Koo Foundation Sun Yat-Sen Cancer Center image

Koo Foundation Sun Yat-Sen Cancer Center

Hospital Medical center Non profit organization Private hospital Cancer treatment center Specialized hospital

👍👍 和信醫院位於捷運關渡站與忠義站之間 可以搭乘捷運淡水線 在忠義站或關渡站下車 如果行動方便 可在忠義站下車 由捷運站二號出口出站後右轉 沿著捷運鐵路的步道 步行五分鐘 便可以看到和信治癌中心醫院的建築物 如果是陪伴行動不便的人可以在關渡站下車 搭乘和信治癌中心醫院 準備的免費接駁交通車 接駁車站牌在 關渡捷運站1... People often mention hospital, patient, cancer, staff, time, diagnosis, doctor, patients, care,


No. 125號, Lide Rd, Beitou District, Taipei City, Taiwan 11259




+886 2 2897 0011

Rating on Google Maps

4.00 (435 reviews)

Open on Google Maps

Working Hours

  • Friday: 8:30 am to 5 pm
  • Saturday: 8:30 am to 12 pm
  • Sunday: Closed
  • Monday: 8:30 am to 5 pm
  • Tuesday: 8:30 am to 5 pm
  • Wednesday: 8:30 am to 5 pm
  • Thursday: 8:30 am to 5 pm

Featured Reviews

Frequently mentioned in reviews: hospital (11) patient (10) cancer (8) staff (7) time (7) diagnosis (6) doctor (6) patients (6) care (6)
Reviews are sorted by relevance, prioritizing the most helpful and insightful feedback at the top for easier reference.
  • 5/5 千代希 1 year ago on Google • 304 reviews
    和信醫院位於捷運關渡站與忠義站之間 可以搭乘捷運淡水線 在忠義站或關渡站下車 如果行動方便 可在忠義站下車 由捷運站二號出口出站後右轉 沿著捷運鐵路的步道 步行五分鐘 便可以看到和信治癌中心醫院的建築物 如果是陪伴行動不便的人可以在關渡站下車 搭乘和信治癌中心醫院 準備的免費接駁交通車 接駁車站牌在 關渡捷運站1號出口旁 第二個路燈位置 依右邊接駁車時間表搭乘到和信醫院 如果自行開車 和信醫院地址:台北市北投區立德路125號 往台北市方向 可由洲美快速道路 或其他路線往淡水方向 經大度路後 右轉立德路到達 大度路與立德路路口之明顯地標為慈濟關渡志業園區進入立德路後約500公尺 醫院位於左側。 我從林口出發 往北中山高五股交流道 走64快速道路往五股八里 過關渡橋右線直走 第三個紅綠燈看到左邊 慈濟建築物立德路口 左轉直走1-2分鐘左邊 就到了 👍和信醫院是一所癌症治療專科醫院 醫師的醫術非常高明 我有一位朋友姐姐在它院 叫她去安寧病房了 後來轉到和信接受治療 到目前3年多情況很穩定 醫師很專業 對病人又非常的好」。「化療治療先不要害怕,不要對號入座,不要把化療的各種副作用,都一一加諸到自己身上…。 相信醫生相信就有力量 隨著年齡增長 身體機能難免下降 照顧好自己的健康 就是給家人最好的禮物 ㊗️福大家平平安安 健健康康🥰
    32 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 SCH L. 6 months ago on Google • 600 reviews

