Interior View of Fogo National Park

Fogo National Park

Tourist attraction National park

👍👍 Es lohnt sich wirklich, den Fogo Nationalpark mit der Caldera, dem Rand der Caldera und vielleicht auch dem Pico do Fogo zu besuchen. Von São Filipe gibt es Sammel-Taxis und natürlich auch geführte Touren zur Caldera. Dort oben kann man viel über Vulkanismus lernen, geführte Wanderungen unternehmen.... People often mention guide, volcano, Fogo, vulc, experience, Caldeiras, nature, Beautiful,


XJJR+GR4, Atalaia, Cape Verde

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(17309 reviews)

Visitor Reviews

Frequently mentioned in reviews: guide (11) volcano (10) Fogo (9) vulc (9) experience (8) Caldeiras (7) nature (6) Beautiful (6)
Reviews are sorted by relevance, prioritizing the most helpful and insightful feedback at the top for easier reference.
  • 5/5 Wolfgang K. 5 years ago on Google • 502 reviews
    Es lohnt sich wirklich, den Fogo Nationalpark mit der Caldera, dem Rand der Caldera und vielleicht auch dem Pico do Fogo zu besuchen. Von São Filipe gibt es Sammel-Taxis und natürlich auch geführte Touren zur Caldera. Dort oben kann man viel über Vulkanismus lernen, geführte Wanderungen unternehmen. In und um die Caldera wird auch Wein angebaut, den man unbedingt kosten sollte. Überhaupt wachsen in dieser scheinbar lebensfeindlichen Umgebung sehr viele Nutzpflanzen, denn die vulkanische Asche ist sehr fruchtbar.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Hoptzger 5 years ago on Google • 554 reviews
    Ein Naturbeispiel, wie es sein kann schön und doch schrecklich. Die Bewohner sprechen wohl eher von Unheil. Absolut lohnendes Ziel. Vulkan besteigen ist auch schön.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Raimund A. 5 years ago on Google • 433 reviews
    A must if you visit Cabo Verde and are interested in nature and hiking. The ideal place to stay is Casa Marisa where they offer already any tour.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Kelly M. 1 year ago on Google • 101 reviews
    Best experience of my life thus far. PLEASE be respectful and pay for a guide to take you. Don't be an ignorant tourist. My guide was exceptional, knowledgeable, funny. A local from the village below, she spoke exceptional English and helped make the experience as amazing as it was. THANK YOU, FOGO!!
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Beatriz B. 1 year ago on Google • 11 reviews
    Don't book the volcano hike experience through Trip Advisor. There are many local guides there that will book you the experience when you are there already. It is cheaper this way.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Hessel 2 years ago on Google • 8 reviews
    Beautiful landscape caused by a long history or vulcanic activity. Inside the crater is a village where one can see the impact of the last eruption (2014), talk to the locals and enjoy the many delicacies of Fogo. Make sure to stop by Casa Marisa for lunch or dinner!
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Herve F. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) A place that is hard to describe so much it's amazing especially since the last eruption of 2014 that buried many houses cut off the main road destroyed vegetation and locals who do not want to leave their caldera life took over new construction of vines .... the big and small pico loop is superb and the explanations of a guide to understand the history necessary to see (Original) Un endroit qu il est difficile de décrire tellement c est étonnant surtout depuis la dernière éruption de 2014 qui a enseveli de nombreuses maisons coupé la route principale détruit la végétation et les habitants qui ne veulent pas quitter leur caldera la vie a repris de nouvelles constructions des boucle grand et petit pico est superbe et les explications d un guide pour comprendre l historique nécessaires à voir
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Jeroen L. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Recommended! Nice walk to the top with a nice view. Running down through the damp stones is also very nice. (Original) Aanrader! Leuke wandeling naar de top met een mooi uitzicht. Naar beneden rennen door de klamme steentjes is ook erg leuk.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Angel B. 6 months ago on Google • 348 reviews
    Trekking inoblidable pel vessant del volcà. Una mica exigent doncs caminar trepitjant pedretes volcàniques no és gens fàcil. Paisatge lunar. Durant el trek es poden trobar cràters de velles erupcions. Des del segle XV al volcà de Fogo se li han registrat 28 erupcions, l'última el 2014 quan va sepultar bona part del llogaret de Portela.

