Most reviewed places in Nanortalik

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Café 44 image
Café 44
👍👍 Lol- has anyone actually gone to this cafe? Or are we all just exploring Google maps?
4.50 (53 reviews)
Nanortalik Outdoor Museum image
Nanortalik Outdoor Museum
Heritage museum
👍👍 Hermoso lugar, las montañas las vistas la gente y el museo. Todo precioso
4.80 (48 reviews)
Nanortalik Church image
Nanortalik Church
Lutheran church
Historic 1916 Lutheran church, made of wood, still hosting scheduled worship services.
4.50 (45 reviews)
Hotel Kap Farvel image
Hotel Kap Farvel
😐 From the outside, the hotel does look somewhat rundown or at least in need of repairs and maintenance but then again you really can't expect much given the harsh weather conditions in this part of the world making it difficult to work outside. However, the scaffolding erected around the hote...
4.20 (45 reviews)
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