Interior View of Alte Rheinbrücke

Alte Rheinbrücke

Tourist attraction Bridge

👍👍 A true historical landmark in both Liechtenstein and Switzerland. Beautiful wooden bridge. Tip: cross the bridge up to the middle and enjoy a nice picture of the free "border" between both countries. People often mention bridge, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Rhine, wooden, border, countries, river, walk, Vaduz,


Rheinstrasse, 9490 Sevelen, Switzerland


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(352724 reviews)

Working Hours

  • Monday: Open 24 hours
  • Tuesday: Open 24 hours
  • Wednesday: Open 24 hours
  • Thursday: Open 24 hours
  • Friday: Open 24 hours
  • Saturday: Open 24 hours
  • Sunday: Open 24 hours

Visitor Reviews

Frequently mentioned in reviews: bridge (48) Liechtenstein (23) Switzerland (19) Rhine (13) wooden (13) border (11) countries (11) river (11) walk (10) Vaduz (9)
Reviews are sorted by relevance, prioritizing the most helpful and insightful feedback at the top for easier reference.
  • 5/5 Alejandro M. 5 years ago on Google • 567 reviews
    If you walk from the Town Hall it will take you about 20 minutes to reach this bridge which connects Switzerland and Liechtenstein. This is a perfect place for walking, the landscape is amazing (mountains, Rhine River). There used to be a sign right at the middle showing the exact point of the border but it is no longer there.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Joel A. 1 year ago on Google • 184 reviews
    A true historical landmark in both Liechtenstein and Switzerland. Beautiful wooden bridge. Tip: cross the bridge up to the middle and enjoy a nice picture of the free "border" between both countries.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 Matteo C. 3 years ago on Google
    Very cool sight to be able to cross a border in literally a step! Cool stop if you’re on the highway since it’s just 10 minutes walk from the center of Vaduz (Liechtenstein)
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Tomáš Z. 2 years ago on Google
    Very nice bridge between Lichtenstein and Switzerland over the river Rhein.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 andrea z. 6 months ago on Google • 1329 reviews
    luglio 2024: bellissimo ponte antico in legno, sopra il Reno, che divide il liechtenstein e la Svizzera. consiglio di farci una visita, lasciate l 'auto allo stadio di vaduz sono 10 minuti a piedi.

  • 5/5 Mat B. 6 months ago on Google • 1180 reviews
    Pretty fantastic wood bridge over the river, separating Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Great place to quickly get across, enjoy the running river.

  • 5/5 Nijolė G. 1 month ago on Google • 948 reviews New

  • 5/5 GT H. 11 months ago on Google • 659 reviews
    Very nice covered bridge over the Rhine, fun to stroll across and straddle the Swiss / Liechtenstein border. No passport control at this crossing, just like the Rio Grande. There are history markers to read on the inside walls of the bridge. You’ll see evidence that horses still use the bridge. 😉

  • 5/5 For P. 1 year ago on Google • 614 reviews
    Crossed this bridge while walking back to Switzerland after a day trip in Liechtenstein. Such a lovely quaint structure connecting two friendly countries. Bridges over walls. Watch out for horse poop though.

  • 5/5 Roman V. 1 year ago on Google • 573 reviews
    The "Alte Rheinbrücke" is a covered wooden bridge linking the municipalities of Vaduz and Sevelen - and Lichtenstein and Switzerland. It is very nice old wooden bridge and it is worth of visit. Most people goes here to take a picture with one hang in LI and one in SCH. :-) Measuring 135 metres in length, it was completed in 1901 and is today the only remaining wooden bridge spanning the Rhine. Another wooden bridge was, in fact, erected at the same spot 30 years earlier. However, this required rebuilding due to damage caused by the bridge being raised on two separate occasions while work was being carried out redirecting the Rhine. After the dam in Schaan broke in 1927, the bridge was raised once again. The bridge, which has a wooden roof, was renovated between 2009 and 2010. Motor vehicles are not permitted to use the bridge, making it particularly popular with cyclists.

  • 5/5 Wahyu H. 1 year ago on Google • 513 reviews
    A piece of history that still standing gracefully above the river Rhine, connecting two countries Only pedestrians and cyclists are allowed, and you have to park your car few minutes away from the bridge.

  • 4/5 Gianluca A. 4 months ago on Google • 488 reviews
    Questo antico ponte coperto in legno sul fiume Reno, segna il confine tra Liechtenstein e svizzera. In pratica, attraversandolo, si può varcare letteralmente un confine a piedi ed ho letto che è l'ultimo ponte rimasto con questa caratteristica. È molto ben tenuto ed inserito in un paesaggio altrettanto bello.

