    Entry for non-Jordanians is 3AED. Suggested to hire a guide at the entrance, they are knowledgeable and speak different languages for the tour. Takes approximately one and a half hour and offers breathtaking views of Amman and the Roman amphitheater

  • 5/5 Iván M. 2 years ago on Google
    Highly recommend enjoying the breathtaking views of Amman from the Citadel. There is a small museum at the top and the area is quite large so it never feels overly crowded. When I was there a couple bagpipe players were playing in the Ummayad Palace. Magical!

  • 5/5 Dawood M. 2 years ago on Google
    This place will blow your mind. On top of the hill, you can see the entire city from here. Imagine the romans did it over 2000 years ago. A must visit place. Enough parking. The jordan pass will get you discount here too. There are many tourists, talk to them and take pictures. You will have awesome experience. Must take guide along too.

  • 5/5 Abed B. 1 year ago on Google
    A great place to visit to get to know some of the Roman’s history, you will need around 1-2 hours to see everything if you like to take your time checking everything. You will also get a nice view of Amman.

  • 4/5 Thorsten K. 1 year ago on Google
    We liked this place so far. Not really many tourists and well structured. Worth a visit, if you like such attractions. The view onto the amphitheatre and Amman is breathtaking

  • 5/5 Helen B. 1 year ago on Google
    Beautiful tourist spot! If you're visiting Amman, you have to go here, definitely don't miss it. We took an Uber who dropped us off right at the entrance, and there was no queue. You can enter the site with a Jordan Pass so I'm not sure what the one off entry price is. It's really big and you can easily spend an hour or two here. It's high up so you get a great view of the whole city, and artwork on some buildings. There's also a museum to your left as you enter. One thing that did surprise me was how small the Hercules Statue fingers were. Some pictures you see online makes them look massive. *For the ladies not from the Middle East*: Be sure to wear loose clothing as it's not as touristy as you think compared to Petra and Wadi Rum. I had a lot of long and obvious stares.

  • 4/5 Moh T. 1 year ago on Google
    this place is almost the most famous attraction in Amman including Romans ruins and Hercules temple with the famous hug hand. but what is more beautiful in this place is the panoramic view for the city its taking your breathing and really so nice. you can spend couple of hours there also there is a museum you can visit it.

  • 5/5 Oraib Al T. 1 year ago on Google
    An amazing spot in Amman for any family/friends/tourists to hang out in the early mornings especially when the weather is sunny and very nice or in the sfternoons or sunsets time if it was open! There is a nice restaurant to have a traditional Arabic breakfast but you need to get there early if you are going during weekends as it can be full and you won't find tables easily unfortunately! And a very important information is that you need to buy the citadel tickets before going to the restaurant as it's a part of the citadel ruins area even though they have different entrance! Anyway back to the citadel... you need to wear a comfortable shoes 👟 and be prepared to walk around and enjoy the views and the ruins! There are a few benches in a few spots where you can sit to rest or enjoy city views around you! And I must say I went there twice , once in a weekend and another time in the middle of the week and I liked more in the middle of the week as it wasn't crowded as much as in the weekend!

  • 5/5 Mateusz O. 1 year ago on Google
    The Amman Citadel National Historic Site, located in the heart of Amman, is an impressive archaeological site that offers visitors a glimpse into Jordan's rich and fascinating history. The site is situated on top of a hill, and the views of the surrounding city are absolutely breathtaking. From the top of the hill, visitors can see the modern skyline of Amman, as well as the ancient ruins of the citadel itself. One of the standout features of the Amman Citadel is the Temple of Hercules, which dates back to the Roman period. The temple is a magnificent structure, and the remains are well-preserved, offering visitors a glimpse into the grandeur and sophistication of ancient Roman architecture. In addition to these key attractions, the Amman Citadel also houses several museums and galleries that showcase Jordan's rich cultural heritage. These exhibits include artifacts and displays that offer insight into the daily life and customs of Jordan's past inhabitants. Overall, the Amman Citadel National Historic Site is an impressive attraction that offers visitors a fascinating glimpse into Jordan's rich history and culture. The site is well-preserved, and the views from the top of the hill are absolutely stunning. If you're visiting Amman, the Amman Citadel should definitely be on your list of places to visit. With Jordan Pass you can enter for free.

  • 5/5 Nabil A. 10 months ago on Google
    Great location in Amman. Next to nothing to enter but local guide was expensive ($40) not knowing his level of knowledge. Nothing was off limit except the cave and a few artifacts in museum cases. Take care as you scramble over 2000 year old columns in your shoes! It gets hot. Cafe available. Toilets also.

  • 4/5 Peter C. 10 months ago on Google
    Amazing view and story behind this! I highly recommend to go at the afternoon due to the hot weather. Pick a taxi to go there because it's a big uphill!!!

  • 5/5 Blaise V. 11 months ago on Google
    Great place to visit. Historical hilltop Fort with caves dating back to the Bronze Age followed by Greek, Roman, and Ottaman buildings. Beautiful setting with nice walking paths and lots to look at.

