Top rated Pubs in Hachioji

Experience the best that Hachioji has to offer with our curated list of top-rated places. Sorted by average review scores from venues boasting over 30 reviews, these establishments promise exceptional quality and experiences to elevate your visit in the city.

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HUB Hachioji image
HUB Hachioji
🫤 It is the same as a common HUB! In the early hours, men and women in their 30s and 40s drink slowly, but when it comes after 21:00, they are haunted by Nampa. While there is no girl in the entrance while flowing the guidance of the clerk in one ear Kyoro Kyoro around ♪ It's a good, healthy, bad and...
4.10 (336 reviews) (~4.81 km from centre)
シャーロックホームズ Sherlock Holmes Pub image
シャーロックホームズ Sherlock Holmes Pub
Izakaya restaurant
😠 I have no idea why this pub has such a high rating. Irish pub look-a-like has no connection with Irish or British pub. This place may be the reason why people thinks British food are awful. Music was too loud, food are expensive yet frozen food. Better off purchasing Filet-o-fish from McD and d...
3.80 (594 reviews) (~4.92 km from centre)
Tip: Click on the rating to open it on Google Maps


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