Most reviewed Coffee shops in Aungmyethazan Township

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Pan Cherry Noodle House & Cafe image
Pan Cherry Noodle House & Cafe
👍👍 <Four-month Pan Cherry experience review> -Shortly,if you can find Pan cherry, you should definitely visit Pan Cherry!!!!!! 1. Food They are all good. You won't regret it. I would recommend Dry Cherry's Shan noodle. I think it is the best shan noodle I've ever eaten in Myanmar! 2. Wifi It is quite...
4.30 (246 reviews)
Karaweik Cafe 80 image
Karaweik Cafe 80
Coffee shop
4.00 (201 reviews)
Bless Bear Coffee image
Bless Bear Coffee
Coffee shop
👍👍 A very cozy place located near Mandalay University of Foreign Language. A good place for friends, couples, and families. I would certainly want to visit this cafe again.
4.60 (80 reviews)
90’s House image
90’s House
Coffee shop
👍👍 Marvelous little place serving excellent food. I thoroughly enjoyed my chicken, which was accompanied by probably the best mushrooms I ever had... The soufflé pancakes were equally splendid -> the way to this slightly off-centre location is definitely worth it...
4.50 (48 reviews)
Tip: Click on the rating to open it on Google Maps

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