Top rated places in Sanandaj

Experience the best that Sanandaj has to offer with our curated list of top-rated places. Sorted by average review scores from venues boasting over 30 reviews, these establishments promise exceptional quality and experiences to elevate your visit in the city.

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Banta Abidar Mall image
Banta Abidar Mall
Shopping mall
👍 It has a different and interesting design. There are no shop windows facing the main street, and this in itself has contributed to the attractiveness and uniformity. Escalators are active and access to the floors is easy. In terms of location, it is located on 6th Bahman Street, one of the main str...
4.50 (51 reviews)
Arez restaurant image
Arez restaurant
👍👍 محیطی آرام و دلنشین و خانوادگی کباب دارای کیفیت عالی بوده و خدمات هم مناسب ارائه شد
4.50 (46 reviews)
Shadi Hotel Restaurant image
Shadi Hotel Restaurant
👍👍 همه چیز در حد قابل قبولی بود
4.50 (40 reviews)
Abidar image
Mountain peak
👍👍 The place is beautiful and has dreamy nights.
4.40 (336 reviews)
Asef Vaziri Monument image
Asef Vaziri Monument
👍👍 it is a great house and a symbol of Iranian architecture . you can also see how was a rich man's house like in Kurdistan.
4.40 (246 reviews)
Khosro Abad Mansion image
Khosro Abad Mansion
Historical landmark
👍👍 Wonderful place , with great history , not well maintained which needs great deal of attention . It's the central governments policy for abandoning place and not allocating any funds as they are not very keen on Kurds and their history .
4.40 (235 reviews)
University of Kurdistan image
University of Kurdistan
👍👍 One of the best universities in Iran, recruiting young enthusiastic teaching staff with great research capabilities, UOK is expecting a very bright future.
4.40 (113 reviews)
Maad Kurdish Restaurant image
Maad Kurdish Restaurant
👍👍 It was brilliant! Delicious Kurdish foods, and nice hosts.
4.30 (42 reviews)
Ashna Shopping Mall image
Ashna Shopping Mall
Shopping mall
👍👍 One of the most famous and busiest passages in Sanandaj
4.30 (39 reviews)
Sanandaj Museum image
Sanandaj Museum
👍👍 Museum (Musée), Farsi Dari: The Museum (1) (Museum or museum) is referred to as a special place in which a collection of artifacts, industrial works and valuable objects are exposed. May 18 coincides with May 28th International Museum Day. [2] The International Council of Museums under the supervi...
4.20 (149 reviews)
Lindo Restaurant image
Lindo Restaurant
👍 services are very goof, fair prices, in a respectful fast-food, such nice and calm place to have a good memory with your friends, your partner and/or your family.
4.20 (123 reviews)
Quba Grand Mosque image
Quba Grand Mosque
👍👍 بهترین مسجد جامع سنندج اهل سنت با جمعیت که روز جمعه برای نماز صبح همه بایک دلی و خلوص نیت به سمت مسجد سرا زیر می‌شوند آهای بهاران و حومه بهاران و حتی داخل شهر برای فریضه نماز جمعه به مسجد قبا می آیند هیات امنای مسجد با تشکیل کلینک درمانی قبا در راستای کمک به همشهریان گام به سزا و ارزشمندی در جهت رفا...
4.20 (64 reviews)
Shah Mohammad Kebab Shop image
Shah Mohammad Kebab Shop
👍👍 یک کافه کبابی به سبک کبابی های قدیمی و اصیل ایرانی با همون فضای تنگ و میز و صندلی های فلزی با کلی تصاویر پهلوونهای جدید و قدیم و کباب با کیفیت حتمن تجربه کنید
4.20 (49 reviews)
Seyed Mehdi Restaurant image
Seyed Mehdi Restaurant
👍 رستوران سید مهدی واقع در سنندج جنب بازار تانا هست .تو تاریخ ۹شهریور ۹۸ اینجا بودم رستوران خوب و تمیزی بود قیمتهاش هم مناسب بودمنظره خیلی خیلی خوبی داره .کنار اینجا ساندویج فروشی داره ولی انقد قیمت اینجا مناسب بود که ارزش نداره بری ساندویچ بخورید.کوبیده اش و تعریف میکردن خوب هم بود ولی جوجه اش خیلی خ...
4.20 (34 reviews)
Grand Bazaar Of Sanandaj image
Grand Bazaar Of Sanandaj
👍 Sanandaj Bazaar is located in the center of the city and its architecture has a long history and according to the available information, the time of its construction is attributed to the time of Suleiman Khan Ardalan in 1667. Sanandaj's bazaar design is rectangular in general and has multiplicative...
4.10 (196 reviews)
Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences image
Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences
👍 اگه رتبتون خوبه بعد از تهران و غیره، کرمانشاه انتخاب بهتریه! وقتی دانشگاه کرد تیپ اول کنار دست تونه، چرا این همه راه تا تبریز! من با ترکهای عزیز مشکلی ندارم ولی متاسفانه بعضی از ترک ها که 😔تعداشون کم هم نیست، اصلا رفتار درستی با کردها ندارند
4.10 (60 reviews)
Yaran Pizza image
Yaran Pizza
Pizza restaurant
👍👍 یکی از فست فود های خوب سنندج با مدیریت و پرسنلی بسیار محترم 🌹🙏
4.10 (30 reviews)
Sheida Restaurant image
Sheida Restaurant
Barbecue restaurant
👍👍 Good food and great customer service. I'll recommend this place
4.00 (133 reviews)
Shadi Hotel image
Shadi Hotel
👍👍 It’s a great hotel with a beautiful rooms. But the breakfast wasn’t so good. The rooms view was so cool❤️
3.90 (220 reviews)
Morvarid Restaurant image
Morvarid Restaurant
👍 رستوران مروارید خیلی نزدیک بازاره. ته چین مرغش عالیه. اگه اهل کباب باشی، چنجه و برگش رو حتما امتحان کن. ماهی کبابی‌ش معمولی بود و مزه خورش‌هاش هم خیلی جالب نیست و قیمه‌ش خیلی شور بود. در کل پیشنهادش می‌کنم Pearl restaurant is very close to the market. Techin chicken is great. If you are a kebab lo...
3.90 (91 reviews)
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