Beauty salon Fitness center Bar and grill Massage spa Yoga studio Pilates studio Gymnastics center Swimming basin Padel club

One of the Most Reviewed Beauty salons in Granollers


Passeig de la Conca de Besòs, 12, 08403 Granollers, Barcelona, Spain



+34 938 61 87 04

Rating on Google Maps

4.40 (266 reviews)

Open on Google Maps

Working Hours

  • Wednesday: 6 am to 11 pm
  • Thursday: 6 am to 11 pm
  • Friday: 6 am to 11 pm
  • Saturday: 8 am to 9:30 pm
  • Sunday: 8 am to 9:30 pm
  • Monday: 6 am to 11 pm
  • Tuesday: 6 am to 11 pm

Featured Reviews

Frequently mentioned in reviews: classes (22) good (14) facilities (12) todo (11) gimnasio (10) clases (10) molt (9) pero (8) para (8) general (8)
Reviews are sorted by relevance, prioritizing the most helpful and insightful feedback at the top for easier reference.
  • 1/5 Carla Bujan C. 10 months ago on Google
    El precio desorbitado de la cuota mensual no va alineado con las instalaciones ni con el servicio que se ofrece al socio. Es inaceptable pagar una cuota “Joven” de 77,20€ mensuales, que se termina a los 25 años de edad y que además no se informe debidamente de estas subidas (en 2021 se pagaban 65€) Para acabarlo de redondear, se venden como gimnasio Premium pero cómo se puede apreciar en las fotos, no realizan inversión para estar a la altura de las expectativas del socio premium. Poco mantenimiento de las máquinas de la sala fitness, servicios que deberían estar incluidos cómo son unos simples guantes de boxeo para hacer una clase dirigida, parking o alquiler de pala de pádel no son nada más que extras a cargar al socio. La diferenciación en un gimnasio de estas características se encuentra en los detalles y el equipamiento, y por no haber no hay ni secadores decentes o planchas de pelo en el baño femenino, está todo en obras desde hace meses con la peligrosidad que conlleva y el cableado está a intemperie con riesgo de chispazo. Los fines de semana te apagan las saunas de los vestuarios cómo medida de ahorro. Sintiéndolo mucho he tenido que desapuntarme, emprendedores del Vallès necesitamos un gimnasio Premium en condiciones, no tenemos oferta y en consecuencia los precios se monopolizan.
    19 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 2/5 Reboot B. 11 months ago on Google
    El gimnasio en si está bien, podría incluso estar muy bien. Pero desde hace unos meses en general se ha ido descuidando y está dejado. Eso ha coincidido con subida de precio, que pasa a ser de 83 euros al mes. Ahora mismo por lo que ofrecen es un precio desfasado. Las duchas del vestuario de hombres, aunque digan que están terminadas, no parece que lo estén. Hemos estado meses, desde que subieron precio duchándonos en duchas deprimentes, con los operarios de obras codo con codo con los usuarios de las duchas, hasta nos caía polvo del taladro encima mientras nos duchábamos. Ahora parece que estén a medio hacer, han quedado lúgubres, con el falso techo levantado, se ven las cañerías y toda la grifería y unas bigas de madera que parece que esté todo a medias. La piscina interior también está dejada, con un lado que está todo despegado y oxidado, y cuando hacen clases y está llena la ocupan toda y a veces he tenido que dar media vuelta y no usala por falta de espacio. La Sala de fitness es muy grande, pero desaprovechada. Hay mucho espacio vacío que no se utiliza y en cambio muy poco espacio para los pesos libres y poleas que es lo que utiliza la gente, con el resultado que tienes a Toda la gente apelmazada en unos metros cuadrados y el resto de la sala casi vacía, mala distribución del espacio agobio de gente. En invierno hace mucho calor, mucho. Llegando a los 24 grados. A esas temperaturas es difícil hacer ejercicio. Quería hacer clases de alta intensidad y no pude en todo el invierno debido al calor que hacía Los monitores deberían vigilar más a ciertos usuarios que siempre tienen el habito de ocupar 3 maquinas a la vez, reservándolas con una botella de agua, el móvil etc. He escrito en el buzón de sugerencia hasta 3 veces comentando muchas de esas cosas (y otras) y no solo no han habido cambios a mejor sino que no he recibido contestación nunca. Todo eso sería aceptable si no fuera que se están pagando 83 euros al mes. He ido recientemente a otras localidades a gimnasios de 45-48 euros que la piscina era enorme, con muchos carriles y unas salas de fitness muy amplias y nada masificadas. Me ha sabido mal darme de baja pero ha dejado de valer el precio que se paga
    18 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 2/5 Albert S. 6 months ago on Google • 19 reviews
    The good professionals of the center do not match the facilities (left, with special mention to the showers and their latest renovation or the soap dispensers without lids that invite you to do the "excavator" with your hand) as well as the exorbitant fees that it presents this gym. I have been a member for many years, paying, in my opinion, more than what was appropriate, simply due to the lack of alternatives in the area that has allowed them to make and break offers at will. I hope that the announcement of FibraPremium and its new gym in Granollers for 2024 will help them increase the value of their offer and business.
