Most reviewed Guest houses in Logrono

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Pension La Redonda image
Pension La Redonda
Guest house
🫤 ["We slept in the hotel\/hostal part. Place was uneqipped with simple things like a towel to dry your hand, and the toilet was facing the wrong way, so you could almost not sit on the toilet. Not at all comfortable. Even for 40 EUR it was not worth it",null,[0,248]]
3.70 (411 reviews)
Alojamientos Calfred image
Alojamientos Calfred
Guest house
👍👍 Hemos estado este fin de semana y hemos quedado muy contentos con todo. El precio de la habitación nos parecía algo elevado pero al llegar vimos que era acorde a lo que nos encontramos. Además este fin de semana había un festival en Logroño y la oferta era menor, por lo que entendimos los precios e...
4.30 (288 reviews)
Pensión La Bilbaina image
Pensión La Bilbaina
Guest house
4.10 (234 reviews)
Pensión Laurel image
Pensión Laurel
Guest house
Unassuming rooms, some with shared bathrooms, in a modest pension offering complimentary Wi-Fi.
4.20 (191 reviews)
El Patio de San Nicolas image
El Patio de San Nicolas
Guest house
Relaxed guesthouse in a 16th-century building, offering laid-back rooms & a lounge, plus free Wi-Fi.
4.20 (150 reviews)
Pensión Entreviñas image
Pensión Entreviñas
Guest house
Straightforward rooms with free Wi-Fi in a casual guesthouse near the tapas bars of Calle Laurel.
4.80 (119 reviews)
Pensión El Espolón image
Pensión El Espolón
Guest house
Simply decorated quarters, some with balconies, in a down-to-earth guesthouse offering free Wi-Fi.
4.50 (116 reviews)
Hostal Puente de Hierro image
Hostal Puente de Hierro
Guest house
4.80 (104 reviews)
Pensión Logroño image
Pensión Logroño
Guest house
Unfussy rooms with complimentary Wi-Fi in a low-key budget hotel set in a townhouse.
3.70 (101 reviews)
Pensión San Juan image
Pensión San Juan
Guest house
Simply furnished rooms, some with balconies, in an unassuming property offering free Wi-Fi.
3.70 (92 reviews)
Pensión Berceo image
Pensión Berceo
Guest house
Unassuming guesthouse offering casual rooms with complimentary Wi-Fi, flat-screen TVs & minifridges.
4.00 (91 reviews)
Pension Saint Mateo image
Pension Saint Mateo
Guest house
Casual rooms with shared bathrooms in a down-to-earth hotel offering complimentary parking.
4.30 (91 reviews)
Pensión Sotelo image
Pensión Sotelo
Guest house
Down-to-earth rooms, some with balconies, in a modest guesthouse featuring Wi-Fi.
4.60 (90 reviews)
Pensión La Rioja image
Pensión La Rioja
Guest house
Simply furnished rooms in a down-to-earth guesthouse offering complimentary Wi-Fi.
3.80 (78 reviews)
Pensión La Castellana image
Pensión La Castellana
Guest house
4.70 (62 reviews)
Pensión Daniel image
Pensión Daniel
Guest house
4.50 (42 reviews)
Tip: Click on the rating to open it on Google Maps


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