Best places: Optometrists in Ramnicu Valcea

Discover the best places in Ramnicu Valcea, curated using our unique algorithm blending 'Top Rated' and 'Most Reviewed' establishments. Uncover the city's gems and must-visit locales for an unforgettable experience. This list contains 3 places from Optometrist category.

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Optică medicală Optikron Center image
Optică medicală Optikron Center
Optical products manufacturer
👍👍 I picked up my progressive glasses and have been wearing them continuously for 3 days. I can't believe how good I see and feel with them. I say this because my experience with this type of glasses is not a positive one... In 2019 I bought my first pair in the mall. I couldn't work with them on the c...
5.00 (195 reviews) (~78.27 km from centre)
Medicalma Vision image
Medicalma Vision
Eye care center
😠 Toți se poarta amabil doar ca să îți ceară cât mai mulți bani.Am fost cu fetița mea de 10 ani și în urma controlului mi s-au recomandat și am cumpărat ochelari de 944lei plus 200lei consultația. Și în urma altor investigații, fiindcă fata nu putea sa poarte ochelarii respectivi am descoperit ca nu a...
4.40 (169 reviews) (~0.81 km from centre)
9Optik Optica Medicală - Shopping City image
9Optik Optica Medicală - Shopping City
😠 Anti-reflective lenses were recommended to me, although the frames I ordered already had a quality anti-reflective clip-on. I practically paid twice for the same benefit.
4.30 (54 reviews) (~76.22 km from centre)
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