  • 1/5 Joy 9 years ago on Google • 9 reviews
    My review is for the Second Opinion Program this hospital highly raves on their website and the Urologist, Lien Yen Yang M.D. (楊聯炎) for his lack of professionalism. I brought my mother to this clinic to get a 2nd opinion on her cancer diagnosis. Not only was the doctor rude and telling us to just go back to our original doctor. He was also recommending 16 rounds of chemo when my mother's original doctor and all online sources recommended 6. When I asked why 16, he just said "no reason why, everyone's different." Wtf?? Honestly, I was expecting so much more. The receptionists at sign in were very kind and helpful. It's probably just the doctor.
    13 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 黃Connie 1 year ago on Google
    2022/3/17 23:20進入急診,終於得到一條棉被保暖,由於疫情期間,醫生要全套裝備才能來看急診病人,大家都辛苦了! 2022/08/16 12:57 從門診轉來急診,先推到室外陽光曝曬20分鐘、紫外線消毒嗎? 2022/8/21 09:43 又來急診,不能進入室內、又遇到水肥車,What a day!
    12 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 蔡佳芳 10 months ago on Google • 228 reviews
    無關乎醫療品質 而是此地的路標、建築物動線不明 只有美型設計 外觀至上 部分區域為管制區又不標示 保全就是驅趕 很可惜 沒有同理心的建築單位
    5 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 流行性 7 months ago on Google
    給4星,是覺得還有進步空間! 漫長癌症治療過程,先去其他醫院做超音波、切片……檢查,看報告再排下一項檢查,兩週才有一進度(門診約90人 午診等到打烊 只看5分鐘),和信可以ㄧ週兩項或同天三項檢查,免除舟車勞頓,拖延病情惡化。 化療住院時,護理站凌晨不時探望,護理師聊天方式,了解居家情況(安排營養師衛教癌症飲食 沮喪會安排身心科會診),出院前開好居家所需用藥,舉凡手指裂、長痘痘、睡眠差及化療藥副作用,出院ㄧ次領齊,設備環境清幽乾淨,讓身心都得到安慰平靜(光是廁所和更衣室、檢查服就很優 正所謂‘’沒比較就沒傷害‘’) 見負評都不是病人本人,大多是陪病家屬,其實醫生不是神,生死由命,事後欲加罪責,真的很難公正解釋~
    8 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 徐梓軒 10 months ago on Google
    我的母親兩年前確定罹患了三陰性乳癌,聽了同事的建議到你們醫院就醫 甚至不願意再去其他醫院再多檢查一下 檢查選擇的結果就是一直聽診陪診檢查一系列做檢查下來整整花費了一個月的時間才敲定手術時間。 手術完當天也詢問過是否需要留院做治療追蹤 當時看診的王姓主治醫師以及整個團隊真的讓人不敢恭維 開完刀就立刻要趕病人出院👍 連我開一個小小的急性闌尾炎手術醫生也讓我留院三天觀察。 術後我的媽媽還要接受標靶以及電療等等的治療 也都有按時回醫院接受你們所謂的「治療」以及追蹤是否病症有其他突變 喔對了,複診的時候你們的醫生也不是原本兩年前那位醫生是一位比較年輕的醫生(事後才知道)也一直跟媽媽說身體都沒有異常也沒有轉移的問題 是媽媽堅持要去骨科檢查 還是骨科醫生跟她說這個看起來像癌細胞貴院該醫師才重視這件事情 做了全身骨掃描才發現原來脖子以下到小腿以上都是癌細胞 這個消息不只有病人會接受不了吧 卻只有病人自己知道情況這麼差勁 住院期間甚至有醫護人員在家屬跟病人面前直說:「你也不是不知道你媽媽的狀況不是很樂觀」難道可以因為不是當天主要值班的護理師就可以說這種話嗎?當下我也有告知該護理師 妳們忙我知道沒辦法專門只照顧幾個病人一定會有遺漏或是在忙的情況這些都能理解 但是否該考慮一下她說的這些話難道就是貴院說的「醫者仁心」?我就想問 如果我們都可以像專業人員一樣獨自在家照顧好患者我們需要花這些費用以及時間來貴院尋求幫助嗎🙂 到貴院從一開始住院的8天出院2天在入院13天在出院2天在入院 最後再躺著出來也沒有感受到你們醫護人員有半點覺得不妥當 甚至在住院期間讓病人只要家屬不在都不敢喊痛也不敢要止痛針以及換尿布 人就已經在不舒服甚至覺得很恐慌不給陪病的家人離開 甚至最後一次住院才告知我們問我們家屬是否要拿著媽媽的光碟影像去其他醫院問看看有沒有更好的治療方式 我當下真的氣到覺得非常非常非常的誇張 人好好入院的時候為什麼不說可以這樣呢?非要折騰到人已經多了一個譫妄症的時候才說這些 等到人都離開了我們依然沒有得到一個妥善的解釋 甚至連生病開完刀後的用藥等等原來這些事情都不需要給的陪伴同行的家屬知道全部都由癌症病人自己承受👍
    8 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 LTJ 6 months ago on Google • 47 reviews
    小細胞肺癌,不該來和信!好醫生眾多,非百分之百。 家人得了比胰臟癌還糟糕的小細胞肺癌,已進展到3C,情況刻不容緩,無助的我們於是北上求醫,遇到了和信醫院黃敬元醫師,開始了放化療程。 前幾次都還好,腫瘤也在縮小,但1線第6次做完沒多久,患處開始腫脹疼痛,發燒、手舉不起來,醫生判斷血栓,治療了1週沒什麼改善,最後開了嗎啡等多種止痛藥就讓出院了。 之後我們找了對小細胞肺癌較有經驗的醫生尋求第二意見,醫生看了從和信帶來的資料,比對最後一次拍的CT和X光後發現:腫瘤長大了!壓迫到神經才導致一系列不適...😔 醫師我請問您,每一次的檢查報告您有沒有看?身為血液腫瘤科醫生,腫瘤變大都沒發現?還誤以為血栓,放任腫瘤生長,也沒排定下次化療時間。面對又快又猛的小細胞肺癌,您都做法扼殺了我們全家希望😭 如果不熟悉這種病,也該坦白講,讓我們趕緊尋找一線生機,而您都沒有! 我很心痛、忿忿不平,希望不要再有人發生類似的事,生病已經很慘,又遇到沒有同理心的醫生更糟,希望不要再有人遇到類似事情。
    6 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 蘇菲 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) In the past, it was called a noble private hospital. In fact, it also provides an epidemic screening station. First-time patients enjoy the careful guidance of dedicated staff, which attracts many patients from the central and southern regions. (Original) 過去被稱為貴族私人醫院,其實也提供疫情篩檢站,初診病人享受專人仔細的慰問指導,吸引了許多中南部病人前來。
    7 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Arthur P. 1 year ago on Google
    細心、有耐心的專業團隊醫療,在這治療,感受到尊重與安心,謝謝 您們!
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Johnny C. 1 year ago on Google
