Interior View of Mindelo Marina

Mindelo Marina


😐 The theme and ideal of a restaurant / bar on the water in the bay of mindelo is just mind blowing. A great place to visit and sit and enjoy a drink or two. Food is okay but never consistent. Some days its beyond expectations and on others it could have been better. The service is the. We had server... People often mention marina, good, Verde, water, staff, Marina,


Cais Alfândega Velha, Mindelo 7001, Cape Verde



+238 230 00 32

Rating on Google Maps

(835477 reviews)

Working Hours

  • Monday: 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM
  • Thursday: 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM
  • Friday: 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM
  • Saturday: 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM
  • Sunday: 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM

Visitor Reviews

Frequently mentioned in reviews: marina (15) good (8) Verde (7) water (6) staff (6) Marina (6)
Reviews are sorted by relevance, prioritizing the most helpful and insightful feedback at the top for easier reference.
  • 3/5 Jay-P A. 7 years ago on Google
    The theme and ideal of a restaurant / bar on the water in the bay of mindelo is just mind blowing. A great place to visit and sit and enjoy a drink or two. Food is okay but never consistent. Some days its beyond expectations and on others it could have been better. The service is the. We had servers forget about us and forgot orders. But we have had great service on other days. But would still recommended visit.
    7 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Anastasiya N. 5 years ago on Google • 190 reviews
    Of course, 5 stars, because this is the only marina on all the islands of Cape Verde :) Prices. We were in January and a day at this time about 40 euros. Water is inexpensive, but it stinks incredibly. Apparently bleach. To wash this smell off your hands and dishes is very difficult. Shower and toilet are in good condition. The tavern in the marina is very cozy. And delicious.
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 Christian C. 10 months ago on Google • 461 reviews
    Schöner Ort zum apero. Direkt am Meer. Aufgestellte Leute und Personal

  • 1/5 Sascha W. 3 years ago on Google
    Anyone who rated this restaurant as good has probably not seen much of Cape Verde. Unfortunately, it was the first (and only) tourist trap on our trip around Cape Verde. We were charged a higher price for the meal than was stated on the menu. The reason was that they are in the process of revising the menu. After discussions with the manager this was corrected. We were also charged 100 escudos per person for the music without being informed in any way beforehand. I can't imagine that this is allowed in Cape Verde. The food was acceptable, lots of dishes and Cocktails weren't available. The staff wasn't very friendly and not particularly motivated. There are many other cheaper and better restaurants in Mindelo where you don't have to pay for the music and you can volunteer to give something to the band.
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 Jo B. 1 year ago on Google • 348 reviews
    Came here on a cruise, so only stayed one day. Tourist coaches are really mini buses; they are small, most are fairly old and have few amenities (no aircon). If you get a good guide then the trip will be a good one, if you don't... If you're older, in need of frames to get about, the buses can only take a couple. Getting on and off can be tough. Wheelchair bound will find going around under their own steam easier. This time I went walking and then visited the beach which is a must if you enjoy a beach. The water is gorgeous. I noted a bar there serving food and drinks. Not sure about toilets. Town itself worth exploring.

  • 3/5 Oleg P. 6 years ago on Google • 43 reviews
    Good spot, plenty place for docking and anchoring. Small marine store. Close to the city and port. You have to pay for water, water is from watermaker. Showers is street style (small room, small doors, you showering while other people going to toilets in front of you, don't go in a middle of the day). Marina doesn't provide Internet (only place with WiFi is floating bar and you have to order something in order to get the password or to seat there).
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Tomasz T. 2 months ago on Google • 278 reviews New
    Marina super, tylko za wodę i prąd płacimy osobno, wifi tylko w okolicy baru. Dziś zobaczymy jakie jest miasto.

  • 5/5 Bob R. 2 years ago on Google • 93 reviews
    Extremely friendly and helpful staff. The only Marina in Cape Verde right next to the town. I was at anchor for 2 weeks, strong winds unsafe at times and spent 5 days on the yacht to make sure it didn't drag. Came into marina for last 2 nights for total luxury before heading to The Gambia. The bar is great for hanging around for drinks, meeting others and their dish of the day for 5 euros, 5,00 cve which are delicious and varied
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 Андрей �. 2 months ago on Google • 220 reviews New
    Довольно приятная и недорогая марина. Как я понял единственная в этой части островов. Вода есть по счётчику покупка заранее, электричество по дням. Стоит много судов, много французов. Перекусить можно на входе в марину, возле офиса

  • 5/5 Combichrist L. 5 years ago on Google • 176 reviews
    Tolle Atmosphäre am Jachthafen, freundliche Bedienung und großzügige Cocktaildrinks. Kommt mit Leuten und Scippern schnell ins Gespräch. Einfach genießen und entspannen und abschalten!

  • 5/5 Nanka P. 1 month ago on Google • 140 reviews New
    Opravdu milí pracovníci. Všechno funguje jak má, všechno je čisté. Prádlo na vyprání si vyzvednou na lodi za 2 Euro/Kg. A navíc mají super bar hned na molu.