    11 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Gerard Ballesteros M. 3 years ago on Google • 278 reviews
    Clean, comfortable, nice people. There are a swimming pool at the top with a bar that's awesome
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Sem N. 5 months ago on Google • 10 reviews
    Of course, unsubscribing has been the best option I have made in many years. As many people say, the facilities are increasingly neglected, the dryers do not work, the water in the SPA is not hot, wiring is visible, machines are not maintained, in summer you could not be there because the air "did not work" and on top of that you They are raising rates without warning… Normally, they are losing clients and they have to raise rates to stay afloat. Furthermore, with the recent change in the management of the bar it has gotten even worse: bad service, bad food, they don't use gloves or tongs for the pastries... It's all a disaster. Espai: when you get a minimally decent competition you will have a big problem and after so many months like this people are burned out because, I think I speak for everyone, we have felt cheated by having to pay for the bad management. Edit after seeing your response: personally and many friends who were signed up we have made many complaints, to the face at reception, with names and surnames as you say. The insouciance of the receptionists may have meant that complaints or suggestions have not reached management or wherever, but there were, there are and there will be complaints, keep that in mind because it seems that something is missing. I'm glad that you have partners so that you can at least pay payroll, but if there are so many complaints both in your establishment and here, it will be for a reason and instead of thinking that we want to be anonymous, it would be better to think about why people complain so much. . It is not all gold that glitters and it seems that you are blinded by so much artificial brilliance that it does not allow you to see reality. Honestly, I don't care if you improve or not because I will never sign up again, but I repeat: when you get a minimum of competition...
    8 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 3/5 Paula V. 8 months ago on Google • 198 reviews
    Good facilities and equipment (which have been renovated and improved), good location in Granollers (easy to park by car) and good classes (especially Marc-Pol's yoga and pilates classes). In other classes, however, they may see you doing exercises poorly and will not necessarily reprimand you. The man in the mornings in the cafeteria very, very unfriendly. The morning receptionist, Pep, very nice and professional. A 10. Afternoon girls often very unfriendly. My mother had a very bad experience with the care she received and decided not to sign up. Finally, very small pools but it depends on what time of day you go, there won't be many people.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 oriol 9 months ago on Google
    Pel preu que es paga està en mal estat. Massificat i instalacions deixades. Són casi 90 euros al mes i tenen instalacions en pitjor estat que molts gimnasos municipals econòmics. La reforma que van fer de les dutxes molt trista. I massa afluència de gent. Em vaig donar de baixa de la mateixa manera que altre gent que conec que hi anavèm. Hi ha altre opció més barata i sense tanta afluència de gent a Granollers mateix.
    4 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 María A. 1 year ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) I suppose that if you are Catalan tw you will do well in this Gym, now if you are not, don't even think about going, the teachers are great but the administrative part discriminates against you daily, 0 human quality, I never felt so mistreated as in this place, the bar a disaster (Original) Supongo que si eres catalán tw irá bien en este Gym, ahora si no lo eres que ni se te ocurra ir ,m los profesores son geniales pero la parte administrativa te discrimina a diario ,0 calidad humana, nunca me sentí tan maltratada como en este lugar , el bar un desastre
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 Nando 5 years ago on Google
    Yo hablaré solo de los servicios que he usado,es decir,del Restaurante.Mi opinión es que el restaurante tiene valor por si mismo,podría ser independiente al recinto. Un sitio muy adecuado para comer,un servicio profesional y atento.La presentación de los platos es adecuada y con variedad.El menú es muy correcto en calidad precio. Mi opinión es que es un sitio donde pasar un rato agradable disfrutando de buena comida y con calidad. Ánimo a la gente a que venga y disfrute de la comida,al margen del deporte. Felicidades por el trabajo que hacéis.
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Verónica Díez R. 7 months ago on Google • 84 reviews
    Good facilities, it has a spa, paddle tennis courts, solarium, rooftop pool and endless activities with guided classes. Their teachers are very professional and motivate you to achieve your goals. It is not necessary to bring a towel or soap, it is a service included in the fee. You also have the option of parking and laundry as well as code lockers.

