Best places: Fruit wholesalers in Sumerta Kaja

Discover the best places in Sumerta Kaja, curated using our unique algorithm blending 'Top Rated' and 'Most Reviewed' establishments. Uncover the city's gems and must-visit locales for an unforgettable experience. This list contains 1 places from Fruit wholesaler category.

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Made's Fruit Juice Bar image
Made's Fruit Juice Bar
Juice shop
🫤 The last bottle of coconut probiotic I got was off and gave me extremely upset stomach. I’ve had a similar experience to other reviews. Prices change its like she looks at you and comes up with a price which isn’t fair. I don’t mind paying whatever for the nice produce but one day it’s this next day...
4.50 (57 reviews) (~16.08 km from centre)
Tip: Click on the rating to open it on Google Maps


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