Most reviewed Historical landmarks in Galway

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Spanish Arch image
Spanish Arch
Historical landmark
Added to the 16th-century walls in the 18th century, this archway provides access to Spanish Parade.
4.20 (6K reviews)
The Latin Quarter image
The Latin Quarter
Tourist attraction
👍👍 There are few streets full of restaurants and bar with nice looking stile and good fish and beer! The area is also full of musicians that play on the street, creating a magical vibe! The area is quite small and gets very crowded! Definitely worth a visit
4.60 (1.2K reviews)
Merlin Castle image
Merlin Castle
Historical landmark
👍 Castle is closed, but still a nice sight and it is surrounded by the beautiful woods of Merlin Park wich has many other ruins that are worth checking out. Once you get to the park, it has information panels and maps to find all historical sights
4.20 (265 reviews)
The Long Walk image
The Long Walk
Historical landmark
👍👍 Great view for a walk. It was a bit windy and rainy during my visit but gladly see the Swans at river. Parking is Not free, there are various pay street parking around the area range from 1.5 to 2.5 Euros per hour. Within walking distance to the famous Latin Quater Galway and Christmas market. Would...
4.30 (171 reviews)
Terryland Castle image
Terryland Castle
Historical landmark
Sparse remains of a historic 17th-century stone castle, former residence of the Clanricarde family.
3.80 (91 reviews)
Hall of the Red Earl image
Hall of the Red Earl
Historical landmark
Preserved 13th-century archaeological site featuring 11,000+ artifacts & viewing walkways.
4.20 (89 reviews)
Lynch Memorial Window image
Lynch Memorial Window
Historical landmark
As legend has it, in 1493 the town's mayor hung his son from this window for murdering a visitor.
4.10 (81 reviews)
Castlegar Castle image
Castlegar Castle
Historical landmark
👍👍 Castlegar Castle sits next to a small road in Castlegar village. There's no car park. You just park your car on the side of the road and climb a small wall to get to it. It's not big but still feels magical, especially when the sun illuminates the old roundtower.
4.40 (48 reviews)
The Browne Doorway image
The Browne Doorway
Historical landmark
😠 Similar to other doorways you may have seen, but you can't actually walk through it.
3.70 (46 reviews)
Quincentennial Fountain image
Quincentennial Fountain
Historical landmark
👍 After walking along the beautiful street (shop st) that is full of bars and shops, we arrived at this beautiful and spacious square. Very wooded and with some very beautiful monuments. At one end of this park is a plaque commemorating the visit of John F. Kennedy and the speech he gave in this park...
4.30 (41 reviews)
Round Tower image
Round Tower
Historical landmark
👍👍 Very beautiful view
4.30 (37 reviews)
Martin Tea-House Folly image
Martin Tea-House Folly
Historical landmark
👍👍 Well preserved, and easy to access. Just across the river from Menlo castle. On a beautiful walking trail. Use to be the remains of the clifden railway track
4.50 (31 reviews)
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