Gerlug Vista image
Gerlug Vista
Apartment complex
👍👍 Шинэлэг өнгө төрхтэй төсөл, хурдтай хэрэгжиж байгаад таатай байна.
4.70 (43 reviews)
River Garden Хотхон image
River Garden Хотхон
Apartment complex
👍👍 Very nice apartment complex with a soccer field with digital score boards, a little shopping center in the river garden tower, tennis courts, basketball courts, little park, well secured, well maintained, clean air in winter and great views.
4.50 (305 reviews)
Academy Hothon image
Academy Hothon
Apartment complex
👍👍 Academy
4.40 (52 reviews)
Ikh Mongol Residence image
Ikh Mongol Residence
Apartment complex
👍 байр хоорондын зай сэлүүхэн. машины зогсоолын зай их. ойрхон 2 супермаркет байдаг. 2 том захад ойр. дутагдалтай тал нь: зүүн 4 замруу явах замд өглөө орой удаан түгжирдэг.
4.40 (44 reviews)
Буман залуус хотхон image
Буман залуус хотхон
Apartment complex
4.40 (41 reviews)
Зайсан Голден Вилл image
Зайсан Голден Вилл
Apartment complex
👍👍 Safe and quiet, comfortable apartments
4.40 (37 reviews)
Lights Residence Town image
Lights Residence Town
Apartment complex
4.40 (37 reviews)
Hunnu 2222 Residence image
Hunnu 2222 Residence
Apartment complex
👍👍 Personally love living here. The best and safest place for kids to play, has 24/7 convenience store and you don't even have to get out of the apartment complex to get to the grocery store and pharmacy.
4.30 (329 reviews)
Ikh Mongol Complex image
Ikh Mongol Complex
Apartment complex
4.30 (245 reviews)
Emerald Residence image
Emerald Residence
Apartment complex
👍 Veri good
4.30 (97 reviews)
Sky Garden Residence image
Sky Garden Residence
Apartment complex
4.30 (33 reviews)
Encanto Town 1 image
Encanto Town 1
Apartment complex
👍 was relaxed like a baby
4.20 (177 reviews)
Imperial XO Mongolia image
Imperial XO Mongolia
Apartment complex
👍👍 Тохилог шинэ хороолол
4.20 (79 reviews)
Grand Villa apartment/ Гранд вилла хотхон image
Grand Villa apartment/ Гранд вилла хотхон
Apartment complex
👍👍 Its close to 120 micro district and north side of Selbe river.
4.20 (33 reviews)
Нарны хороолол, Narnii khoroolol image
Нарны хороолол, Narnii khoroolol
Apartment complex
👍 Spacious parking, good community, close to private school & kindergartens. Small meat markets, and grocery stores, as well as couple of dry cleanings are here. There's also Nomin supermarket at the east entrance.
4.00 (289 reviews)
True L - apartment complex image
True L - apartment complex
Apartment complex
👍 Зогсоол жижиг
4.00 (100 reviews)
Mandala Town image
Mandala Town
Apartment complex
😠 The water is always Coca Cola colored so don’t ever live here. It will never clear up as the city pipes are even rusted to hell it will always run brown water. One of the worst apartments ngl
4.00 (89 reviews)
Marshal Deluxe Village image
Marshal Deluxe Village
Apartment complex
👍 Heard about apartments are not warm in the winter, maintenance is not really good, otherwise not too far from city centre, nice and fresh air, road also good. But too much cars in the town driving around, not so safe for kids running around with supervision
4.00 (88 reviews)
Dunjingarav Residence image
Dunjingarav Residence
Apartment complex
4.00 (66 reviews)
Tuul Condominium image
Tuul Condominium
Apartment complex
👍👍 Орон сууцны хороолол
4.00 (41 reviews)
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