  • 5/5 Herman 6 years ago on Google • 216 reviews
    This place is the mist stunning location I’ve ever been to

  • 5/5 mj buitelaar-van s. 5 years ago on Google • 191 reviews
    If you are interested in vulcanos...this is a must see and experience this force of nature your self.the people started to build houses again,just a few month after the latest outburst in nov 2014.. Mustafa and Mariska build a restarant.some cute houses and rooms to stay the night . They have good guides to bring you to the top and a climbing centre. Good food good staff good stay and great vieuws..

  • 5/5 Mehmet O. 10 months ago on Google • 191 reviews
    Yürümek nasip olur inşallah

  • 5/5 Pedro B. 4 months ago on Google • 157 reviews
    Local incrível por múltiplas razões. Trata-se da cratera de um vulcão activo cuja última erupção foi em 2014, onde existe uma aldeia e os seus habitantes vivem da agricultura e do turismo. Como estamos em altitude, as temperaturas são mais baixas e as culturas aqui praticadas não são tropicais mas mediterrânicas, introduzidas pelos portugueses aquando dos descobrimentos. A principal é a vinha mas existem pomares de macieiras, figueiras, romanzeiras e outras. A produção de vinho é de tal forma importante que existe uma cooperativa com adega própria. A paisagem vulcânica associada a esta actividade humana é inigualável, um lugar único no mundo que merece o maior destaque internacional.

  • 5/5 B. A. 9 months ago on Google • 131 reviews
    Beeindruckende Vulkan- und Lavalandschaft

  • 5/5 Ron J. 1 year ago on Google • 92 reviews
    Great hike but very steep at some points. Compensates with great panorama views and lots of Botanical Diversity. Hike taken Chã de Caldeiras para Mosteiros.

  • 5/5 Heron 2. 1 year ago on Google • 66 reviews
    Der Besuch der Insel Fogo war ein Abenteuer. Der Aufstieg ist für Untrainierte recht anstrengend. Aber wir haben es geschafft. Die Inselbewohner sind sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit. Es hat sich gelohnt.

  • 5/5 Rui F. 4 months ago on Google • 55 reviews
    Chã is an amazing experience that photo’s can describe

  • 5/5 Luiz B. 6 years ago on Google • 38 reviews
    Ain't got no words to describe this place. It's just unbelievable!

  • 5/5 Marco G. 8 months ago on Google • 31 reviews
    Bella esperienza! Salita sul vulcano ripida e impegnativa, meglio affidarsi a una guida. Discesa a prova di ginocchia

  • 5/5 Nilda M. 5 years ago on Google • 20 reviews
    Wonderful island, very natural and gorgeous. People very kind and helpful. You must know it.

  • 5/5 Lukas 1 week ago on Google • 15 reviews New
    Sehr schöner Nationalpark. Selbst im Januar ist es tagsüber sehr angenehm warm, allerdings mit Einbruch der Dunkelheit wird es sehr kalt.

  • 5/5 Vera U. 2 years ago on Google • 9 reviews
    It's incredibly calm and overwhelming in the Caldeira!!

  • 5/5 Jorge S. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Awesome place. Spectacular scenery even more if you choose to climb the volcano. From there you will have an overview of the entire caldera as well as the size of the various eruptions 1951-1995 and 2014. Reconstruction of the housing in progress as well as the road. Hire a guide. (Original) Local incrível. Paisagem espectacular ainda mais se optar por subir ao vulcão. Daí terá uma visão sobre a totalidade da caldeira bem como a dimensão das várias erupções 1951-1995 e 2014. Reconstrução das habitações em curso bem como a estrada. Contrate um guia.

  • 5/5 Laurent G. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Magnificent region, impressive volcano and crater, several possibilities of walks and walks. (Original) Magnifique région, volcan et cratère impressionnants, plusieurs possibilités de marches et balades.

