Alibaba Amusement (The Move MDY)
Amusement center
๐๐ Best Place for Getting Anime Prize Figures and The Cosmos Corner of the arcade offers alot of best High quality Figures and Model kits
4.90 (66 reviews)
Hotel Friendship
๐๐ Excellent hotel and service! The room was super clean, beds were very comfortable and AC was working great too. Very good closet space and our room had a refrigerator too. Bathroom was spotless, towels were clean, and hot water was available. Housekeeping was done if you requested it. It is very evi...
4.80 (58 reviews)
Bronze Statue Museum
๐๐ Famous statue de Buddha
1. MAHAR MYAT MUNI pha.yar gyi (name of buddha statue)
2. Museum of bronze statue came from Cambodia
3. Every 4 a.m a ceremony of cleansing buddha statue's face (to look like a living man cleaning after getting up)
4.70 (43 reviews)
Mahamuni Pagoda
Buddhist temple
Revered temple complex & pilgrimage site featuring the sizable Mahamuni Buddha statue on a throne.
4.60 (3.5K reviews)
Kuthodaw Pagoda
Buddhist temple
The Mahamuni Buddha image is deified at this important Buddhist temple & pilgrimage site.
4.60 (2K reviews)
Mandalar Hospital
Private hospital
๐๐ The service is very good. Patience and cleanliness. Mandalar Hospital is the best hospital in Myanmar, it has professional doctors and is comfortable to stay.
4.60 (91 reviews)
Mingalar Mandalay Hotel
Sophisticated hotel offering a spa, a gym & an outdoor pool, along with 2 restaurants & a bar.
4.60 (85 reviews)
Bless Bear Coffee
Coffee shop
๐๐ A very cozy place located near Mandalay University of Foreign Language. A good place for friends, couples, and families. I would certainly want to visit this cafe again.
4.60 (80 reviews)
Shwe Kyat Yat Pagoda
Buddhist temple
๐ แแแญแฏแแบแธแแผแฑแฌแแบแธแแญแฏ แแฎแแญแฏแแแบแแฐแธแแแบ
แแฏแแฌแธแกแแฑแฌแแบแธแแผแแบแแแบแธแแแบ แแพแแแฑแฌแบ แแแฑแฌแบแแแฌ แกแแฑแฌแแบแธแแพแแทแบแกแแฐ แแผแแบแแฑแฌแแบแแพแถแแแกแแผแ
แบ แแผแแทแบ แแปแแบแแแบแแฒแทแแผแแแแบแแฐแแฑแฌ แแซแแแพแแทแบ แแฎแแฑแฌแบแกแฌแแแนแแฌ แกแแฑแฌแแบแธแแพแแทแบแกแแฐ แแผแแบแแฎแแฑแฌแแบ แแแกแแผแ
แบ แแผแแทแบ แแปแแบแแแบแแฒแทแแผแแแแบแแฐแแฑแฌ แแซแแแพแ
แบแแแบ แแผแ
แบแแ แแแบแธแแญแฏ แแพแแบแธแแแบ แแฌแแแบแแพแญแแฑแแแบแ แแญแฏแแบแแถแทแแฑแฌ แกแแญแฏแธแกแแฌแธ แกแ...
4.60 (61 reviews)
Neo Phoenix Bar & Restaurant
๐๐ This is a 5 star to go. Very friendly men. That has a lot to tell about this land. His reastaurant is his pession. We will be back to eat there. For now we have a beer and a milkshake. Go there it's very nice!
4.60 (33 reviews)
Love To Eat
๐๐ Food - 100/10
Service - The service is much better than before
#Budget shop
# Hot water free flow
Tip - If you feel nauseous after eating, drink green water
4.60 (30 reviews)
Su Taung Pyae Pagoda
Buddhist temple
Ancient hilltop pagoda, a local landmark offering sweeping views of the surrounding town.
4.50 (1K reviews)
Shwenandaw Buddhist Temple
Buddhist temple
Ornate 19th-century Buddhist monastery that was once part of the royal palace at Amarapura.
4.50 (693 reviews)
Sandamuni Pagoda
Buddhist temple
A massive Buddha statue & a grand gilded pagoda surrounded by many smaller towers.
4.50 (410 reviews)
Innwa Health & Spa
Spa and health club
๐ Full facilities of a Spa.
Decoration, scent, and they have skillful staff. Also welcome drink tea will make you fresh, I really like it.
When you get tried, I recommend you to go there even if you take a small package like head and shoulder ( that'll only cost 8000Ks) you will feel relax.
4.50 (253 reviews)
NOVA Coffee
Coffee shop
๐๐ It's quiet atmosphere. If you want cool and calm place. This is the one I want to recommend. You can get tasty food and drinks too. This is my second time visit. Wifi is also there.
4.50 (232 reviews)
๐ Its very close to U being bridge. 1000 monks gather at the hall during lunch time every day to accept lunch donated by the local people. Visitors can also donate fruits/ snacks, etc to the monks when the monks are walking orderly one by one towards the hall. You can use cell phone to take photos (b...
4.50 (229 reviews)
My Tree Cafe
Coffee shop
๐๐ Really love this place. Smells of coffee, quiet place for date. Has good spots for photographs.
4.50 (116 reviews)