Top rated Hotels in Zango II

Experience the best that Zango II has to offer with our curated list of top-rated places. Sorted by average review scores from venues boasting over 30 reviews, these establishments promise exceptional quality and experiences to elevate your visit in the city.

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Station Hotel image
Station Hotel
4.10 (333 reviews) (~5.33 km from centre)
Resort Palanca image
Resort Palanca
🫤 A comida demora uma eternidade a chegar, “literalmente”. Se quiserem ir comam antes em casa! Não avisam quando fazem mudanças quanto aos pedidos… enfim um lugar tão bonito, mas o atendimento é horrível.
4.00 (47 reviews) (~5.98 km from centre)
Bantu Resort image
Bantu Resort
Resort hotel
😐 The place is very clean and creative. One that we have jn the middle of Luanda. The is a sort of mini zoo. There is some animals including a Crocodile, and monkeys. No activities... There is a play area for the kids and yeah the mini zoo the kids can at least see some animals...\n\nOn the othe...
3.70 (572 reviews) (~5.82 km from centre)
Hotel Resort Paraiso do 25 image
Hotel Resort Paraiso do 25
3.70 (222 reviews) (~9.08 km from centre)
Viana Hotel image
Viana Hotel
😠 ["The waiters at the restaurant will steal from you every chance the get. They are more interested in watching TV than serving. Make sure to check your bill. They will charge do uble even up to triple if they think you're not attentive. Count everything everyday.",null,[0,261]]
3.60 (232 reviews) (~8.38 km from centre)
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