Best places: Things to dos in Timor-Leste

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An-Nur Mosque image
An-Nur Mosque
👍👍 Kalau anda muslim dan sedang berkunjung ke Dili, bisa cari makan di sini, karena makanannya halal semua dan rata2 yg jual adalah orang Indonesia (banyak juga yg dari suku bugis). Kalau pagi di sini rame banget banyak jajanan, dan kalo malem juga ada yg masih jualan makanan berat. Masjid bersejarah...
4.70 (208 reviews)
Balibo Fort Hotel image
Balibo Fort Hotel
👍 An absolute highlight of my time in Timor-Leste. Sunset over the ocean was incredible, but the open fire and watching the Balibo film right on the spot where it happened was truly magic. The staff here are so accommodating and made our stay a truly special one. The only disappointing thing for me w...
4.70 (173 reviews)
Timorese Resistance Archive & Museum image
Timorese Resistance Archive & Museum
History museum
👍 A really nice and informative museum about the struggles this country had, with a brief history since the Portuguese colonization through very detailed information of the Indonesian occupation and the Timorese uprisings against it. It is a very small museum, so you wouldn’t need more than two hours...
4.60 (230 reviews)
Dare Memorial Museum and Cafe image
Dare Memorial Museum and Cafe
👍👍 Its a nature place with incredible views. We could see Dili from above. Its so amazing.
4.50 (136 reviews)
Centro Nacional Chega! image
Centro Nacional Chega!
👍 1. Bekas penjara Balide ini sekarang dijadikan museum. Namanya Centro Nacional Chega! 2. Di sini sempat dijadikan tempat buat menahan dan torture tahanan politik. 3. Untuk masuk ke museum dikenai biaya masuk $2. Terus seperti biasa diminta isi data pengunjung. 4. Pas masuk pertama kali, ada semacam...
4.60 (91 reviews)
Tais Market image
Tais Market
Traditional market
👍 The market consists of small vendors of traditional handicraft, mainly tais (woven textile). This is not a flashy tourist market. Some vendors are from the rural villages and hand make the crafts themselves. Need to bargain for prices, however just consider it as a contribution to the local economy.
4.30 (179 reviews)
Cristo Rei Beach image
Cristo Rei Beach
👍👍 Went there by night and wires of Dili by night was amazing
4.60 (72 reviews)
Largo De Lecidere image
Largo De Lecidere
4.50 (80 reviews)
Oil Paintings For Sale image
Oil Paintings For Sale
Gift shop
👍👍 Talented
4.80 (45 reviews)
Immaculate Conception Cathedral image
Immaculate Conception Cathedral
Catholic cathedral
4.30 (91 reviews)
Farol image
4.40 (70 reviews)
Church of Saint Anthony of Motael image
Church of Saint Anthony of Motael
Catholic church
👍 The Church is not very big but very beautiful. Quite quiet place. I was late the day was open. There was no charge to enter. Access is easy. Take half an hour to get to know her. If you want to attend a religious celebration you should check their schedules.
4.70 (46 reviews)
One Dollar Beach image
One Dollar Beach
Swimming, snorkeling & diving are popular at this coastal stretch with fine sand & coral reefs.
4.30 (42 reviews)
Estátua do Presidente Nicolau Lobato image
Estátua do Presidente Nicolau Lobato
Tourist attraction
👍👍 Historical monument persis di depan bandara dili, presidente nicolau lobato.. sangaattt terkenal di dili karena pantas dijadikan kenangan yg memorable
4.10 (51 reviews)
Pousada de Maubisse image
Pousada de Maubisse
Historical landmark
4.10 (42 reviews)
Lava East villa image
Lava East villa
4.20 (30 reviews)
Marobo Hot Spring image
Marobo Hot Spring
Tourist attraction
👍👍 A very worthwhile visit. Make sure you get there early in the day. And take refreshments along. Road down to the hot springs is being resurfaced, but still very steep!
3.80 (48 reviews)
Jardim 5 de Maio image
Jardim 5 de Maio
4.00 (31 reviews)
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