Most reviewed Hotels in 'Ene 'Afio

Explore the city's most talked-about destinations, sorted by the number of reviews. The higher the position on the list, the greater the number of reviews for each place. Discover the pulse of 'Ene 'Afio through these extensively reviewed and popular spots.

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Tanoa International Dateline Hotel image
Tanoa International Dateline Hotel
Laid-back rooms & suites, some with ocean views, in a relaxed hotel offering dining, bars & a pool.
4.10 (238 reviews) (~5.94 km from centre)
Little Italy Hotel image
Little Italy Hotel
Warmly decorated rooms, some with ocean-view balconies, plus free breakfast & an Italian restaurant.
4.10 (112 reviews) (~5.4 km from centre)
Emerald Hotel image
Emerald Hotel
Straightforward rooms, some with balconies, in a casual hotel featuring ocean views & a restaurant.
3.30 (97 reviews) (~5.9 km from centre)
Simon's Place Motel image
Simon's Place Motel
😠 DONT GO TO THIS HOTEL!!! I have stayed in this hotel for one week and they charged me THREE TIMES. upon checking out the reception staff told me I had to pay 63 dollars for the food consumption but charged me 1002!!! when I notified him of his mistake, which is very weird, to say you have to pay 63...
3.80 (31 reviews) (~5.44 km from centre)
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