  • 5/5 Vijay d. 1 year ago on Google
    The Amman Citadel is an archeological site at the center of downtown Amman, the capital of Jordan. No ticket needed if you have Jordan pass. It is the home to the earliest development areas of the Middle Bronze Age, the Iron Age, the Hellenistic Age, the late Roman Age and the Arabian Islamic Age. The Citadel stands beside the Jordan Archaeological Museum and a cluster of several other structures can also be seen in Citadel, Amman. Cannot miss this place if you are in Amman. The views of the old Amman and new Amman are fantastic. Highly recommend.

  • 3/5 C B. 9 months ago on Google
    One of the many tourist sites you must see when visiting Amman. Historical remnants of the Roman empire are visible, and the museum also tells the tales. The view of the city and the coliseum across the street is also an addition to the many photographic locations around. Avoid the taxis outside, they will hustle big time. If you can, take an Uber. It would be good if wifi is available at the location.

  • 5/5 Wallis Y. 10 months ago on Google
    The citadel locates in a high place in Amman and the view from there is fantastic. Luckily from 16 May to 31 Aug the opening hours is 8 am - 8 pm. You can see most of the interesting places in Amman from there and the information plates are very detailed, written in both English and Arabic. The entrance fee is 3JD for foreigners and it really worths it! It has multiple ancient ruin sites, a museum, coffee shop and toilet inside. You can see a lot of young people there, reading book, or just sit there relaxing. I even saw photographers taking pre-wedding photos for a couple near the church. It is a must-see in Amman and spending some time there is very comfortable.

  • 5/5 Wasfi R. 11 months ago on Google
    The Amman Citadel is a must-visit historical site in Jordan. Its strategic location atop a hill provides a breathtaking view of the city of Amman. The site offers a glimpse into the rich history of the region, with ruins dating back to the Bronze Age. Visitors can explore the Temple of Hercules, the Umayyad Palace, and the Byzantine Church, among other fascinating ruins. The museum on site is also a great resource for learning more about the history of the citadel. Overall, a visit to the Amman Citadel is a fascinating and educational experience that should not be missed.

  • 5/5 Waleed K. 8 months ago on Google
    beautiful archaeological site in main Amman city, very well maintained. Up there you get good view of the whole city. Must visit place if you are in Jordan.

  • 5/5 natjoeye 8 months ago on Google
    a very nice place to go in amman and spend the day with friends and family. a rich historical place full of ruins and rocks with a mesuim inside of it. the best timing to go is before sunset because you can watch the sun go down from a very special place. the entry fee is cheap and there are many services there from snacks to drinks to hot beverages. I'd totally recommend this place mostly for tourists because they can see a special part of amman from a very special location. for photographers best timing to be there is in the morning because there are less people there.

  • 5/5 Apurva N. 7 months ago on Google
    Apart from the awe-inspiring vestiges of the region's abundant history, the Amman Citadel provides a vantage point for the amphitheater's remnants and boasts an incredible panoramic vista of both the city and the landscape. For individuals passionate about history and seeking to delve deeper into the site's story, certified tour guides are available for a modest fee. If you visit during the daytime, it's advisable to wear a hat. Although the weather is typically delightful (except during mid-summer, naturally), it can become quite sunny.

  • 4/5 Ghaith H. 7 months ago on Google
    An excellent historical site. A breathtaking panoramic views to Amman downtown and the theater. Working hours should always be updated Recommend to bring a hat and use sunscreen in summer. Most if the walk is with no shade

  • 5/5 Talha Z. 7 months ago on Google
    Very historical and interesting place with deep history. Nice and well maintained place by the government and management. The place is in the middle of the city and can easily be reached by tourists. Its must go place with the museum. Nice place to do photography and see the whole city . Windy and relaxing. Must go place

  • 4/5 Evie 6 months ago on Google
    I absolutely loved it here. Felt like a getaway from the beeping and chaos of the city. Could easily be in Rome which is incredible. I didn’t use a guide which I was quoted to be 60 JD! Entry on the Jordan Pass. I spent over an hour here exploring and checking out the small museum. Disappointing that Jordanians do not look after anything, desperate for tourism and take money for every little thing. Start taking some pride in your rich history.

  • 5/5 Tarek 3. 5 months ago on Google
    The Amman Citadel in Jordan is a must-visit historical site in Amman. It showcases ruins from various ancient civilizations, including the Roman and Umayyad periods. Highlights include the Temple of Hercules and the Jordan Archaeological Museum. The panoramic views of the city are breathtaking. Don't miss this captivating destination to explore Jordan's rich history and culture.

  • 5/5 Mariusz R. 4 months ago on Google
    This one of the many "must sees" in Amman. Located in the heart of the old city and close to the Roman Theatre. If you have Jordan pass you enter for free. Nice views of the city.

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  • Accessibility
    • ✓️ Wheelchair-accessible car park
    • ✓️ Wheelchair-accessible entrance


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