Top rated Sports in Centro Historíco

Experience the best that Centro Historíco has to offer with our curated list of top-rated places. Sorted by average review scores from venues boasting over 30 reviews, these establishments promise exceptional quality and experiences to elevate your visit in the city.

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PURE: Gym / Spa / Yoga image
PURE: Gym / Spa / Yoga
Massage spa
👍👍 At the end of my trip, I Visited for a massage. To my surprise turned out to be one of the best 90 min. massages ever and I've had hundreds for sciatic nerve issues. The massage therapist, Carmen, has 40 years experience. Its a deep tissue and Swedish technique, but she finds and hits all the press...
4.80 (107 reviews) (~0.4 km from centre)
The Fitness Club image
The Fitness Club
👍👍 Really nice gym. Very cheap for what you get. Day pass costs only C50.
4.70 (112 reviews) (~0.43 km from centre)
COCO's Restaurante & Piscina image
COCO's Restaurante & Piscina
👍👍 Es un ambiente familiar muy acogedor buen servicio excelentes precios y sobre todo un calor humano de parte de su propietaria así como de sus colaboradores lo recomiendo.
4.60 (43 reviews) (~0.57 km from centre)
Junior's gym image
Junior's gym
👍 For the price you pay; this place was a greatttttttt little outdoor gym with enough equipment for you to train whole body. $25NC (80c US$) the space was a little small but who needs space when you’re training; everyone was nice and polite and easy to find in Granada
4.40 (70 reviews) (~0.52 km from centre)
Cocibolca Jockey Club image
Cocibolca Jockey Club
Country club
👍 It is an ok place to spend the day chatting and drinking.
4.20 (179 reviews) (~1.55 km from centre)
Polideportivo Granada image
Polideportivo Granada
👍👍 El polideportivo de Granada está ubicado a las afuera de Granada en el kilómetro 45 cuenta con un amplio espacio y buenas condiciones para la práctica de deportes
4.10 (78 reviews) (~1.79 km from centre)
Multi Little League Stadium image
Multi Little League Stadium
Baseball field
😠 Que terreno de tan mala calidad, solo tierra pelada sin grama, pesar me dió meter mis tacos ahí, destruirlos en ese campo feo.
4.10 (56 reviews) (~0.96 km from centre)
Gimnasio Miryam image
Gimnasio Miryam
🫤 Es un lugar muy espacioso y no tiene todos los recursos y máquinas que se necesitan a diario, lo bueno que tiene este gym que hay un lugar para dejar a su hijo entretenido jugando, Pero eso no beneficia a un fitonico en nada.
4.10 (38 reviews) (~1 km from centre)
Roque Tadeo Zavala Stadium image
Roque Tadeo Zavala Stadium
👍 Muy bonito centro deportivo desde mi perspectiva, excelente estadio.
4.00 (145 reviews) (~1.27 km from centre)
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