Best places: Health consultants in Taipei

Discover the best places in Taipei, curated using our unique algorithm blending 'Top Rated' and 'Most Reviewed' establishments. Uncover the city's gems and must-visit locales for an unforgettable experience. This list contains 23 places from Health consultant category.

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JUNGLE CENTER 叢零體適能中心 image
Occupational health service
5.00 (1.4K reviews) (~4.37 km from centre)
安樂店-熊的放鬆 (採預約制)基隆客製化按摩|運動按摩|筋膜刀放鬆|刮痧拔罐|指壓按摩|油壓按摩|腳底按摩|撥筋 image
安樂店-熊的放鬆 (採預約制)基隆客製化按摩|運動按摩|筋膜刀放鬆|刮痧拔罐|指壓按摩|油壓按摩|腳底按摩|撥筋
Massage therapist
👍👍 第一次做這種2小時的放鬆,本來肩頸很緊繃,加上下背本身就很緊,近期又不小心拉傷右腰更嚴重,導致有點很難彎腰,目前被教練處理完之後,肩頸鬆很多,下背也鬆開了,腰也可以下彎了,如果有長期困擾的朋友可以來試試看,教練人很親切^^
5.00 (289 reviews) (~24.26 km from centre)
澤之湯體重管理中心-台北店|岩盤浴|LPG智慧曲雕|深源熱| image
👍👍 這邊的岩盤浴躺了很舒服,全身出汗之後輕盈很多,這個月週年慶3堂999元很划算,想要輕鬆排毒的朋友可以參考!
4.90 (416 reviews) (~3.16 km from centre)
唯心運動物理治療所 image
Physical therapy clinic
👍👍 My shoulders and neck are sore, my back is sore, and my knees make noise when walking. I am very worried about these problems. The therapist carefully helped me analyze my problems and proposed improvement plans to improve the problems that had been bothering me for a long time. recommend
5.00 (255 reviews) (~22.02 km from centre)
TYR GYM 提爾健身 image
TYR GYM 提爾健身
Fitness center
👍👍 today is a good day
4.80 (540 reviews) (~3.48 km from centre)
澤之湯體重管理中心-桃園店|岩盤浴|LPG智慧曲雕|深源熱| image
👍👍 Today, I made an appointment with my husband for my first Yuzhisawa experience. The price is 588/person. I have gone to jjimjilbang before. It was my first time to lie on the rock bath and it felt very good. There are infrared negative ions that can discharge heavy metals. And a clean environment Ms...
4.90 (291 reviews) (~22.29 km from centre)
Focus Training專注訓練運動空間 image
Focus Training專注訓練運動空間
👍👍 謝謝好友介紹我到Focus Training健身房。 Focus Training 環境非常整潔乾淨,設備非常齊全,讓人們有足夠的選擇。這裡的交通非常方便,讓人不想來也不行。 Curry教練非常有耐心,細心關注個人身體的細節, 根據當天身體狀況調整運動課程,並給予專業的飲食建議。 在課堂上,Curry很有耐心地解答我所提出的任何問題, 如果...
5.00 (191 reviews) (~5.15 km from centre)
ĒSEN CLINIC 伊生診所|預防醫學|家庭醫學|健康管理 image
ĒSEN CLINIC 伊生診所|預防醫學|家庭醫學|健康管理
Medical clinic
👍👍 This is a brilliant clinic. I got a same-day appointment, and the doctor was clear, thorough, and spoke perfect English. Really reasonably priced too - I know people who spent far more for worse (and more bureaucratic!) care. Special mention to the pharmacy staff (also English speaking) who were lov...
4.90 (212 reviews) (~3.52 km from centre)
Todofitness台北車站-台北中正區健身房/健身/私人教練課/自由教練場地租借 體態雕塑/增肌減脂/重量訓練/體能/肌力/健力 產後/銀髮族/傷後復健 專業費用諮詢推薦 PTT Dcard 場租健身房 image
Todofitness台北車站-台北中正區健身房/健身/私人教練課/自由教練場地租借 體態雕塑/增肌減脂/重量訓練/體能/肌力/健力 產後/銀髮族/傷後復健 專業費用諮詢推薦 PTT Dcard 場租健身房
👍👍 This is the most beautiful room I have tried so many, and I don’t have to worry about not having a female coach. Nika’s coach is professional and patient. She is very careful to help me see if the position of the force is correct. It is safer than practicing by myself. Hard work will not be wasted ,...