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 yan w. 1 year ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) All my thanks are not enough to describe in words. I would like to thank all the nurses, physicians, psychologists and the staff involved in the tranquility ward in Liubei. Because of your hard work, I understand the true value of being a human being, that is, to do your best for This society gives back to this. The two-week nursing practice has left a deep and moving impression on me in the future as a nurse. I hope that I can also give warmth to every patient like you, thank you ❤️. (Original) 所有的感謝都不足以用文字形容,謝謝六北所有護理師 醫師 心理師及各參與安寧病房的人員,因為你們的用心付出讓我明白身而為人真正存在的價值,就是盡所能的為這個社會付出回饋於此,為期兩週的實習照護在我未來的照服員生涯留下深刻感動的印象,期許自我也能如同你們溫暖的付出於每一位個案病患身上,謝謝❤️。
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 tabo C. 2 years ago on Google
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Patrick N. 11 months ago on Google
    My experience at the Koo Foundation Sun Yat-Sen Cancer Center has been nothing short of exceptional. With their patient-centered approach, highly knowledgeable staff, and state-of-the-art facilities, they have managed to make even a cancer diagnosis less intimidating. From the moment you step into the center, you are greeted by friendly staff who are always willing to assist with a warm smile. Every single doctor here goes above and beyond. Unlike my experiences at other institutions, the doctors at KFSYSCC take their time during each appointment. They are patient and meticulous, ensuring all my questions are answered, and everything is explained in a manner that is easy to comprehend. Their facilities are modern and impeccably clean, which certainly adds to the overall comfortable experience. The center’s high quality of services is evident in every aspect, from the thorough consultations to the comprehensive treatment plans. Having reviewed their annual report, it's clear that their performance and outcomes rival those of the best cancer centers in the United States. But what truly setsKFSYSCC apart, in my opinion, is its commitment to patient welfare over everything else. Their patient care manager are on call 24/7 to ensure questions get answered or any health concerns are addressed. This focus on the individual patient's journey, their needs, and their comfort makes the center stand head and shoulders above other institutions, including National Taiwan University Hospital. Even their chemo treatment area (ACC) looks like a business class seat lounge overlooking a garden so that it makes the experience easier for patients. Unlike NTUH, KFSYSCC never makes you feel like just another patient in the queue. The personalized care, the time taken to understand and address each concern, the readiness of the staff to provide assistance, all combine to create an atmosphere that is focused on healing and hope. KFSYSCC is unique in that their staff are salaried and so they aren't under pressure to see as many patients as possible, unlike places like VGH or NTUH where you feel kind of like cattle, being whisked in and out of the appointments in a short period of time. Staff take their time with you to understand the situation and provide high-quality, evidence-based care. After reviewing their annual report showing their patient outcomes (which most hospitals in Taiwan don't produce), I am convinced that KFSYSCC is the best cancer hospital in Taiwan, delivering superior outcomes in the country. Their hospital infection rates are the lowest I've ever seen, even as a health policy researcher from the United States. This means that patients can rest assured they are receiving good care in a clean environment. KFSYSCC's efforts to detect and decrease risks of cancer occurrence through their screening programs also needs to be highlighted as it is both comprehensive and a testament to the fact that the hospital wants to help Taiwan decrease the chances of incurring cancer.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Maika H. 2 years ago on Google • 28 reviews
    The doctor rejected to treat a patient just because she didn't bring the CT report scanned at another hospital two months ago!!!!!!