  • 5/5 Tomás García G. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Amazing (Original) Increíble

  • 5/5 basile gauthier a. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Beautiful seen from the top of the Pico breathtaking must take against absolutely a guide (Original) Magnifiques vu du haut du Pico a couper le souffle il faut par contre prendre absolument un guide

  • 5/5 Silvio Brito Tour G. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Amazing to recommend to everyone (Original) Amazing recomendo a todos

  • 5/5 Francesca C. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) The Fogo volcano and Cha das Caldeiras are magical places. It seems to be in another world, an extra-terrestrial world. The peace that reigns is absolute, it is very good. I suggest exploring the area with your own vehicle, but also going up with an aluguer, staying overnight and going back down the next day must be a unique experience. Avoid rather organized day tours that leave little free time available. (Original) Il vulcano di Fogo e Cha das Caldeiras sono luoghi magici. Sembra di essere in un altro mondo, un mondo extra terrestre. La pace che regna è assoluta, si sta molto bene. Suggerisco di esplorare la zona con un mezzo proprio, ma anche andare su con un aluguer, pernottare lì e tornare giù il giorno dopo deve essere un'esperienza unica. Evitate piuttosto i tour organizzati in giornata che lasciano poco tempo Libero a disposizione.

  • 5/5 Javier B. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Beautiful place that takes you to another planet. (Original) Precioso lugar que te traslada a otro planeta.

  • 5/5 Evandro M. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Magnificent (Original) Magnifico

  • 5/5 Oscar B. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Great wonder of nature. I recommend visiting and climbing to the top of the volcano. (Original) Grande maravilha da natureza. Recomendo visita e subida ao topo do vulcão.

  • 5/5 Luciana C. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) It is a symbol of strength and determination. Seeing the rebuilding of a village and resurgence of the devastated plantations in 2014 by volcanic lavas is a learning about resilience. Moreover, fortunately, we are not everywhere that we have the privilege of enjoying the beauty of a volcanoes and climbing it. Even volcanic lavas, synonymous with destruction, form beautiful sculptures. I was with my baby of 2.5 years, so we climbed the small peak. The tour lasted 3 hours round trip with difficult stretches. If it is the Island of Fire do not stop climbing, at least the small volcano. (Original) É um símbolo da força e determinação. Ver a reconstrução de um vilarejo e ressurgimento das plantações devastados, em 2014, pelas lavas vulcânicas é um aprendizado sobre resiliência. Além disso, felizmente, não são em todos lugares que temos o privilégio de apreciar a beleza de um vulcões e escalá-lo. Mesmo as lavas vulcânicas, sinônimo de destruição, formam esculturas belíssimas. Estava com meu bebê de 2,5 anos, então escalamos o pico pequeno. O passeio durou 3 horas ida e volta com trechos difíceis. Se for a Ilha de Fogo não deixe de escalar, pelo menos o pequeno vulcão.

  • 5/5 Paulo Cesar V. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Beautiful place, unique (Original) Lugar lindo, sem igual

  • 2/5 Helder A. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Very degraded without any technician (Original) Bastante degradado sem nenhum tecnico

  • 5/5 Jardel L. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Best place to go (Original) Melhor lugar para ir

  • 5/5 Thomas W. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) An incredible place. The lava creaks underfoot in this lunar landscape. The reliefs surrounding the crater bring a tremendous perspective to the place. The villagers are very friendly. The ascent of the volcano is really worth it, the view from the summit is breathtaking. The descent in great stride in the ashes is simply magical ... (Original) Un endroit incroyable. La lave craque sous les pieds dans ce paysage lunaire. Les reliefs entourant le cratère apportent une formidable perspective à l endroit. Les villageois sont très sympathiques. L ascension du volcan vaut vraiment le coup, la vue du sommet est à couper le souffle. La descente en grande foulée dans les cendres est tout simplement magique...