5.00 (157 reviews) (~1.53 km from centre)
拳能健身館| 私人健身拳擊工作室|重訓|拳擊|肌筋膜放鬆 image
拳能健身館| 私人健身拳擊工作室|重訓|拳擊|肌筋膜放鬆
Health consultant
👍👍 Every coach is super nice! Duke and Fay have witnessed me lose weight from a 3-layer fat sports idiot to having 4-pack abs ~ I have also experienced weight gain during my honeymoon and now I am losing weight in preparation for pregnancy😆😆 At every stage, the coach pays attention to the physical co...
5.00 (118 reviews) (~6.66 km from centre)
Taipei Beitou Health Management Hospital image
Taipei Beitou Health Management Hospital
👍👍 Professional, fast, high privacy Different from the hustle and bustle of ordinary health examination centers, there are dedicated personnel to serve you through every health examination level. Regardless of the environment and color, the examiners can eliminate their nervousness! The service staff...
4.70 (232 reviews) (~11.79 km from centre)
創智生物科技股份有限公司 image
Health consultant
👍👍 使用安思定將近一年半的時間,睡眠狀況真的改善很多,只有偶爾壓力大時需要吃安眠藥,有時感覺狀況不太好諮詢竹竹(李小姐),也總是耐心回覆並協助調整使用時間,對於十多年來長期吃藥的我來說,真的是得到救贖了❤️
4.90 (134 reviews) (~4.3 km from centre)
JUST WELL揪健康運動物理治療所 image
JUST WELL揪健康運動物理治療所
Physical therapy clinic
👍👍 The coach is very high-quality and professional. He can prescribe the right medicine for the uncomfortable pain points. He has a friendly attitude and is very serious in teaching. The environment is clean and comfortable, all kinds of equipment are complete, and the transportation is convenient.
5.00 (108 reviews) (~4.49 km from centre)
預約制☺️桂舍調理保健☘️客製化調理|傳統整復推拿|運動恢復|艾草溫罐|芳療舒壓|芳療撥經|小顏撥經 image
Sports massage therapist
👍👍 Highly recommended! ! I have been following a conditioning practitioner for many years, and now I have a separate studio for better comfort. The therapist will use different techniques and tools according to the physical condition to help achieve acid discharge and relaxation. During the massage pro...
5.00 (82 reviews) (~0.89 km from centre)
BeeFit Exercise Laboratory (GuTing store) image
BeeFit Exercise Laboratory (GuTing store)
😠 This room is not OK! The prices are all messed up. They are different every time I ask. Different people have different prices and different rules. During special promotions, I am told that I can buy several sets at once, and then I am told that I can’t. I don’t understand what I am doing. The coach...
4.70 (126 reviews) (~0.26 km from centre)
運動吧Let’s go Work out image
運動吧Let’s go Work out
Fitness center
👍👍 教練專業又親切,絲毫沒有壓力,週一到週日都有營業,想去就去,就像在走噪咖一樣,非常方便!還可以不用人擠人輪流用器材,太適合懶癌末期的人了!
4.90 (78 reviews) (~18.36 km from centre)
PB Sport 健身房 image
PB Sport 健身房
👍👍 With my busy work schedule, I hardly have time to exercise. Later, I signed up for PB one-on-one courses online. The course lasted for two months. Super professional exercise guidance and solid training made me healthier and more stress-relieving.
4.80 (76 reviews) (~0.93 km from centre)
TRUE YOGA FITNESS/ 全真瑜珈健身台北小巨蛋館 image
TRUE YOGA FITNESS/ 全真瑜珈健身台北小巨蛋館
Yoga studio
😠 Go to the customer service and say that we will go to the << Consumer Club >> to inquire about your cooperation. There is usually room for discussion or refunds! Anyone who knows the law can go to his terms, and the penalty for withdrawal is even higher than the fixed monthly payment! The service...
4.10 (761 reviews) (~3.85 km from centre)
爾雅中醫醫美聯合診所 image
Medical clinic
👍👍 Dr. Li’s service is very good~ Besides being cordial, the consultation process is also very delicate, which is very different from general Chinese medicine clinics. Use the resources of the combination of Chinese and Western medicine to prescribe the right medicine to effectively help improve eatin...
4.90 (58 reviews) (~3.65 km from centre)
50+健身薈 image
Fitness center
👍👍 聽了預防失智症的課程,教練也給予非常棒的體驗, 課程很專業,且適合熟齡長輩,也因為課程有經過專業復健師一起設計,不會造成因姿勢不正確的運動傷害,也有很多輔助器材可使用! 環境也很乾淨,附近停車也非常方便,大力推薦~
4.80 (44 reviews) (~2.36 km from centre)
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