  • 5/5 張恆瑄 1 year ago on Google • 6 reviews
    Staffs are super kind and professional. Environment is clean and bright which makes people feel relaxed at hospital!

  • 1/5 李季芯 11 months ago on Google
    此評論僅代表我對醫院的主觀感受 不代表醫院的服務品質 我以面試者的心情來提供給要去面試的人參考 我去面試報到 填完資料考完試後 負責人請我到一間辦公室稍等 我在裡面待了整整一小時,沒有人來跟我說為何負責面試的人會遲到這麼久 或是還要再等多久 於是我下午的整個時間就被浪費在那裡 我很訝異那麼大的一間醫院竟然連最基本的守時都做不到 是不尊重面試者嗎?我的時間也很寶貴 原本滿心期待來面試 因為環境看起來很棒 但在我走出去的時候意外聽到其他同仁嘻嘻哈哈地說他們本來要跟別部門開會結果因為遲到太久對方離開了,讓我不禁懷疑遲到是否為他們的常態

  • 1/5 陶相國 1 year ago on Google

  • 1/5 請改善 11 months ago on Google

  • 5/5 張昱翔 11 months ago on Google
    大廳感覺不像醫院 醫護人員視病如親,照顧病友非常有耐心,服務親切。 醫療設備齊全,就醫時間精準,保障病友權益。

  • 1/5 Holo Y. 1 year ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) One star for the central counter. I need insurance claims. I applied for a medical certificate on 8/4 and directly took away my yellow bill payment details. I couldn’t find it when I got home. Said to pay another 50 yuan for the copy, and my yellow bill was handed over to the counter to apply for a diagnosis certificate and she did not return it to me. Because there are too many documents, I went home and sorted out the information only to find that it was not in it! Could it be due to the hospital's personal negligence that I have to pay another copy fee? I'm going to the hospital today to confirm by the way, how much time should we waste waiting there? For a patient who has just finished surgery and needs to rest, such a service process is really sorry for the quality of the hospital! The counter staff did not return my things, but asked the patient to pay for the copy? I have come back to confirm the second time. She just took away my $791 statement and didn't return it to me. The other payment receipts from the hospital recently are still there. Being a patient fool or a plate? The diagnosis certificate has already been paid, but we patients are responsible for the things you lose? ? ? Makes people angry enough! ! ! (Original) 一星給中央櫃檯。需要保險理賠,8/4申請診斷書直接把我的黃單繳費明細拿走,我回家怎麼就是沒找到,住院回來又找第二次。說副本再付50元,我的黃單就是交給櫃檯申請診斷證明她沒有還給我。因為單據太多,我回家整理資料才發現沒有在裡面!可能是院方個人疏失卻要我再付一次副本費用?我今天是去辦理出院順便確認,讓我們浪費多少時間在那裡乾等?對一個才剛開完刀需要休息的病人,這樣的服務流程實在非常對不起該醫院的素質!櫃檯人員沒還我的東西,卻要病人自行負擔副本費用?我已經回來確認第二次了。她就是收走我那一張$791明細沒還我,近期去醫院的其他繳費單據都還在。當病人傻子還是盤子?診斷證明就已經付過錢了,妳們弄丟的東西卻要我們病人自行負責???讓人有夠生氣!!!

  • 5/5 Hector W. 1 year ago on Google
    of the best service even of bad memories there

  • 5/5 Celia 5 years ago on Google

  • 5/5 40520古璽 6 months ago on Google

  • 5/5 Christine P. 10 months ago on Google • 2 reviews
    One of my family members had been diagnosed with a serious late stage form of cancer. The diagnosis and treatment here have been outstanding. Dr. Tan and Dr. Huang and the rest of the team have been amazing. My family member was constantly well taken care of, received an accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment. His room is beautiful facing the hills and the quality and time spend with doctors has been very high. I highly recommend this hospital for compassionate cancer care.

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