Interior View of Salinas de Pedra de Lume

Salinas de Pedra de Lume

Tourist attraction

Low-elevation salt crater offering a chance to swim in the waters & learn about local history. People often mention salt, water, shower, experience, skin, lake, floating, visit, worth, swimming,


Pedra Lume, Cape Verde


+238 951 32 83

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(7381.6K reviews)

Working Hours

  • Monday: 9 AM to 5:45 PM
  • Tuesday: 9 AM to 5:45 PM
  • Wednesday: 9 AM to 5:45 PM
  • Thursday: 9 AM to 5:45 PM
  • Friday: 9 AM to 5:45 PM
  • Saturday: 9 AM to 5:45 PM
  • Sunday: 9 AM to 5:45 PM

Visitor Reviews

Frequently mentioned in reviews: salt (27) water (16) shower (15) experience (14) skin (9) lake (9) floating (8) visit (7) worth (6) swimming (6)
Reviews are sorted by relevance, prioritizing the most helpful and insightful feedback at the top for easier reference.
  • 5/5 chris n. 1 year ago on Google
    We were very lucky and had the whole place to ourselves for a bit. It's really a fascinating experience just floating around without any effort due to the salt in the water. I would definitely recommend going there if you are on the island. You don't need to spend hours on hours in the water since there are already kind of smoother skin after a short while. I would also recommend not taking a shower afterwards to let your skin soak in - it might be a little uncomfortable at first but I felt this was worth it.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 M C (The Old School C. 11 months ago on Google • 460 reviews
    A very good place to visit. It is historic and was very relevant to the island's trade. You can float in its salt pools, feel the geothermal heat from the floor of the pool and enjoy the views. I read up on the place afterwards and wish I'd done so before. It would be complicated going there without a tour mainly because of the quality of roads and lack of public transport.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 3/5 Blesser 1 year ago on Google • 228 reviews
    The place itself is remarkable and the dead-sea experience as well, worth to visit but the place is dirty and smells bad. Tourists could definitely be using another area to swim. To take a shower after swimming would cost you one EUR.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 Zack H. 1 year ago on Google • 97 reviews
    Great attraction, well worth the visit. These are farmed, man made salt lakes. The island of Sal actually grew and developed from the salt mining that took place aka. its name literally meaning 'Salt'. You can enjoy a relaxing swim in the pools which are the second saltiest waters to the dead sea itself which means you literally effortlessly float when swimming. Apparently it's really good for your skin and very detoxifying. You can still evidently see the industrial past and there is no mistaking this site is man made. You do smell the sulphur fumes whilst swimming as this island is volcanic, which can be slightly unpleasant but the floor below your feet are kept nice and warm from this heating effect. There is a bar/restaurant on site. Toilet facilities and showers. The fresh water shower does cost €1 each.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 Maria G. 1 year ago on Google • 90 reviews
    A dead sea experience 5€ entrance fee. Fresh water shower available to wash the salt off 1€. Sit back and watch your feet rise to the surface. It was worth a visit if only for the experience and the lovely views.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 Tomek I. 3 weeks ago on Google • 1013 reviews New
    Former salt mine with small salt lake (27%) which is enough for floating your body. Using a shower after that is charged 1 euro. There is also a small café.

  • 5/5 Phoebe W. 1 year ago on Google
    Don’t really need to write a review for this place as you’re probably booked to see this if you’re visiting Sal. It is a MUST see! My skin has never felt so good after floating on the salty water. I went to this on one of the TUI excursions but you can hire a car up there if you want. There is a changing facility and a restaurant although we didn’t stop at the restaurant. Try not to let the salty water into your eyes as it really stings.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 3/5 Dirk D. 6 months ago on Google • 424 reviews
    Etwas dreckig aber insgesamt sehr cool

  • 4/5 Nabil R. 1 year ago on Google • 363 reviews
    A Dead Sea type experience only this one has dessert valley views and the salt stamper comes out of the ground. There is a hike downwards to the salt flats and lakes but a car can get in if you need extra accessibility for your party. As of Oct 2023 the entrance is 5 euro to walk in, I am unaware for cars though. Swimming in the salt lake is interesting as you do float, no matter your position. Be sure to take a shower afterwards to get all those minerals out of you. All in all a recommended experience.

