Most reviewed places in Kumba III

Explore the city's most talked-about destinations, sorted by the number of reviews. The higher the position on the list, the greater the number of reviews for each place. Discover the pulse of Kumba III through these extensively reviewed and popular spots.

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K-Town Hotel image
K-Town Hotel
😐 The hotel is very attractive and has good services the bar area has all kinds of drinks
3.40 (108 reviews)
Elongo Gardens image
Elongo Gardens
👍 Elongo Gardens is a value for money hotel located in Kumba. It is well situated away from the noise and bustle of the city center. Being one of the oldest hotels in town, the hotel has been able to maintain quality over the years such that it remains the top choice for the city duelers and vis...
4.10 (95 reviews)
El Bethel Hotel image
El Bethel Hotel
👍 Quiet enough for families
3.40 (40 reviews)
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