  • 4/5 Andy L. 1 year ago on Google • 385 reviews
    Wir haben nicht soviele Highlights in Vaduz finden können, sodass man bei der alten Holzbrücke auf jedenfall mal halten kann. Die Brücke verbindet Liechtenstein mit der Schweiz.

  • 5/5 Jasna J. 5 months ago on Google • 338 reviews
    Drveni most granica na Rajni Super

  • 5/5 Inês C. 3 months ago on Google • 303 reviews New
    Um dos mais belos pontos turísticos do país

  • 4/5 Danijela B. 6 months ago on Google • 287 reviews
    Zelo lep zgodovinski most, ki povezuje dve državi. Znotraj so slike in zgodovinski opis. Čudovit razgled na reko in švicarsko gorovje. Obiščete ga lahko peš, parkirišče je v bližini.

  • 5/5 Sabine M. 6 months ago on Google • 277 reviews
    Great spot to be in two countries at once. We walked over from Vaduz which was a quick 12 min walk.

  • 4/5 Виктория �. 2 years ago on Google • 263 reviews
    We came to Vaduz specifically to see this bridge. It certainly is well preserved. And the view from the bridge is beautiful. Interestingly, on the other side of the bridge is another country. But the Rhine is now very shallow in winter. Probably better to come here in the spring. And yet, horse riders go there, and the waste products of horses lie there, under their feet. Not very nice.

  • 5/5 SuperEnry91 3 months ago on Google • 237 reviews New

  • 5/5 Aron B. 9 months ago on Google • 186 reviews
    Nice old bridge, where you can just cross the border to Switzerland without border control! Feels crazy!

  • 5/5 Hubert W. 6 months ago on Google • 175 reviews
    Interesting old wooden bridge connecting Liechtenstein and Switzerland. It's closed for cars. In the middle of it, there is a border between 2 countries

  • 5/5 Annie V. 10 months ago on Google • 170 reviews
    It's an amazing history to share. Two countries bonding with one bridge. The bridge was made between Switzerland and Liechtenstein so they could able to travel goods between countries. Only horses and people still used it to go from one side to the other. Highly recommended to visit 👌

  • 5/5 Lauren A. 1 year ago on Google • 152 reviews
    Great piece of history here and a rarity that this covered bridge still stands! There lots of good websites for information on the history of this bridge, which are available in English (check Atlas Obscura), as the signs are only in German. The bridge is only open for pedestrians and cyclists, so make sure that if you’re walking you remain on the pathways to the side. There was significant amounts of cattle poop on the bridge when we went, so be careful to dodge that! It is accessible for people in wheelchairs, there are no public toilets nearby, and there is a car park a mere 2 minute walk away should you drive to it in order to cross!

  • 5/5 Lenka �. 4 months ago on Google • 140 reviews
    Really nice spot in Lichtenstein close to Vaduz city centre.

  • 3/5 gaetan van d. 6 months ago on Google • 140 reviews
    Rien de bien surprenant dans cet endroit. Un beau pont couvert en bois traversant une rivière sabs charme.

  • 5/5 Oleg C. 2 months ago on Google • 138 reviews New
    Legacy of the past!

  • 5/5 Dan B. 3 months ago on Google • 128 reviews New
    Scenic spot for taking fun pictures standing between two countries. As others have pointed out, parking is a few hundred meters down the road at a park, but it is a nice walk along the river.

  • 5/5 Vishmita S. 1 year ago on Google • 125 reviews
    Beautiful bridge for walking and cycling. Especially the water flowing under bridge, gives the mesmerizing view to the eyes of beholder. We also made a dancing video here, as we couldn't leave the place without capturing few beautiful moments.

  • 5/5 Roger G. 5 months ago on Google • 113 reviews
    The bridge has been renovated but is still beautiful and has that old charm. It is awesome to be in two countries at once as you stand in the middle of the bridge. The Rhein River still has the pristine aqua-colored glaciel water.

  • 3/5 玛里苟斯Marighos 4 weeks ago on Google • 112 reviews New

  • 4/5 Elmar M. 3 months ago on Google • 110 reviews New
    Romantisch schön !

  • 5/5 Robert F. 5 months ago on Google • 110 reviews
    Schöne alte Holzbrücke über den Rhein in die Schweiz. In der Brückenmitte Schild Grenze Liechtenstein - Schweiz.