  • 1/5 Ana 1 year ago on Google • 24 reviews
    The gym is ok, but Espai Wellness 2 months after I went to them just charged me for 2 month’s subscription without my permission and nobody is willing to help me with it. I was going to the gym in August, I wasn’t using that credit card for some time. And now I checked it, and I see, that in November and December Espai Wellness charges me without my permission. I was afraid of a situation like this and when I was signing up I specifically told that I don’t need any subscriptions or anything, I needed access to the gym just for 1 month that’s why I refused to give my account details. But they just used the card that I paid with.. And now they are not answering my messages. Upd after the reply: First of all you returned just a half of the money and it’s almost January. As I told you in Instagram I am not in Spain anymore that’s why you cannot reach me and I asked for an email that I couldn’t find on your website or Google Maps, you didn’t give me one. Again I want to clarify that I did not agree on any subscriptions and specifically told so. If I send you “unsubscribe letter” to the email you didn’t give me, then you could tell me “we’ve received your letter just this month, why do we have to return your money for the months when you were subscribed ?”
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Núria R. 1 year ago on Google
    La meva experiència no ha estat gens bona. M'hi vaig apuntar fa 6 mesos per a fer natació al matí que també és quan hi ha 2 o 3 classes d'aquagym seguides. Les classes d'aquagym estan petades, no hi ha límit d'aforament i no es respecta la directiva que si hi ha menys de 30 persones fent aquagym 2 dels 6 carrils són per a fer natació. Era anar a nedar i haver de lidiar amb senyores d'aquagym enfadades amb els nadadors perquè només volien deixar un sol (o cap) carril per a natació (tot i ser menys de 30), males paraules i mala educació i el centre no ha sabut gestionar. Era un mal rollo cada vegada, pagant 84€ al mes.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 3/5 Eulàlia P. 1 year ago on Google
    Gimnàs força recomanable. Hi ha les instal·lacions més bones i completes d’entre tots els gimnasos de Granollers, així com una gran varietat de classes variades, dirigides per professionals molt dedicats a la seva feina. Per altra banda, he anat observant com la decadència i el descuit han començat a regnar al gimnàs. A vegades, hi ha tovalloles amb taques a la zona de l’entrada, on haurien de ser totes netes. La zona de dutxes del vestuari de dones no té cap mena de sostre, són tot tubs, metalls, cables i ciment que es troben directament exposats a la vista. Les mampares de les dutxes estan molt brutes i l’espai en general, sempre fa olor de porc bullit. Les portes d’ambdues saunes van molt fortes i no tanquen del tot. Molt elements metàl·lics de la zona d'aigües estan extremadament rovellats i fan una mica de respecte, així com diversos elements de la zona de la piscina, que fa molt temps que no funcionen o ho fan malament. Tot i que personalment penso que les instal·lacions i classes compensen aquesta deixadesa, trobo estrany que no es facin millores immediatament, tenint en compte el que es paga per mensualitat. Altres gimnasos molt més senzills i barats tenen les instal·lacions molt més netes i ben cuidades.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Sara V. 4 years ago on Google • 16 reviews
    Best gym I have ever been to. Sara was such a huge help getting me signed up with my membership. I can honestly say that 2 months later, I am so thankful. Their classes are incredible. Laura, Toni, Cristina and the cycling guys are incredible. All of their trainers create amazing workouts, I just seem to go to classes with these trainers the most :) The extra amenities are also pretty incredible. Such a variety and all do wonders to help my soreness after a workout. Facility is also really clean. The cleaning staff does an amazing job!
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 3/5 Douglas Ortega (. 5 months ago on Google • 32 reviews
    In general, the care is good, only a couple of cases that make the center look bad. But, it is a good option, although they told me that in other places for less €€ there are better machines, etc. 👍 Extras; The gym monitors must be more attentive, sometimes there are machines in poor condition and others that do not monitor the attitudes of some inside the gym (a specific fact, I once saw someone without shoes and the monitor did not say anything to him, that is what I am I'm sure it's not allowed)

