Most reviewed Tea houses in Mandalay District

Explore the city's most talked-about destinations, sorted by the number of reviews. The higher the position on the list, the greater the number of reviews for each place. Discover the pulse of Mandalay District through these extensively reviewed and popular spots.

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Yadanar Café image
Yadanar Café
Tea house
👍 Grade guy. Fresh and natural ingredients are use in all food. Fast service and clean rest room. Also have car parking.
3.90 (42 reviews)
Lat Yway Sin image
Lat Yway Sin
Tea house
3.80 (39 reviews)
Nan Taw Cafe image
Nan Taw Cafe
Tea house
3.90 (33 reviews)
Unique Mandalay Tea Room at Theik Pan image
Unique Mandalay Tea Room at Theik Pan
Burmese restaurant
4.10 (33 reviews)
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