Top rated places in Matadi

Experience the best that Matadi has to offer with our curated list of top-rated places. Sorted by average review scores from venues boasting over 30 reviews, these establishments promise exceptional quality and experiences to elevate your visit in the city. Ratings are based from 4 places in the city.

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Matadi Bridge image
Matadi Bridge
😐 It is nice metallic bridge but Soldiers tried to take my mobile because I got photos there! I dont know why it is forbidden to take photos there!
4.10 (43 reviews)
Flat Hotel LEDYA image
Flat Hotel LEDYA
👍 C'est un hôtel d'un bon niveau. Le personnel est très agréable et à l'écoute des visiteurs. Logée dans la partie ancienne de l'hôtel, les chambres sont correctement équipées et plutôt grandes. Il est possible d'y séjourner sans trop sortir car il y a une piscine une salle de sport et un très joli ja...
4.00 (68 reviews)
Kin Marché (Matadi) image
Kin Marché (Matadi)
👍👍 Cause that cool
3.90 (33 reviews)
Port of Matadi image
Port of Matadi
🫤 Matadi, its the Democratic republic of Congo's principal port and main transit port for the whole country. A river port in the port city of Matadi on the bank of river Congo approx 140 kilometres upstream from the mouth of river, vessels are usually berthed stbd side alongside with port anchor dropp...
3.60 (55 reviews)
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