Interior View of Basilica of Saint Marinus

Basilica of Saint Marinus

Tourist attraction Catholic church Basilica

Neoclassical 19th-century church with relics of San Marino, the patron saint of the Republic. People often mention Marino, Basilica, church, beautiful, basilica, visit, architecture, Saint, Marinus, Republic,


Piazzale Domus Plebis, 47890 Città di San Marino, San Marino



+378 0549 992420

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(9032.1K reviews)

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Frequently mentioned in reviews: Marino (32) Basilica (15) church (13) beautiful (12) basilica (10) visit (9) architecture (7) Saint (7) Marinus (7) Republic (6)
Reviews are sorted by relevance, prioritizing the most helpful and insightful feedback at the top for easier reference.
  • 4/5 Oliver R. 4 years ago on Google
    Schöne alte Kirche.Leider durfte ich sie nicht von innen ansehen da ich eine kurze Hose an hatte und mir der durfte ich sie nicht betreten.Aber von außen sehr schön. Tipp:Um die Kirche betreten zu dürfen. Keine Kurze Hose Kein Rock/Kleid Keine Ärmellosen Oberteile
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 Marek B. 1 year ago on Google • 391 reviews
    Great architecture. It is worth the extra steps to visit, rest, and contemplate.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 CK C. 1 month ago on Google • 1368 reviews New
    {"0":"This is a Catholic church located in the Republic of San Marino and is the main church of San Marino City. Impressive and imposing architecture","2":["0","143"]}
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Vojtěch V. 3 years ago on Google • 21 reviews
    Very dignified Basilica with modest but charming interior. Basic decorum is required, so if you're wearing a skirt, they might not let you in. Inside everyone was silent and respectful.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 N K. 1 month ago on Google • 1977 reviews New
    {"0":"The Basilica was a display of the beautiful classical architecture. It is one of the must visit places in San Marino. The nearby areas have many beautiful views of the low lands.","2":["0","178"]}

  • 5/5 Plamen M. 1 year ago on Google • 59 reviews
    The basilic is unique. It is inaugurated in 1828. Inside is a large with many sculptures. You can visit follow rules and keep silence.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Baloo �. 1 year ago on Google • 52 reviews
    Great place to visit - day trip
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 Beate B. 1 year ago on Google • 42 reviews
    {"0":"Nicht nur die Basilika ist sch\u00f6n auch der Rundgang oben auf der Burg. San Marino ist eine Reise wert und man kann dort Zollfrei einkaufen besonders gut Lederwaren und Parf\u00fcme. Sehr gute Reisezeit ist Ende September da ist nicht so viel los und es gibt Handtaschen, Kleidung, Schuhe und Lederjacken im Sale.","2":["0","306"]}
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Rupert R. 2 years ago on Google
    1855 wurde die Basilika eingeweiht und 1926 von Papst Pius XI. zur Basilica minor erhoben. Das ist ein besonderer Ehrentitel, den der Papst einer bedeutenden Kirche verleiht. Es gibt in der ganzen Welt nur rund 1500 Kirchen die diesen Titel tragen. Die Kleidungsvorschriften wurden zu unserem Glück nicht auf Punkt und Beistrich eingehalten; hängt vermutlich von der diensthabenden Person ab.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 michele u. 2 months ago on Google • 1234 reviews New
    cattedrale situata sul percorso tra piazza della libertà e le tre fortezze. Panorama sconfinato

  • 5/5 Marco 1 year ago on Google • 1183 reviews
    {"0":"Diese Basilika minor ist eine der vielen Sehensw\u00fcrdigkeiten in diesem kleinen Ort. Der S\u00e4ulenvorbau der Kirche gleicht einem Tempel und entspricht dem Zeitgeist im Klassizismus um 1830. Innen besticht der Bau mit einer schlichten Sch\u00f6nheit und zahlreichen Statuen und Alt\u00e4ren. Besonders sch\u00f6n fanden wir die Kassettendecke. Auch sch\u00f6n ist der Kirchenvorplatz mit dem Glockenturm des Vorg\u00e4ngerbaus!","2":["0","239"]}

  • 4/5 Salvatore V. 3 months ago on Google • 970 reviews New
    Basilica molto ben tenuto one tutta San Marino. Molto classica e senza eccessi

  • 5/5 Andrea N. 2 years ago on Google • 664 reviews
    It was a surprise to see it internally. In fact, I didn't think it was so beautiful! Outside it is just as beautiful and the square that surrounds it is also very beautiful

  • 4/5 CC F. 3 months ago on Google • 586 reviews New
    Nice church well decorated.

  • 5/5 Frank Y. 4 months ago on Google • 543 reviews
    {"0":"Gorgeous and must see place in San Marino!!","2":["0","43"]}

  • 5/5 Gabriele I. 3 months ago on Google • 464 reviews New
    Importante chiesa situata in una piazza panoramica che si presenta ben realizzata e all' interno luminosa ed elegante consiglio la visita.

