Worst rated places in San Marino

Steer clear of these locations to ensure a positive experience in San Marino. Our list highlights the least favorable places to help you make informed choices and enjoy your time in the city.

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Bazar del Titano srl image
Bazar del Titano srl
General store
😠 Sono ladri ti fanno vedere un prodotto buono e poi ti arriva a casa un'altra cosa io ho visto un aspirapolvere grande e l'ho pagata €80 e mi hanno mandato un aspirapolvere giocattolo lo sconsiglio fortemente a tutti Sono dei ladri per il rimborso ti chiedono di inserire un IBAN ma non è neanche sicu...
1.50 (31 reviews)
Ristorante Diamond image
Ristorante Diamond
😠 Bad experience we arrived in six and we took the menu of the day portions all placed on a common plate, poor and tasteless. Despite the 17 euros spent per person we had a very bad experience both with the food and with the people who worked there. For dessert, no choice when we asked what was there...
2.40 (163 reviews)
Shop Smart s.r.l. image
Shop Smart s.r.l.
Shopping mall
😠 Confermo tutte le altre recensioni. Sono dei truffatori. Ho ordinato anche io questa piastra, credendo alle esperienze positive che avevo letto. Prima di confermare l'acquisto, sono stata contattata telefonicamente da una signorina che, per convincermi dal momento che ero un po' perplessa, mi ha det...
2.40 (62 reviews)
Azzurro centro commerciale image
Azzurro centro commerciale
Shopping mall
😠 In die Jahre gekommenes Einkaufszentrum mit Leerständen und kaum Geschäften! Spooky! für Nostalgiker gibt's eine Spielhalle!
2.90 (1.8K reviews)
Da Pier Bar Pizzeria image
Da Pier Bar Pizzeria
👍 Friendly staff and fast service (place was not to crowded when I visited), good value for money as well. Is it the greatest pizza (in my case) that I have ever eaten? Certainly not, however I only paid 13,50 for a medium beer and a big pizza, can't really complain. Staff is young and enthousiast, al...
3.00 (550 reviews)
Caffe Borghesi image
Caffe Borghesi
😠 Waiter got extremely unfriendly, permanently took the wrong orders. Overpriced and not tasty aswell.
3.00 (47 reviews)
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