  • 5/5 John L. 6 years ago on Google • 108 reviews
    Marina bar, perhaps the best place to eat seafood at Mindelo. Floating restaurant, simple but very good and affordable!

  • 4/5 Margret P. 1 year ago on Google • 41 reviews
    Sehr schöne Marina, hat das Flair eines Floating Dorfes. Die Bar ist Abends der Treffpunkt. Freundliches und hilfsbereites Personal.

  • 5/5 Angeline van 't V. 2 months ago on Google • 37 reviews New
    Fijne Marina en gezellig druk! Alles word goed bijgehouden en een hele vriendelijke staff.

  • 5/5 Darek K. 1 month ago on Google • 26 reviews New
    Fajna i jedyna marina na wyspach zielonego przylądka. Super klimaty

  • 5/5 Sebastian B. 1 year ago on Google • 18 reviews
    Nice Staff and an interesting and welcoming environment. Of course there is some swell coming into the marina, but it’s not always too bad. Be prepared to have some shock absorbers on your mooring lines. Still I think they making the best of it

  • 5/5 Dimitri 5 months ago on Google • 15 reviews
    Very fresh and Cosy energy

  • 5/5 Kids C. 7 months ago on Google • 12 reviews
    Great place, fantastic, helpful staff, extra bonus - plate of the day in the marina's restaurant introduces you to highlights of caboverdean cusine

  • 4/5 B W. 11 months ago on Google • 11 reviews
    Schnorcheln mit Schildkröten, war toll, kann die einheimischen Guide empfehlen, diese warten am Hafenausgang, sind sehr nett und viel günstiger als vorher buchen. Erwachsener 25€, Kinder bis 12Jahre frei. Wir wurden ca 20 Minuten zu einer schönen Bucht gefahren und dann ging es mit kleinen Booten ein Stück raus und da kamen schon die Schildkröten an. Danach gabs noch ein Bier am Strand

  • 1/5 Janek H. 1 year ago on Google • 11 reviews
    Check your berth!! ⛓️We moored our boat backwards under the instruction of the marineros. Unfortunately, a thick chain passed underneath our berth and destroyed the rudder blade. This is not the first time this has happened. The marina is aware of the problem and yet has taken no responsibility! Make sure you check your berth and either moor forwards or change berth if you discover such a chain. Apart from this unpleasant experience, we really liked the marina.

  • 5/5 Lucy N. 2 months ago on Google • 11 reviews New
    Heerlijk gegeten met een prachtige uitzicht!!

  • 3/5 La Otra P. 1 year ago on Google
    Not very safe marina, everybody have access. The dock moves a lot, expensive for what they offer.

  • 5/5 Carlos Ferreira S. 5 years ago on Google
    Best sailor bar in town - try the English breakfast

  • 3/5 Mauro G. 7 years ago on Google
    Very gasty marina, and floating peers not fixed (!!), therefore a lot of movement. Very uncomfortable. Better anchoring. 2c€/l of water (well done, I hate the water waste I see in almost all the marina). Euro are accepted at reasonable exchange rate. Clean baths. Floating bar with WiFi. ( if you manage to dock nearby, like me now, you get free WiFi aboard until 22)

  • 4/5 María P. 1 year ago on Google
    good place, good service but they need to have more personnel because sometimes waiting time is so long

  • 5/5 James P. 2 months ago on Google • 10 reviews New
    For having a monopoly as the only marina in Cabo Verde, it's excellent (many reasons, see other reviews). The only drawback is the 1-2 block radius from the marina... Granted, out of the marina control, but here's an FYI/workaround: Close by/at the exit to the street, there's lots of people asking for money (starts with a friendly fistbump, always ends in a request. Good news: it's a safe interaction). Workaround: act like you're on the phone. Talk to yourself about whatever tickles your fancy. Plankton, spiders in the sails, how cats domesticated us, a pressing repair, or actually talking to a loved one on WhatsApp (preferably they are more of a listener than a talker, for this particular walk). On a different/related note: I loved talking with the locals, who were beyond this radius. They are helpful, don't know much English, but you can get stuff done (Google Translate!). The open air market to the SE of the marina (and roofed Municipal Market) are great for fresh foods, souvenir Capo Verde shirts, electronics, and sewing repairs.

  • 5/5 keith e. 2 years ago on Google
    Minded was great all the marina staff very helpfull

  • 5/5 Trevor M. 2 years ago on Google
    Good. Excellent staff, berths snatch with tide and wind but its clean and tidy.

  • 3/5 Henric F. 2 years ago on Google
    Safe environment and good prices for grog.


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😠 The food was OK and the service was great but when we got the check we saw that they added a 15% tax there is no tax in Cape Verde this is just a way for them to charge more without telling anyone that they charge you more if you want to steal just steal don’t try and sneak it in on the check.
3.90 (79 reviews)
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