Most reviewed Psychotherapists in Ujjain

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Professor Dr. Parag Dhoble, M.D.(Baroda),M.B.B.S.(Nagpur),MIPS,Consultant NeuroPsychiatrist image
Professor Dr. Parag Dhoble, M.D.(Baroda),M.B.B.S.(Nagpur),MIPS,Consultant NeuroPsychiatrist
Psychoneurological specialized clinic
😠 If only want to rate Dr. Parag Dhoble, I will rate 5/5, he is very good & supportive. Give proper time to patients. But I have rated this as 1 out of 5 because of supporting staff. They are disgusting. They don't have manners & atticate to talk. Once you visit the clinic, they will make you feel lik...
4.00 (74 reviews) (~4.91 km from centre)
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