  • 5/5 Ro H. 5 months ago on Google • 296 reviews
    Marvelous place! Def worth a visit. Bring your swimming gear and be ready to get salty wet 😀

  • 5/5 Kerri M. 8 months ago on Google • 258 reviews
    brilliant experience. the salt water is warm and doesn't feel gritty at all. Once you walk in you and lay on your back, you will float due to all the salt. such an amazing relaxing experience. Afterwards you can pay 1 euro for a shower in fresh water. they have changing rooms too. your skin will feel seriously soft after this experience.. but if you have any cuts you will definitely feel the pain but the salt lake will heal it too.

  • 5/5 Francisco Javier Marquez M. 1 month ago on Google • 246 reviews New
    Cuesta 6€ entrar pero merece la pena verla y bañarse en ella

  • 5/5 Dom. S. 7 months ago on Google • 228 reviews
    Ein wirklich beeindruckendes Erlebnis. Der Bus parkt wenige Meter vorm Eingang. Man geht ca. 5 bis 10 min bis zu den Salzseen. Man sollte feste Schuhe anhaben. Am See selbst kann man sich umziehen und für einen € 30 sec. duschen. Im See selbst benötigt man keine Badeschuhen. Man sollte aber eine Flasche Wasser dabei haben um sich hinterher bei Bedarf die Augen auswaschen zu können.

  • 4/5 Zbigniew S. 3 weeks ago on Google • 224 reviews New
    Wszystko się zgadza, cena 6 EUR, jeden z basenów do wejścia i polecenia na wodzie. Generalnie miejsce trochę umiera, ale szkoda przegapić..

  • 5/5 Slawek M. 2 months ago on Google • 222 reviews New
    Kąpiel błotna jak Morzu Martwym

  • 5/5 Olaf R. 11 months ago on Google • 219 reviews
    Wir waren mit Annes-Info Point. Eine tolle Location und einen Ausflug wert. Zu Eintrittspreisen und co. möchte ich nichts berichten, denn die paar € sollten immer möglich sein. Ein tolles Bauwerk diese Salz-Beförderungsanlage und ein fantastischer Erlebnis im „Salz“ zu baden… Los geht’s; Vertrauen haben, einfach ins Wasser legen und schweben… ein sensationelles Erlebnis…

  • 5/5 Zbynek C. 6 months ago on Google • 209 reviews
    Misto, ktere urcite stoji za navstevu. Je to opravdu zvlastni pocit lehnout si na vodu a nemuset nic delat a voda vas drzi. Take se muzete napatlat bahnem, ktere ma take velmi ozdravne ucinky. Je tu sice sprcha, ale nam pruvodkyne doporucila nechat na sobe sul pusobit a umyt se az na hotelu. Jinak je tu restaurace a WC a samozrejme se tu da koupit sul, ktera tu vychazi opravdu levne, na jinych mistech na ostrove je o dost drazsi.

  • 4/5 Aiva J. 1 month ago on Google • 167 reviews New
    Historic place.Great experience swimming this salt water. After you can take shower,1eur--30seconds. This place have snack bar and souvenir shop Ticket price 6eur.

  • 5/5 Elisa S. 6 months ago on Google • 162 reviews
    Si quieres sentirte flotando como en el Mar Muerto entonces deberías de ir. Son 6€ la entrada en la caseta de entrada, puedes bañarte y darte barro. A mí me encantó. Antes de salir hay opción de ducha pero 1€ para 30 segundos de agua. Vale la pena acudir. En coche es cómodo desde Espargos porque es una de las pocas carreteras asfaltadas.

  • 5/5 Theo H. 2 months ago on Google • 160 reviews New
    Schönes Ausflugsziel auf Sal. Gehört zu den Top 3 der Ziele. Ein Muss: Im Salzsee baden.

  • 3/5 irmgard s. 2 months ago on Google • 139 reviews New
    Das Bad im Salz ganz interessant.Aber der Ort wirkt ungepflegt und schmuddelig. Der Boden ist matschig, Badeschuhe sind empfehlenswert. Es gibt zu wenig Ablagemöglichkeiten für Handtuch und Kleidung, die Umkleiden dürftig ,auch hier keine Ablagen. Für den Preis hätte ich mehr erwartet.

  • 5/5 Ciro M. 3 weeks ago on Google • 139 reviews New
    Luogo incantevole e suggestivo. C'è la possibilità di bagnarsi e fare dei fanghetti curativi in prossimità della salina. Luogo attrezzato con bagni e doccie a pagamento.

