Comedor Zeneyda
👍 The best place for a typical meal in San Juan de la Maguana. I've been there twice. There are always many visitors. They sell the best chenchen with local goat. They have two spaces. One on each side of the street.
$ $$$
4.10 (563 reviews)
Pica Pollo Ok
👍👍 It is currently the chicken pica that attracts the most people in San Juan. It is in a great location and the prices are very good.
$ $$$
3.90 (321 reviews)
Rincón Mexicano
😠 The food was ok, the good thing is that all they have is home-made. But the price was very expensive. I order fajitas chicken and they bring me fajitas pork and it cost 900$. Just for one dish. They just have only water, soda and one brand of beer (presidente)😖.
$$ $$
4.40 (268 reviews)