Hidden gems: Tourist attractions in Cape Verde

Discover the city's hidden treasures—remarkable spots that are relatively undiscovered but offer exceptional experiences. Our selection criteria? A rating of 4.5 or higher with fewer than 150 reviews. Explore these lesser-known yet outstanding places that promise a delightful visit in Cape Verde.

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Cabo verde sport fishing image
Cabo verde sport fishing
Tourist attraction
👍👍 La mejor empresa de charter de toda la isla. Un equipo competente, con mucha experiencia y muchísimo conocimiento de pesca. 4 años repitiendo con ellos.
5.00 (28 reviews)
sidy tours image
sidy tours
Tourist attraction
👍👍 The tour was great. The day exceeded our expectations. The guy, Sid, organized a perfect barbecue with lokal salat, drinks and fruit. We grilled the fish which we catched some minutes before. During fishing time Sid explained us ditails about the island. The price was fair. Sid is a perfect recomm...
5.00 (23 reviews)
Filomena Apartments image
Filomena Apartments
Tourist attraction
👍👍 Top locatie! Vriendelijke ontvangst van een zeer vriendelijke gastheer. Appartement was heel netjes en van alle gemakken voorzien. Ik raad het iedereen aan om hier te slapen !!!
5.00 (21 reviews)
Momo Tour Boavista Cap vert image
Momo Tour Boavista Cap vert
Tourist attraction
👍👍 Les excursions son Supers, magnifiques , bien expliquées et conviviales, à un prix plus que raisonnable. Merci Momo pour ses moments inoubliables .
5.00 (17 reviews)
Katlantik image
Condominium rental agency
👍👍 I recommend this company, everything is professionally organized. Good prices. The boat trip to the island and the snorkeling was a great experience. Thank you
4.90 (80 reviews)
Carberinho image
Scenic spot
👍👍 Site exceptionnel
4.90 (79 reviews)
Cova Crater image
Cova Crater
Tourist attraction
👍👍 Cova é lugar magnifico, sentir a sensação de estar dentro de uma caldeira vulcânica é incrível, muita paz e tranquilidade. O ponto mais alto da borda da cratera é cerca de 1.500 m. O diâmetro da caldeira é de cerca de 1,0 km. Faz parte do Parque Natural Cova-Paul-Ribeira da Torre.
4.90 (78 reviews)
Praia de Chaves image
Praia de Chaves
Scenic spot
👍👍 Amante Delle spiaggia isolate e ricche di fascino ? Non puoi non visitare questo ambiente naturale dove le tartarughe vengono a deporre le uova. Una bella escursione in quad è l'ideale ma anche con un 4x4 le emozioni non mancano.
4.90 (32 reviews)
la barque de Sety image
la barque de Sety
Tourist attraction
👍 The excursion with Sety was very nice, especially since he speaks French very well which is practical. The meal is good and the fish can be replaced by chicken if necessary. Drinks are not included, however, you will need to remember to take enough water with you.
4.90 (22 reviews)
Museu Dos Naufragos image
Museu Dos Naufragos
👍👍 We went as part of an excursion on holiday. We were greeted with much needed drinks and a warm smile. The hosts were lovely, very knowledgeable about the museum. Such a great place to visit with lots of historic information. A definite place to visit","2":["0","251"]}
4.80 (166 reviews)
Fontainhas image
Tourist attraction
👍👍 Fountainhas is a magical little village clinging to the sides of vertical walls. You hike to it from different sides of the island. It's a photographers dream catching light and color in shades of blues, greens and yellows, from below, above and across the valley. There are no facilities other than...
4.80 (135 reviews)
Farol de Dona Amélia image
Farol de Dona Amélia
Tourist attraction
👍👍 Sublime ! Attention au sensible au vertige
4.80 (54 reviews)
Praia da Varandinha image
Praia da Varandinha
Tourist attraction
👍 Luogo non visibile dalla strada se non conosciuto da una guida locale come la nostra le formazioni rocciose sulla spiaggia hanno il suo fascino perché rendono il paesaggio unico
4.80 (48 reviews)
Deserto de Viana image
Deserto de Viana
Wildlife refuge
👍👍 Ci siamo stati in fuoristrada ed è stato fantastico in alcuni punti lo guardi e sembra il Sahara le dune sono in alcuni punti alte anche una ventina di metri o anche più e scendere è stato molto emozionante il vento e il silenzio regnano sovrani solo la nostra presenza umana spezza questo piccolo i...
4.80 (46 reviews)
Cuba Piscina natural image
Cuba Piscina natural
Tourist attraction
👍👍 Magnifique lieu naturelle et sauvage! La beauté à l'état pure! Vous y contemplerez la mer et ses vagues se briser sur les roches volcaniques pour finir s'échouant dans les multiples bassins créer par le temps... Vous pouvez y passer la journée, alors apportez une glacière pour vous abreuver et vous...
4.80 (38 reviews)
Turtle House image
Turtle House
Tourist attraction
👍👍 Gran experiència, del millor de la nostra aventura a Cap Verd! Vaig contactar amb Turtle House des d'Espanya i em van respondre de seguida, resolent tots els meus dubtes i donant-me un bon preu, molt millor que les excursions organitzades per agències. Quan vam arribar a la platja de São Pedro des d...
4.80 (35 reviews)
Pico da Cruz image
Pico da Cruz
Tourist attraction
👍👍 Super point de vue. Je recommande
4.80 (22 reviews)
Corvo image
Tourist attraction
👍👍 Un pueblito pequeñito y espectacular en mitad de las montañas y cerca de la costa. Las vistas son increíbles, merece muchísimo la pena.
4.80 (21 reviews)
Scenic Viewpoint on Pico image
Scenic Viewpoint on Pico
Tourist attraction
👍👍 On the way to Cha das Caldeiras, when visibility is good, you can see the Pico de Fogo in all its glory. The sculptures and rock formations made from lava stone are impressive. It's always amazing how, after a short time, numerous plants and vines sprout from the lava layer. On the way to Cha das Ca...
4.80 (18 reviews)
Morro Negro lighthouse image
Morro Negro lighthouse
Historical landmark
👍👍 Beautiful renovated lighthouse! which is inhabited by the lighthouse keeper. The lighthouse keeper is very friendly and can tell you a lot about the sea, beaches and the hinterland. Few tourists come, so the lighthouse keeper is delighted when someone comes by. You can drive up with a quad/4x4. Hig...
4.70 (158 reviews)
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