Top rated Tourist attractions in Belmonte

Experience the best that Belmonte has to offer with our curated list of top-rated places. Sorted by average review scores from venues boasting over 30 reviews, these establishments promise exceptional quality and experiences to elevate your visit in the city.

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Museum Descobrimentos image
Museum Descobrimentos
History museum
👍👍 About how Portuguese discover Brasil. It is still a deliver weather it was a fate. It is fascinating how the story is set up and the facts last n tine. Ofcorse just the good facts remains. Few details about the natives found there. However, Brasil is bigger today than the mother country. Hope the Am...
4.50 (772 reviews) (~3.32 km from centre)
Centum Cellas image
Centum Cellas
Historical landmark
😐 Not that impressive. Very small place and the descriptions are close to none. However, still a important heritage from Romans.
4.40 (873 reviews) (~1.11 km from centre)
Eirinha swing image
Eirinha swing
Tourist attraction
👍 O maps está errado, o acesso é no fim da Rua do Cruzeiro. O caminho depois a pé não é fácil, tem pedras, é íngreme e tem areia ,fica escorregadio a descer... O baloiço é bonito e tem boa vista sobre a aldeia
4.40 (69 reviews) (~6.85 km from centre)
Castelo de Belmonte image
Castelo de Belmonte
Tourist attraction
👍👍 Nice castle with a magnificent view.
4.30 (4.2K reviews) (~3.08 km from centre)
Igreja Matriz de Belmonte image
Igreja Matriz de Belmonte
Catholic church
👍 Es la iglesia principal de Belmonte. Su fachada es blanca y fue inaugurada en el año 1940, y en ella destaca la imagen de Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza. Esta Virgen es famosa porque acompañó a Pedro Alvares Cabral en la travesía que culminó con la conquista de Brasil. Nos comentó el guía que casi...
4.10 (68 reviews) (~3.3 km from centre)
Olive Oil Museum image
Olive Oil Museum
👍👍 Interesting museum about olive oil production in times gone by.
4.00 (361 reviews) (~3.31 km from centre)
Museum Zêzere image
Museum Zêzere
👍 Gostava de ver mais sobre os projetos hídricos.
4.00 (64 reviews) (~3.32 km from centre)
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