Most reviewed Markets in Buea

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Ricado Marketing Group (RMG) image
Ricado Marketing Group (RMG)
😐 For a suburban market, it's great. Provide all type of products from foodstuffs to household utensils, cosmetics, fashion or whatever you can think of... it's a mix culture market. Just that it has a lot of muddy environment.
3.60 (405 reviews) (~8.1 km from centre)
Buea Central Market image
Buea Central Market
😐 Interesting place, diversified, accessible, hospitable, though not very clean.
3.40 (340 reviews) (~5.54 km from centre)
Ifunanya babies shop buea image
Ifunanya babies shop buea
😐 Nice market for local food
3.60 (155 reviews) (~1.9 km from centre)
Soppo Market image
Soppo Market
👍 Very accessible market just along the main road in the soppo neighborhood. Very cheap and affordable to suit every budget you have for giids and services. Traders are as well very friendly. Considering cleanliness as a routine for healthier living, the Buea council does a great job keeping the envi...
3.80 (105 reviews) (~2.74 km from centre)
Bokwaongo Main Market image
Bokwaongo Main Market
😠 Good place
3.50 (102 reviews) (~2.34 km from centre)
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