  • 1/5 Marc 1 year ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) My fee has been raised 2 times without notice in the last 12 months. €4 at the beginning of the year and now €6 more, the argument they gave me at reception is that I've turned 26 and I no longer have a young rate 😅 I think they should take more care of members with a certain amount of seniority if they don't want to lose them. . (Original) Me han subido la cuota 2 veces sin previo aviso en los últimos 12 meses. 4€ a principio de año y ahora 6€ más, el argumento que me han dado en recepción es que he cumplido 26 años y ya no tengo tarifa joven 😅 Creo que deberían cuidar más a los socios con cierta antigüedad si no quieren perderlos...
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Montse 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Good and spacious facilities, very correct treatment and for the first time I received sports classes in Catalan. I have no problem with Spanish (there are also classes) but it’s nice to vary sweat as you receive instructions in your native language. Thanks! (Original) Instal·lacions bones i espaioses, tracte molt correcte i per primera vegada he rebut classes d esport en català. No tinc cap problema amb el castellà (també n'hi ha de classes) però és agradable per variar suar mentre rebs les instruccions en la teva llengua materna. Gràcies!
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 ADE99H2O �. 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) The gym is very complete .. The weight room is a bit small due to the size of the gym .. it could be expanded a little more .. (Original) El gimnasio es muy completo.. La sala de pesas se queda un poco pequeña por lo grande que llega a ser el gimnasio.. se podria ampliar un poco mas..
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 araceli a. 11 months ago on Google
    En general buen gimnasio y buenos profesionales, sin embargo hay algunos detalles que podrían mejorar, ejemplo.. los móviles activos en clases de AADD, usuarios haciendo videos durante la clase, etc, el aforo a dichas clases casi siempre sobrepasado, la temperatura siempre demasiado alta para unas salas sin ventilación natural lo que las convierte casi en una sauna. Otro tema son los horarios de inicio de algunas clases, no coinciden con el programa. Por otro lado felicitar al equipo de limpieza por todo lo que tienen que aguantar, como usuaria del vestuario, veo actitudes por parte de otras usuarias totalmente inaceptables y falta de respeto hacia las demas, y al trabajo del equipo. Eso y el aspecto actual de la zona de duchas resta valor a las instalaciones que supongo en origen eran lo más, pero en la actualidad necesitan un buen arreglo.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Nice B. 1 year ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) It's worth what it costs. Not excessively expensive compared to what it offers compared to the fees of other gyms that do not have half the facilities of this one (Original) Vale lo que cuesta. No excesivamente caro comparado con lo que ofrece comparado con las cuotas de otros gimnasios que no tienen ni la mitad de las instalaciones de éste
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Edith V. 3 months ago on Google • 17 reviews New
    It's a place where I spend part of my time. The Gym offers a variety of guided activities, in the morning and afternoon. Regarding the staff, specifically the monitors, they are all super attentive and professional. I am really very happy with the services they offer. My favorite places are the water area and the directed Zumba classes.

  • 3/5 Coral O. 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) I really like the center, the teachers, the classes, the environment ... but what I don't like and it makes me feel insecure is that 90% of the people in the women's locker room do not wear a mask and taking into account They even have classes in the pool for pregnant women, I find it very reckless. It is a closed space and for safety and regulations it should be more controlled. (Original) Me gusta mucho el centro, los profesores, las clases, el ambiente...pero lo que no me gusta y me hace sentir insegura, es que el 90% de las personas en el vestuario de mujeres, no lleva mascarilla y teniendo en cuenta que hasta tienen clases en la piscina para embarazadas, lo encuentro muy temerario. Es un espacio cerrado y por seguridad y normativa debería controlarse más.

  • 1/5 Victor Rubio (Vix On B. 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Unfortunate phone attention ... 5 consecutive calls in which I was put on hold indefinitely, and I ended up hanging myself. (Original) Atenció telefònica lamentable... 5 trucades consecutives en les que em posaven en espera de forma infinita, i acabava per penjar jo.

  • 5/5 Virginia J. 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) I've been in this gym for 4 years now. Great professionals, state-of-the-art machinery, large spaces and rooms. Magnificent SPA, large pool. Of the best gyms to be a member. (Original) 4 años llevo ya en este gimnasio. Grandes profesionales, maquinaria a la última, grandes espacios y salas. SPA magnifico, gran piscina. De los mejores gimnasios para ser socio.