  • 4/5 lauren p. 7 months ago on Google • 137 reviews
    6€ to enter and 1€ for 30 seconds of freshwater shower when you are done swimming. We went here on a full day island tour. They definitely don’t give you enough time to enjoy this place. However, you can come here on your own by taxi or by car without a tour service. That’s probably much better as you’ll have as much time as you want to swim and relax here. They have a snack bar with some food and drink options. We went on a Sunday and apparently that’s the least busy day. It’s more crowded in season and during the week.

  • 4/5 Günther R. 4 weeks ago on Google • 115 reviews New
    Interessant im Salzwasser zu schwimmen.

  • 5/5 luis miguel Cunha S. 1 month ago on Google • 107 reviews New
    Local interessante e historico, salina explorada por portugueses a partir de 1804. Local muito bonito e fotogénico com experiência unica nos banhos salgados...

  • 5/5 Surya N. 1 month ago on Google • 106 reviews New
    Amazing place. The salt content is so high that one has to force ones mind, soul and body to be able to stand, but thats not the point. Entry fee €6.60 and €1 for am30 sec shower after bathing in the salt lake. Andnif you are alone then feels like Maritian Landscape..Salt 🤔😀

  • 5/5 Dariusz Bączkiewicz (Dariusz B. 3 months ago on Google • 94 reviews New
    Ciekawa historia - warto to zobaczyć i się wykąpać w tej gorącej i gęstej wodzie

  • 5/5 Haig R. 7 months ago on Google • 92 reviews
    Einfach toll. Der Salzgehalt des Wassers ist so hoch, dass es schwierig ist aus einer liegenden in eine senkrechte Schwimmposition zu kommen. Eine beeindruckende Erfahrung! Das Schlammbad soll laut Reiseführer nicht so empfehlenswert sein, da man danach lange etwas seltsam "duftet".

  • 3/5 Antoo f. 9 months ago on Google • 89 reviews
    Eintritt 6 Euro, wir gehen unter einer Höhle durch und gleich danach sehen wir mehrere Salzplantage, auf einer davon kann man baden, aber nicht schwimmen, weil das Wasser so salzig ist, achten Sie auf Ihre Augen und nicht schlucken falls es passieren sollte da ist eine Dame mit einer Eimer stillem Wasser. Duschen kostet 1 Euro, der Toilettengang ist kostenlos. Es gibt auch ein kleines Restaurant, wenn man es so nennen kann, und daneben Liegestühle für Pausen.

  • 4/5 Carla P. 3 months ago on Google • 86 reviews New
    Cool experience if you would like to visit a Vulcano crater with an ancient salt production center from the 1800 that is now closed and used only for turistic purposes. The extreme salt concentrations make you float very easily and it's said it good for you skin. Worth a visit that costs 6eur.

  • 5/5 żeluś j. 6 months ago on Google • 77 reviews
    Ciekawe miejsce warte zobaczenia.

  • 3/5 Maciej T. 1 month ago on Google • 67 reviews New
    Anywhere else in the world this place would be a 1-star. But you’re in Sal, so enjoy a salty puddle in the middle of nowhere

  • 5/5 Mohamed T. 2 months ago on Google • 57 reviews New
    Ca vaut le détour, on peut se baigner dans un eau très salée et donc on flotte sans effort.

  • 2/5 Tor Kristian G. 11 months ago on Google • 42 reviews
    Salinas is a salt mine where water is pumped into a volcano crater, evaporates and the salt is left behind. It looked like there were still operations in the mine as we passed 2 old, rusty and hydraulic fluid leaking machines on the way down to the mine. There is one lake at the bottom of the crater and it’s said that you will get 10 year’s younger if you take a bath. We did and the water smelled awful as pollution has been aggregated for years. I will not do this again. The good thing is that the infrastructure is in place with shower and toilets to get cleaned up.

  • 5/5 Tanja K. 6 months ago on Google • 38 reviews
    Die Salinas sind auf jeden Fall ein Besuch wert. Die gesamte Anlage ist sehr gepflegt. Da wir mit einem Leihwagen unterwegs waren und zu dem Zeitpunkt keine Touribusse vor Ort waren, war es auch nicht überlaufen und sehr angenehm. Ich würde Badeschuhe empfehlen, da stellenweise schon größere Steine auf dem Boden liegen und das recht unangenehm ist, wenn man da drauf tritt.

