Best places: Religious organizations in Tel Aviv

Discover the best places in Tel Aviv, curated using our unique algorithm blending 'Top Rated' and 'Most Reviewed' establishments. Uncover the city's gems and must-visit locales for an unforgettable experience. This list contains 6 places from Religious organization category.

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Kehilat HaCarmel image
Kehilat HaCarmel
Messianic synagogue
👍👍 Such a beautiful worship service! God is Good always, Everywhere!!! Pray for Israel, Pray for Jerusalem! The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace." Our Father in Heaven, Rock and Redeemer of I...
4.80 (129 reviews) (~75.82 km from centre)
Chabad of Sderot image
Chabad of Sderot
Religious organization
👍👍 מדובר בבית חבד הטוב בארץ באחריות. הרב והרבנית פיזם יחד עם ילדיהם עושים עבודת קודש עצומה והקימו מפעל שליחות וחסד מופלא. תפילות שבת מענגות מלאות קדושה, חיוך ואהבה. מומלץ בחום.
4.80 (126 reviews) (~64.34 km from centre)
Chabad of Ramat Gan image
Chabad of Ramat Gan
Religious organization
👍👍 A place with a lot of love. With all the heart to everyone
4.70 (102 reviews) (~3.33 km from centre)
Chabad of Hadera image
Chabad of Hadera
Religious organization
👍👍 חבד .. לא צריך להוסיף מילה הרב שניאור והרב בוטמן היקרים אנשי אמת וקודש!
4.60 (89 reviews) (~41.52 km from centre)
Christian Information Center image
Christian Information Center
Religious organization
👍👍 Great place to have a good coffee and enjoy the best view in whole Jerusalem!
4.70 (66 reviews) (~54.4 km from centre)
Chabad of Haifa image
Chabad of Haifa
Religious organization
👍👍 nothing. like them in the entire world. they. flying Pressed. to the land of Kadei. continue. You. their mission. their mission. Assisting. to people all over me. the world. they deserve. from me with all my heart You. all. 5 stars. ***** because they. excellent Home. Chabad huge Mahdas his wing ❤❤...
4.30 (34 reviews) (~82.9 km from centre)
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