Most reviewed places in Municipality of Quiçama

Explore the city's most talked-about destinations, sorted by the number of reviews. The higher the position on the list, the greater the number of reviews for each place. Discover the pulse of Municipality of Quiçama through these extensively reviewed and popular spots.

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Parque Nacional do Quicama image
Parque Nacional do Quicama
National park
Massive park with tourist lodgings that has reintroduced wildlife such as elephants & giraffes.
4.00 (742 reviews)
Praia dos Surfistas image
Praia dos Surfistas
👍👍 Currently my favorite go to spot to hang out with friends/ family. It’s not overly crowded, far away from the street noise. Majority is the locals. There’s parking available for AOA 1.000 and you can also rent a little rustic tree pergola for AOA 2.000 if you need some protection from the sun or a p...
4.70 (263 reviews)
Parque da Quissama image
Parque da Quissama
Nature preserve
👍 Great place for a small and low risk Safari in Angola, Luanda province, about 3 hours out of the city. Optional hotels do exist closee by (1 hrs driving).
3.70 (95 reviews)
Praia de Surf image
Praia de Surf
4.60 (60 reviews)
Kissama National Park Gate image
Kissama National Park Gate
National park
😐 Nous sommes arrivés à l’entrée du Park à 6h30, nous avons dû d’abord payer l’entrée auprès du gardien. Il nous a prévenu qu’aucune de leur voiture n’était en état et que la visite se fera avec notre véhicule. Il faut impérativement avoir un 4x4 sinon c’est impraticable. Au bout de 30mn de route sur...
3.60 (34 reviews)
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