Top rated Pubs in Swaziland

Experience the best that Swaziland has to offer with our curated list of top-rated places. Sorted by average review scores from venues boasting over 30 reviews, these establishments promise exceptional quality and experiences to elevate your visit in the city.

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Malandelas Complex image
Malandelas Complex
Bed & breakfast
πŸ‘ A beautiful and quiet restaurant to share a meal with family. Prices are not too unreasonably, and the food is great.
4.50 (33 reviews)
Malandela's Guest House image
Malandela's Guest House
Guest house
πŸ‘ The place is really nice. There is a lot of things to do around the restaurant, including some cafes and house on fire. The food was really good. But the service was slow. The outdoor seating area is pretty, and you get views of the artsy scene.","2":["0","245"]}
4.40 (117 reviews)
The Albert Millin image
The Albert Millin
πŸ‘ Food is good. To order for takeout call the landline 24049942 it’s more responsive than the mobile. They charge extra for takeout containers, however they use more environmentally friendly takeout boxes than average styrofoam. It’s a pub with outdoor area as well.
$$ $$
3.90 (67 reviews)
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