  • 5/5 Jose C. 6 years ago on Google
    Natural nature... beautiful

  • 5/5 Sad D. 6 years ago on Google
    Trooooop cooool

  • 5/5 Danny D. 5 years ago on Google
    Magnificent place

  • 5/5 Malatesh S. 7 years ago on Google
    Chennagidhe illondhu fun&fair madidre famous agutthe 100% Guarantee success ... Illige barlikke Visa fee's ₹30,000 apply illaa 🎊🎉🎇🎋🎀🎁🎄🎍🎂🎈🎂🎂🎂🎂🔭📚💖💝

  • 5/5 jordi s. 5 years ago on Google

  • 5/5 Ron H. 5 years ago on Google
    A must to visit

  • 5/5 Gerard van B. 6 years ago on Google

  • 5/5 Daniel A. 7 years ago on Google
    Great place to explorer

  • 5/5 Mat P. 6 years ago on Google
    A must if you're in Fogo Island - even if you're not planning to scale the peak. It's worth just for the views alone. There is no gate or entrance fee, just a small post informing you that you are now in the Park.

  • 4/5 Sylvia B. 4 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Café Volksgarten - Viennese scene at it's best (Original) Café Volksgarten - Wiener Szene at it's best

  • 5/5 pierre H. 4 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Superb memory of the ascent and descent of this beautiful volcano (Original) Superbe souvenir de la montée et de la descente de ce beau volcan

  • 5/5 Bernd Aus f. 4 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) pure nature (Original) Natur pur

  • 5/5 Henri C. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Great (Original) Super

  • 5/5 Antonio F. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) ftt (Original) Ftt

  • 5/5 Marianne S. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Cape Verde volcano It is worth climbing. (Original) Vulkan auf den Kapverdischen Inseln Eine Besteigung lohnt sich .

  • 5/5 Rigel M. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Magic (Original) Mágico

  • 4/5 Celeste P. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) It was different from other places. Liked it (Original) Foi diferente de outros sítios. Gostei

  • 5/5 Aliou B. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) It's fantastic (Original) C'est fantastique

  • 4/5 Luis V. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Gerson (Original) Gerson

  • 5/5 Clottu M. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Beautiful place. The ascencion starts at 6am and it takes about 4 to 6 hours of walking between up and down. The view is splendid. A guide costs 6000 escudos for 2 and 2000 / person if you are more than 2. The climb is traced but I would say that the guide can be really good for the descent because dangerous! In other countries, the rise will be I think forbidden. We are not sheltered by a rockslide or a pebble. But doing it is just amazing. I recommend this place. I stayed at José's house in Cha das Caldeiras. Watching via booking is really not bad. (Original) Endroit magnifique. L'ascencion commence à 6h du matin et il faut compter environ 4 à 6h de marche entre monter et descendre. La vue est splendide. Un guide coute 6000 escudos pour 2 et 2000/personne si vous êtes plus de 2. La montée est tracée mais je dirait que le guide peut être vraiment bien pour la descente car dangereux ! Dans d'autre pays, la montée serai je pense interdite. On est pas à l abris d un éboulement de pierre ou d un cailloux. Mais le fait de le faire est juste incroyable. Je recommande ce lieux. J'ai séjourner chez José à Cha das Caldeiras. Regarder via booking c est vraiment pas mal.

  • 5/5 Bruno R. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) A fantastic island! Everything up there is brutal! It is well worth the visit! (Original) Uma ilha fantástica! Tudo lá em cima é brutal! Vale bem a pena a visita!

  • 5/5 T M. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Beautiful place, wonderful people (Original) Precioso lugar, gente maravillosa

  • 5/5 Evilene M. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Nature speaks for itself (Original) A natureza fala por si

  • 5/5 Neusa Pires M. 5 years ago on Google
    I love this island. The power of nature

  • 5/5 Leridiu L. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Attractive (Original) Atrativo

  • 5/5 Egilson S. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Being near a volcano is amazing (Original) Estar perto de um vulcão é sensacional

  • 5/5 Valéria D. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) The descent is wonderful (Original) A descida é maravilhosa

  • 5/5 Elias M. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Great to be in Chã das Caldeiras (Original) Muito bom estar em Chã das Caldeiras

  • 5/5 Vero L. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Magical ! You have to climb to the top of the big pico! (Original) Magique ! Il faut monter en haut du grand pico !

  • 5/5 Maria P. 5 years ago on Google
    Amazing experience 🙏🏽😍

  • 5/5 Martin M. 6 years ago on Google • 3 reviews
    Very beautiful landscape!


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