  • 5/5 Aya B. 1 month ago on Google • 37 reviews New
    Very unique experience, make sure to get towels, and because the water is very salty try not to get it in your eye or face

  • 3/5 Abdul S. 1 month ago on Google • 33 reviews New
    Ein magischer Ort definitiv, aber man hätte mit einem Schild vorher warnen sollen das kleine Kinder nicht rein dürfen.

  • 4/5 Lisa N. 6 months ago on Google • 32 reviews
    Ein Naturschauspiel, viele Touristen, duschen kostet 1€, eintritt kostet 6€ pro Person, für ältere und Menschen mit Beeinträchtigungen schwer zu erreichen. Warmes Wasser tolles Gefühl zu schweben.

  • 3/5 Marco J. 3 weeks ago on Google • 30 reviews New
    De zoutmijnen zijn op eigen vervoer of via een tour te bereiken. De entree bedraagt €4,- per persoon, wat als je het mij vraagt aan de hoge kant is voor wat je ervoor terug krijgt. Naast drijven in zout water kan je hier ook een modderbad nemen voor een zachte huid. Restaurant, sanitair en kleedaccommodatie zijn aanwezig.

  • 1/5 M S. 1 month ago on Google • 23 reviews New
    Je ne voulais pas me baigner dans l’eau, mais j’ai quand même dû payer six euros à savoir le prix d’entrée pour utiliser les toilettes. Je trouve cela aberrant.

  • 2/5 Sofia F. 3 weeks ago on Google • 23 reviews New
    Biggest scam in the all island, it's deffo not worth to go.

  • 5/5 Marek P. 4 weeks ago on Google • 22 reviews New
    Jedn z niewielu atrakcji na wyspie Sal. Parking, toaleta, prysznic i oczywiście Restauracja.

  • 4/5 Tony M. 6 months ago on Google • 17 reviews

  • 1/5 Jeroen K. 6 months ago on Google • 11 reviews
    Silly to charge 6 euro each for a short bathing session. Mandatory shower also cost you money!, local warned for water quality. Could cause skin rash of skin. There is an earlier road exit, which can lead you to a view point, which is nice. However be aware!, there are a lot of locals on scooters helping you to show directions and than try to charge you for 6 Euro each!

  • 3/5 Jair S. 5 months ago on Google • 8 reviews
    El sitio es brutal poder flotar o llenarte de barro es maravilloso la sesnsacion y el lugar es digno de ver lo que si esque se aprovechan mucho de el turismo te cobran 6€ por entrar solo en efectivo y luego si quieres quitarte el kilo de sal con el que sales te cobran 1€ por 30 segundos de agua … nosotros en ese caza turismos no caímos más Alante ai una playa que para quitarse el exceso hasta que bajes es suficiente vamos

  • 5/5 Magda N. 3 weeks ago on Google • 3 reviews New
    Miejsce które koniecznie trzeba odwiedzić będąc na wyspie, robi wrażenie 🙂

  • 5/5 Nuno B. 1 year ago on Google
    🧂 Great experience floating in a salty lake! 5€ entrance and 1€ if you want a shower after.

  • 5/5 Merja P. 1 year ago on Google
    an incredibly great experience - barren landscape, salt all around and a salt lake! The entrance to the area through the cave had to raise expectations. Bring swimmers, because floating in the salt lake was almost as perfect as in the Dead Sea. Definitely recommend!!

  • 5/5 Marika M. 1 year ago on Google
    Todella kiva retkeilykohde. 26% suolavesialtaassa uiminen tuntuu hassulta eli kelluu kuin korkki.

  • 3/5 Allie P. 1 year ago on Google
    Great floating in the salt water. Bit of a con to charge for a shower. No facilities open once we were in there. Restaurant closed.

  • 5/5 Jan A. 2 years ago on Google
    Loved this place, its great floating in the salt lake, I've been floating in the dead sea and I would say that this is thicker. Your skin definitely feels softer after, especially if you don't wash it off until later. The old wooden frames for carrying the salt from the lakes to the road are still there after year's, fascinating. PS. Don't get salt in your eye's or mouth as it stings. Also, there are changing rooms to change in and toilets as well as a shower, which they charge an extra €1 for 30 seconds of water, better let it dry naturally, which it does in about 2 minutes, but definitely by the time you've walked back to the car park. Also it is a bit of a walk from the car park especially coming back as it's up hill.

  • 5/5 Eva �. 1 month ago on Google • 2 reviews New
    Krásné místo, stojí za návštěvu

  • 5/5 Viktor B. 1 month ago on Google • 2 reviews New


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