  • 5/5 Cogito Ergo S. 3 months ago on Google • 109 reviews New
    Non capita certo tutti i giorni di poter varcare il confine tra due paesi semplicemente attraversando una passerella ciclopedonale 🚶🏻👨🏻‍🦼🚴🏻‍♂️ in legno 🪵 ma, d'altronde, anche questa rientra tra le peculiarità del Liechtenstein 🇱🇮. Stiamo naturalmente parlando dell'Alte Rheinbrücke Vaduz-Sevelen, ovvero il vecchio ponte sul Reno che collega il Principato 🇱🇮 e la Svizzera 🇨🇭 e, al contempo, le località di Vaduz e Sevelen. Realizzata principalmente in legno 🪵, la struttura presenta una fitta intelaiatura di travi diagonali integrate però da supporti metallici verticali. Esattamente a metà del ponte si trovano i cartelli 🪧 di segnalazione dei confini summenzionati; da notare che la trave centrale su cui gli stessi sono affissi risulta completamente imbrattata di scritte. Lungo il percorso sono stati applicati alcuni pannelli didascalici (ancorché solo in lingua tedesca 🇩🇪) che illustrano la storia del manufatto, mentre in corrispondenza dei due punti d'accesso si possono osservare delle targhe più piccole. Dalla parte liechtensteiniana 🇱🇮, in particolare, ne sono state applicate tre. Quella più in alto, dalle fattezze di uno scudo bianco/blu ⚪️🔵, indica lo status di "Bene culturale nazionale" come previsto dagli articoli 16 e 17 della Convenzione dell'Aia del 1954. Più sotto ve ne sono poi una metallica recante la corona 👑 liechtensteiniana 🇱🇮 e la scritta "KULTURDENKMAL" e un'altra munita di codice QR e caratteri in "Braille". La nostra visita si è svolta lo scorso sabato in una grigia giornata ☁️ di inizio novembre. Giunti in loco sulle 11.20 🕦, abbiamo parcheggiato presso un vicino parcheggio 🅿️ raggiungendo quindi il ponte a piedi 🚶🏻🚶🏻‍♀️. Lungo il percorso ci siamo però trovati di fronte ad uno "spettacolo" che, ad onor del vero, mi è parso decisamente stridere con l'immagine che di solito si ha sia del Principato 🇱🇮 che della vicina Repubblica Elvetica 🇨🇭. A partire già dalla pista ciclopedonale, infatti, siamo incappati in abbondanti ammassi di escrementi 💩 di cavallo 🐴 che "guarnivano" la carreggiata; le deiezioni proseguivano poi anche fino alla metà del ponte (vedasi foto 📸 allegate 📎). Non a caso, poco prima, dirigendoci verso la struttura, avevamo incrociato due giovani e incuranti cavallerizze in sella ai rispettivi destrieri 🏇🏻🏇🏻 che procedevano in direzione Vaduz. Sarà evidentemente anche questa una dimostrazione della tanto decantata e superiore civiltà mitteleuropea. Episodio a parte, si tratta di una delle attrazioni più iconiche della capitale liechtensteiniana 🇱🇮. Tappa CONSIGLIATA 👍🏻.

  • 5/5 Nataliia H. 4 months ago on Google • 95 reviews
    Интересный деревяный мост на реке Рейн, он соединяет Лихтенштейн и Швейцарию.

  • 5/5 Tibor B. 5 months ago on Google • 70 reviews
    Nagyon jó élmény volt egy ilyen hídon átkelni a határon. Külön kiemelném,hogy a hídra lépve kis képeken bemutatják a történelmét. Lovasok, kerékpárosok és gyalogosok is használják. Mivel túlnyomórészt fából van,így itt kerüljük a dohányzást és a gyúlékony dolgokat,hogy még sokáig használni tudják ezt a hidat.

  • 5/5 Rene Balle L. 6 months ago on Google • 64 reviews
    Meget sjovt at stå med et ben i Lichtenstein og et ben i Schweiz

  • 5/5 森野照葉 3 months ago on Google • 45 reviews New
    The Old Rhine Bridge between Liechtenstein and Switzerland is a hidden gem that feels like stepping into a fairytale. As you walk across the wooden bridge, you’re surrounded by the peaceful sounds of the Rhine River below and the picturesque Alps in the distance. The bridge itself, with its dark timber frame and rustic charm, feels like a relic from another time—simple yet stunning. From the middle of the bridge, you can literally stand with one foot in Liechtenstein and the other in Switzerland, and it’s an incredible feeling to be in two countries at once! The view is breathtaking, especially when the sun begins to set, casting a warm glow over the river and mountains. It’s a perfect spot to snap a few photos or simply enjoy the peaceful ambiance. If you’re traveling through this part of Europe, don’t miss the chance to visit this enchanting place. It's not just a bridge; it’s an experience that connects you to nature, history, and two beautiful countries at once.

