Top rated Pubs in San Marino

Experience the best that San Marino has to offer with our curated list of top-rated places. Sorted by average review scores from venues boasting over 30 reviews, these establishments promise exceptional quality and experiences to elevate your visit in the city.

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GUAITA food, drink & fun image
GUAITA food, drink & fun
👍👍 Beautiful pizza's, great birra and a nice view. What more do you need.
4.40 (1.2K reviews)
Bowling Pub Rose'n Bowl - Sala Giochi image
Bowling Pub Rose'n Bowl - Sala Giochi
👍 A clean bowling alley with everything that is necessary to have good training or fun session. Nothing too fancy, but more than enough.
4.30 (1.3K reviews)
London Pub image
London Pub
👍👍 Best Old Fashion English Pub! One of the oldest in San Marino! My favorite: California Sandwich+London' s Ice Thè
4.30 (412 reviews)
La Bettola image
La Bettola
👍 Bel locale nella parte alta di San Marino. Non sono una grande esperta di birra ma il menù offre una vasta scelta. Il fritto misto è buonissimo, in particolare meritano i fiori di zucca. Servizio ottimo, la cameriera è stata molto gentile e paziente. Il proprietario è competente e molto simpatico.
4.30 (244 reviews)
Giulietti Km0 image
Giulietti Km0
Hamburger restaurant
👍👍 Wow! Selten so positiv überrascht und begeistert worden. Der Burger schmeckte großartig und sah zudem auch noch besser aus, als in der Karte... Dazu superleckere und toll geformte Pommes für nur 2,-€ extra. Auch der Service war richtig gut! Ein kleines Highlight in San Marino!
4.20 (1.1K reviews)
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