Yuna restaurant Titan center branch image
Yuna restaurant Titan center branch
Korean restaurant
4.90 (340 reviews)
Yuna Korean Restaurant (Hunnu Mall branch) image
Yuna Korean Restaurant (Hunnu Mall branch)
Korean restaurant
4.90 (285 reviews)
Yuna Korean Restaurant (3,4 horoolol) image
Yuna Korean Restaurant (3,4 horoolol)
Korean restaurant
4.90 (280 reviews)
Darkhan Yuna image
Darkhan Yuna
Korean restaurant
4.80 (96 reviews)
Sky Restaurant (스카이 레스토랑) image
Sky Restaurant (스카이 레스토랑)
Korean restaurant
4.40 (32 reviews)
Yuna restaurant Umnugobi branch image
Yuna restaurant Umnugobi branch
Korean restaurant
👍👍 A wonderful place to relax. I will definitely come back here again.
4.30 (70 reviews)
КВОН ГУ СОН СУНДЭ ГУГ (권구성 순대국밥) image
Korean restaurant
👍👍 최고의 국밥집입니다. 한국에서 먹었던 맛있는 국밥집 맛입니다. 항상 맛있게 먹고 있고, 포장해서 집에 가져와서 먹어도 맛있습니다.
4.30 (68 reviews)
MR PORK Barbecue & Grill image
MR PORK Barbecue & Grill
Korean restaurant
👍👍 정말 맛있고 사장님께서 한국말을 하시는데 너무 친절하시고 서비스가 너무 좋아요!! 맛은 여기가 한국인지 몽골인지 모를 정도로 맛있어요^^
4.30 (32 reviews)
Sura Korean Restaurant image
Sura Korean Restaurant
Korean restaurant
😠 쉐프님 한국분이라해서가봤습니다. 고등어조림시켰는데 뭔 기괴한 탕이나왔네요. 진짜최악 이건 한국음식이 아닙니다. 그리고 직원들 본인들 영어안된다고 벨누르는데도 서로 주문받는거 미룸 대단한 서비스를 바라는것이아닙니다. 최소한의 노력이라도 좀 했으면좋겠네요. 알바비 날로먹는것도아니고 진짜
4.20 (474 reviews)
Seoul Restaurant image
Seoul Restaurant
👍👍 They have variety of menus to choose from, starting from korean to european, chinese, japanese etc. Also not so pricey. Loved their food. Loved their special location hidden between the woods of amusement park. Also because of its location, not many people know this place. Highly recommend if you wa...
4.20 (465 reviews)
Dony Pork (Хүүхдийн урлан бүтээх төвийн урд) image
Dony Pork (Хүүхдийн урлан бүтээх төвийн урд)
Korean restaurant
👍 Korean style small restaurant, nice place if you want to fry your steak yourself. Serves beer and Korean soju.
4.20 (93 reviews)
Busan 100% off image
Busan 100% off
Korean restaurant
👍👍 몽골에서 유명한 체인점이라 합니다. 반찬 맛있어요. 여기는 야채가 비싸다는데 아낌없이 명이나물 상추와 나물 김치 콩나물 가득나왔네요. 리뷰를 보다보니 사장님이 한국분이라는데 그래서인지 한국에서 먹는 먹는 맛이었습니다.
4.20 (42 reviews)
Говь саун image
Говь саун
👍👍 Excellent place. If you have at least 3-4 hours, you should visit Gobi sauna. You need nothing with you, all the necessary provided. Also good local restaurant inside the sauna, recommend have dinner at the end.
4.10 (263 reviews)
Jantay Goimon image
Jantay Goimon
Chinese restaurant
👍👍 If you're on the lookout for Korean-Chinese staples like 짜장면 (black bean noodles), 짬뽕 (thick spicy noodles), and 탕수육 (deep-fried pork), your search ends at Jantay Goimon. This culinary haven captures the essence of neighborhood joints in South Korea, offering a nostalgic journey for those se...
$$ $$
4.10 (154 reviews)
Jeju Samgyeopsal image
Jeju Samgyeopsal
Korean restaurant
4.10 (54 reviews)
Yuna Korean Restaurant image
Yuna Korean Restaurant
Korean restaurant
👍 Very delicious foods but the foods are very hot and very expensive but okay i like it.👌
4.00 (137 reviews)
Sammi Korean Restaurant image
Sammi Korean Restaurant
Korean restaurant
👍👍 여기 꼭 가보세요!! 연예인 김창렬씨도 한수 접고 갈 정도의 음식 퀄리티와 서비스 마인드를 가지셨습니다. 김창렬씨가 여기서 음식하면 쌉혜자임!!! 진짜 제말 믿으세요!!
4.00 (130 reviews)
SURA Korean Restaurant image
SURA Korean Restaurant
Korean restaurant
👍👍 Absolutely worth visiting. The price is fair the food is delicious and the location is clean and easy to get to. I went with my wife and we both came out completely full after what we ate. In my opinion the only place to eat if you want Korean style food.
3.90 (80 reviews)
Ace Hotel image
Ace Hotel
Korean restaurant
👍👍 Ажилд яваад ирхэд өнгөрдөг
3.90 (41 reviews)
Arirang Restaurant image
Arirang Restaurant
Korean restaurant
3.80 (51 reviews)
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