  • 5/5 Startreq V. 4 months ago on Google • 41 reviews
    Zajímavý dřevěný most tvořící hranici mezi Lichtenštejnskem a Švýcarskem

  • 5/5 A T. 3 weeks ago on Google • 40 reviews New
    スイスとリヒテンシュタインの国境にかかる橋です。 バスだとあっさり越えてしまう為、島国国家では味わえない国境越えを実感できます。 中心地からは少し離れますが、散歩レベルの距離なので問題ないかと思います

  • 5/5 C A W. 5 months ago on Google • 38 reviews
    Do you want to muck about taking silly pics on the border of Switzerland and Liechtenstein on a beautiful historic bridge, hoping back and forth from one country to the other and then take a beautiful stroll along the river at sun set? Yes, you do.

  • 5/5 Nils 1 month ago on Google • 36 reviews New
    Is ne Holzbrücke

  • 5/5 mithos 3 months ago on Google • 13 reviews New
    Stuletni Most na Renie (Rheinbrücke Vaduz-Sevelen) to drewniany most łączący Liechtenstein ze Szwajcarią, stanowiący unikalną atrakcję i symbol historii tego regionu. Wybudowany w 1901 roku, był przez dekady jedyną przeprawą między Liechtensteinem a Szwajcarią, odgrywając kluczową rolę w rozwoju kontaktów gospodarczych i społecznych. Most imponuje prostotą konstrukcji z drewna oraz malowniczym położeniem nad rzeką Ren, oferując piękne widoki na okoliczne góry i krajobraz alpejski. Obecnie jest zamknięty dla ruchu samochodowego i pełni funkcję turystyczną, stanowiąc doskonałe miejsce do spacerów i symbol przyjaźni między dwoma krajami.

  • 5/5 Honest G. 1 year ago on Google • 12 reviews
    [DEU] Die Alte Rheinbrücke ist eine interessante Holzbrücke, die im Jahr 1871 erbaut wurde. Sie verbindet die Schweiz mit dem Fürstentum Liechtenstein. Von beiden Seiten der Brücke hat man einen malerischen Blick über den Fluss Rhein und die wunderschönen Alpen. [ENG] The Old Rhine Bridge is an intriguing wooden bridge built in 1871, connecting Switzerland with the Principality of Liechtenstein. From both sides of the bridge, you have a picturesque view of the Rhine River and the beautiful Alps. I love it there!

  • 5/5 mohammad a. 2 years ago on Google • 10 reviews
    The old rhine bridge is a historical wooden bridge that connects Liechtenstein with Switzerland. It’s an excellent tourist landmark to take picture and make videos, worth the visit specially if your in the area or going into Vaduz

  • 3/5 Cloppenbürgerin 6 months ago on Google • 9 reviews
    Eine alte Holzbrücke, mit deren Hilfe man zu Fuß oder mit dem Rad in die Schweiz gehen oder fahren kann. Nicht soooo spektakulär, nur witzig, zu Fuß oder eben mit dem Rad eine Ländergrenze zu passieren.

  • 4/5 Abhishek V. 1 year ago on Google • 4 reviews
    Beautiful view of the brigde and Rhine river. But the parking was 300m away and you have to walk a lot to reach the bridge.

  • 4/5 Alwaysanovice 1 year ago on Google
    Nice old wooden bridge, there's cute signage where Switzerland border meets Liechtenstein in the middle of the river to take a fun pic. Doesn't take long to cross. Nice walks along the river nearby.

  • 1/5 Travis S. 1 year ago on Google
    Awesome memory for the family, but photo opportunity ruined by video screens for art display in the way of the border crossing photo site. Lame. Sweet pics of the kids with lady's nose behind them and dude dancing.

  • 5/5 Francesco X. 2 years ago on Google
    There were no permanent bridges over the Rhine until its course was brought under control with a series of dams designed to straighten and tame the river. This is the only remaining wooden bridge connecting Liechtenstein and Switzerland, it was built in 1871 and it's now a listed monument.

  • 5/5 Paulo S. 2 years ago on Google
    The wooden bridge. Separates 2 country’s Switzerland and Lichtenstein Made in cooperation with wood working students. A place to cross and make a few pictures Only walking or bicycle

  • 3/5 M. K. 2 years ago on Google
    Soooo cool to stand and walk between Swiss and Liechtenstein. And the scene gave me a rustic old feeling. What I miss even throughout the day...was light. It was dark in there. The bikers and walkers had to use the same space and without lights from some get a surprise.

  • 5/5 Louise R. 2 years ago on Google
    Worth the short walk out of the city centre to see this beautiful bridge and cross the border into Switzerland

  • 5/5 Steve V. 2 years ago on Google
    Really interesting bridge, provided welcome shelter from the heatwave sun and has a nice breeze too. Nice to look down on the Rhine from.

  • 5/5 Nathan R. 2 years ago on Google
    Lovely little spot we saw upon driving into Liechtenstein. A casual walk took us to Switzerland and gave us some fantastic photo opportunities.

  • 5/5 Rashid C. 6 months ago on Google • 2 reviews
    Very beautiful and normally not so busy.


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