  • 5/5 Eli P. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) 10. Laura is a great professional. I have not been a user of the gym and restaurant for a long time but I know that they give very good service. (Original) Centro de estética de 10. Laura es una gran profesional. Del gimnasio y restaurante hace tiempo que no soy usuaria pero me consta que dan muy buen servicio.

  • 5/5 Andrea M. 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Very good gym, you can see the quality !! Lots of variety of classes and very good and friendly instructors. (Original) Muy buen gym, se nota la calidad!! Mucha variedad de clases y monitores muy buenos y amables.

  • 5/5 Susana M. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) They are cracks, the best coaches, staff with great human quality, well-kept facilities, very good gym. (Original) Són uns cracks, els millors entrenadors, personal amb una gran qualitat humana, les instal·lacions cuidades i netes, molt bon gimnàs.

  • 5/5 LUNA 1 year ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) I am delighted, the staff that works is very friendly and they are there for you, explaining everything. The gym is very good, it has everything, classes directed at zumba, TBC, hbx boxing, aquagym are great !!!! (Original) Voy encantada, el personal que trabaja es muy amable y están por ti, explicándote todo. El gimnasio está muy bien tiene de todo , clases dirigidas el zumba ,TBC, hbx boxing , aquagym están genial !!!!

  • 5/5 Santi P. 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) The best gym in the county, without a doubt. Good managers, good monitors, many services at a reasonable price. (Original) El millor gimnàs de la comarca, sense cap dubte. Bons gestors, bons monitors, molts serveis a un preu ajustat.

  • 3/5 And 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) The center is nice, especially the outdoor pool, it is complete (with a spa area) and they have a lot of equipment. But not even remotely justifies the quota they put. Also, customer service is somewhat lacking. (Original) El centro es agradable, en especial la piscina descubierta, es completo (con zona spa) y tienen bastante material. Pero ni por asomo justifica la cuota que ponen. Además, la atención al cliente es algo deficiente.

  • 5/5 Toni G. 1 year ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Good facilities, a large machine room, excellent water areas, many paddle tennis courts with good views and an ideal bar, especially the one above, for a beer after a job well done. (Original) Buenas instalaciones, una gran sala de máquinas, excelentes zonas de aguas, muchas pistas de padel con buenas vistas y un bar ideal sobre todo el de arriba para una cerveza después del trabajo bien hecho .

  • 5/5 Núria Membrive B. 1 year ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Facilities, services, classes and teachers of 10! Excellent in everything, I congratulate you on the work you did and the wonderful maintenance of our Space. Thanks (Original) Instal.lacions, serveis, classes i professors de 10! Excel.lents en tot, us felicito per la tasca que féu i el meravellós manteniment del nostre Espai. Gràcies

  • 3/5 Daniel 1 year ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Good facilities and machinery, otherwise a social club, people who go to hang out and gossip (Original) Buenas instalaciones y maquinaria ,por lo demás un club social , gente que va a pasar el rato y ha chismotear

  • 2/5 Silvia C. 1 year ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Very expensive bar and they serve you in plastic cups it's okay if there's a tournament but even if you're at the table...for the rest everything is fine (Original) Bar muy caro y te sirven en vasos de plásticos vale que haya torneo pero aunque estés en la mesa ..por lo demas todo bien

  • 5/5 Rosa G. 1 year ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) The best gym in all of Catalonia, very good teachers and everything in general, I love it, there are many classes and everything in general, a 10 in Granollers, Spai Wuellness, the best (Original) El mejor Gimnasio de toda Cataluña los Profesores muy buenos y todo en general me encanta hay muchas clases y todo en general un 10 en granollers el Spai wuellness el mejor

  • 1/5 Rosa 7 months ago on Google • 1 review
    I went there using an invite with the intention of trying and signing up. I found it a very overrated gym; the fee is exaggerated for the state of the facilities, both in terms of the showers and the indoor pool which is very small and in poor condition, not at all maintained. I also found it crowded. Maybe a few years ago it should have been a premium gym that was worth what you paid but now you can see the decline. Obviously for this price I did not sign up. A disappointment honestly. It catches my attention that there are high reviews and comments like the space is wide and big and the facilities are great (it's not). I think it is necessary to differentiate between facilities and services and the professionals who work there, who I have no doubt are good.
    8 people found this review helpful 👍

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