Crystal House Hotel Сайншанд зочид буудал
😐 Place for staying in saynshad in affordable price. Rooms are not spacious furniture is also not well . Sleeping bed quality of also very bad some rooms shower is not good","2":["0","170"]}
4.10 (115 reviews)
(~4.95 km from centre)

Khur Gobi hotel
😠 Food was bad, dumpling\u2019s meat was smelly and weird taste and pork was chewy.\nWaiters (guys) and guy manager or bartender (who was working on the bar and taking group dinner order) were so mean and rude. I am the one who paying for their service, but I was almost begging them to bring our...
4.00 (163 reviews)
(~4.26 km from centre)
"Ikh soyon" hotel
🫤 Located in the center of the city, but parking/ car entrance is difficult to find.
Beds are ok and clean, but no soap and not enough paper.
No control or actions regarding drunk people yelling all night long in rooms and corridors.
Didn't have the occasion to try the karaoke.
3.90 (94 reviews)
(~3.03 km from centre)
Shand Plaza Hotel
😐 Мебель старая, воды горячей не было, неприятные запахи и крики под окнами...
4.00 (46 reviews)
(~3.13 km from centre)
Golden Gobi Shopping center
Shopping mall
👍👍 Leider nur jeden Tag bis 19Uhr knapp offen findet man dort chinesische und mongolische Wäsche und Schuhe auf drei Stockwerken. Preise sind in Ordnung und die Auswahl leider etwas begrenzt. Meiner Meinung nach zu viele billige chinesische Waren die dort verkauft werden sind aber darum auch nicht sond...
4.00 (36 reviews)
(~2.92 km from centre)
Sydney Restaurant
😐 Центр города. Приятная девушка - персонал. Не всё по меню есть в наличии. Был дважды.
Из работающих в городе заведений это кафе и кофейня напротив, всё.
Заказывал пиво Тайгер и монгольское: пиво правильной температуры.
Суп с пельменями - вкусный, сытный.
Цуйван: лапша с мясом, тоже вкусно, но немало...
3.90 (35 reviews)
(~3.31 km from centre)
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