  • 5/5 Goran A. 5 years ago on Google • 463 reviews
    Superbly interesting basilica church that is considered to be the main church of the City of San Marino. Conveniently located above the central part of the historic city, this is a perfect monumental structure that speaks about the more modern history of San Marino.

  • 5/5 Asiyah Noemi K. 4 years ago on Google • 404 reviews
    Arriving at the small square before reaching the first tower, we were immediately captivated by the beautiful Basilica of St. Marino. The Basilica of San Marino is the main church of the City of San Marino, belonging to the diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro, is dedicated to the patron saint of the city and the state. It is located in Piazzale Domus Plebis. In the place where today the basilica rises, already in the 4th century there was a church dedicated to San Marino deacon. The interior of the Basilica is simply decorated, but in its simplicity is beautiful. The main altar is decorated with the statue of San Marino deacon by Tadolini, a pupil of Canova. Under the altar are part of the relics of the saint that were found on 3 March 1586. Beautiful Basilika is definitely worth a visit.

  • 5/5 Roberto C. 2 months ago on Google • 393 reviews New
    Bella Basilica con rilievi sul soffitto molto belli. Se si va nella repubblica della libertà non si può che vedere

  • 5/5 reiselust x. 6 months ago on Google • 337 reviews
    Wunderschön 🤩 Wie im Bilderbuch. Weiß und elegant, ein historischer Ort zum nachdenken. Fazit: Eine der schönsten je Gesehenen Folgt uns auch auf Instagram: reiselustx3

  • 5/5 Jeroen de G. 6 months ago on Google • 249 reviews
    {"0":"This Bascilica does fits so with the culture of San Marino. A beautiful building which they build together. The celling is hand made flowers by the San Marino people. The left chair is for the regent and at the right part is in the silver box a part of Marino scull. To combine these two for the past and future.\nThe story behind the cross and in relation with the pope is amazing. Just ask this because the guide can tell this story better than I do. Cliff hanger indeed enjoy and ask for the details in the rocks. The fossils are in these rocks and this information you will get from the museum. So a double visit is needed.\nEnjoy and find the details of this Basica which has a direct relation with the history.","2":["0","238"]}

  • 5/5 Carlos J. 10 months ago on Google • 240 reviews
    {"0":"The Basilica of Saint Marinus stands as a testament to both architectural grandeur and historical significance. Located in the heart of San Marino, this magnificent basilica holds a pivotal role in the country's cultural heritage.\n\nConstructed in honor of Saint Marinus, the founder of the Republic of San Marino, the basilica dates back to the 19th century, although its origins trace further into the annals of history. Its striking fa\u00e7ade, adorned with intricate details and elegant columns, captivates visitors from afar, inviting them to delve into the rich tapestry of San Marino's past.\n\nBeyond its aesthetic allure, the basilica serves as a spiritual beacon for locals and pilgrims alike, offering a tranquil sanctuary for reflection and prayer. The interior is adorned with exquisite frescoes, ornate altars, and majestic stained glass windows, each telling a story of faith and devotion.\n\nStepping inside, visitors are enveloped in a sense of reverence and awe, as the sacred atmosphere of the basilica washes over them. Whether admiring its architectural splendor or seeking solace in its hallowed halls, the Basilica of Saint Marinus leaves an indelible impression on all who visit.\n\nIn conclusion, the Basilica of Saint Marinus is not only a stunning architectural marvel but also a symbol of spiritual significance deeply ingrained in the history and culture of San Marino. Its beauty and historical importance make it a must-visit destination for travelers exploring this charming microstate.","2":["0","230"]}

  • 5/5 melborrus 1 year ago on Google • 229 reviews
    Schöne Kirche, wenn man in San Marino ist, sollte man definitiv auch kurz hier vorbeischauen. Das Gebäude ist sowohl von außen ansprechend als auch innen, sehr schön gestaltet, also auf jeden Fall eine Empfehlung für eine kurze Visite

  • 5/5 Karinaswelt k. 6 months ago on Google • 188 reviews
    {"0":"Eine ganz tolle historische Kleinstadt.. viele shopping L\u00e4den.. man g\u00fcnstig essen..","2":["0","83"]}

  • 5/5 Dimitris K. 3 months ago on Google • 180 reviews New
    Στις αρχές του 19ου αιώνα, το κτίριο της εκκλησίας ήταν σε κρίσιμη κατάσταση. Το 1807, κατεδαφίστηκε και ένα έργο για την κατασκευή ενός αντικαταστάτη ανατέθηκε στον Μπολονέζο αρχιτέκτονα Achille Serra. Στις 24 Ιουλίου 1825, το συμβούλιο αποφάσισε να χτίσει μια νέα εκκλησία στον ίδιο χώρο με την προηγούμενη. Η σημερινή εκκλησία χτίστηκε το 1836 στη θέση παλαιότερης που χρονολογήθηκε στον 7ο αιώνα.

  • 5/5 JDB 6 months ago on Google • 139 reviews
    Mooie basiliek. Goed onderhouden. Bezichtiging waard.

  • 5/5 Dagmar �. 6 months ago on Google • 127 reviews
    Zvenku krásné, uvnitř jsme nebyli....

  • 5/5 Jan S. 6 months ago on Google • 100 reviews
    {"0":"San Marino is one of the unbelievable place in the world. It's \"must see\", even if you are not fan of historical buildings or cities. City has many parking places. Usually not full even during season. City was built on mountain. Highest mountain in that area, so you can imagine what views you will get. I have to say that except parking you don't need to pay anything else. In the city there are many fancy restaurants and small stores. Trip is suitable also for small kids.","2":["0","236"]}

  • 5/5 Natalia 11 months ago on Google • 83 reviews
    Amazing place with amazing story. If you are in the San Marino you must see this church!

  • 5/5 Elodie C. 5 years ago on Google • 54 reviews
    San Marin is definitely worth visiting. This medieval fortress with a paranomic view from the countryside to the Adriatic kept me speechless. When I was there the funicular was closed but I got to enjoy a tasty gelato. I totally recommend this little Republic.

  • 5/5 Saad H. 6 months ago on Google • 47 reviews
    It's a beautiful place and architecture is amazing .. must visit early in the morning

  • 4/5 Sundaram S. 1 year ago on Google • 41 reviews
    The Basilica del Santo in San Marino is a must-visit for anyone traveling to this beautiful country. The stunning architecture of the basilica is truly breathtaking, and the interior is equally as impressive with its intricate details and beautiful artwork. The views of San Marino from the basilica are also incredible, with stunning vistas stretching out in every direction. I highly recommend visiting this beautiful site if you're in the area.

  • 5/5 Lily L. 3 months ago on Google • 28 reviews New
    Superbe ,el.posséde une façade né abrite ls reliques de San Marino fondateur de ctte république en 301(4e siècle sous l'empire romain ) L'intérieur est divisé en plusieurs nefs avc ds rangées de colonnes.

  • 5/5 Shane D. 2 years ago on Google
    Beautiful Basilica that is free to enter

  • 5/5 Dijana 5 years ago on Google
    Nice Catholic church dedicated to Saint Marinus, the founder and patron of the Republic. The present neoclassical church was built in 1836 in place of an earlier one that dated to 7th century. The front porch contains eight Corinthian columns. Relics of St. Marino are enshrined in the basilica under the altar.

  • 4/5 Freeman A. 1 year ago on Google • 4 reviews
    {"0":"Looks a bit plain from the outside, but once you go inside, it's totally worth it. The detail of the carvings on the roof is quite impressive. To add on to that, you can find a statue of Saint Marinus (the patron saint of the country) on the altar.","2":["0","248"]}

  • 5/5 Ioana V. 1 year ago on Google
    Beauty Inside and out. 0.50£ Candle.

  • 5/5 Lorenz S. 1 year ago on Google
    Super Aussicht. Einfach mal ansehen, vor allem wenn man in der Nähe von San Marino ist. Umweg von Autobahn max. 1 Stunde.

  • 5/5 Ralf T. 1 year ago on Google
    Wenn man in der Gegend ist sollte man unbedingt ein Ausflug nach San Marino mit einplanen hier ist es einfach wunderschön. Es lohnt sich auch hier einzukaufen da es tolle kleine Geschäfte gibt .

  • 5/5 Demube 1 year ago on Google
    Wunderschönes Gotteshaus mit beeindruckender Einrichtung.

  • 5/5 Alzubaidi A. 2 years ago on Google
    An old and historical place. From the inside, it makes you go to the past and authenticity, the place is religious and shows the greatness of architecture at that time. Entrance is free to this place, you can pray and light candles as well. You can sit inside, I really recommend this place to visit.

  • 5/5 vacanceify 2 years ago on Google
    Beautiful architecture from the Basilica Del Santo.

  • 1/5 mariavio 2 years ago on Google
    I was not allowed to enter... the lady at the entrance just looked at me, pointed at me and gave me a "NO" sign with her finger. But other women who were dressed more scantily than I could enter...

  • 5/5 Ingrid K. 6 years ago on Google
    Amazing culture, beautifull old 160 m long church, a lot of satisfield turists. The streets are ful of Christmass spirit, shops, restaurants. You can buy what ever you want, for eat, cloths, shoes, souvenirs, drinks, sweets...I loved it!

  • 5/5 Mariana P. 5 years ago on Google
    The Basilica di San Marino (Marino translates from Latin to "man of the sea")[1] is a Catholic church located in the Republic of San Marino. While the country has a distinct domination of historic religious buildings of Christian faith, the basilica is the main church of the City of San Marino. It is situated on Piazza Domus Plebis in the northeastern edge of the city, adjacent to the Church of St. Peter. It is dedicated to Saint Marinus, the founder and patron of the Republic.


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