Most reviewed Tourist attractions in 'Ene 'Afio

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Royal Palace Of Tonga image
Royal Palace Of Tonga
Historical place
👍👍 The Royal Palace of the Kingdom of Tonga is located in the northwest of the capital, Nukuʻalofa, close to the Pacific Ocean.The wooden Palace, which was built in 1867, is the official residence of the King of Tonga. Although the Palace is not open to the public, it is easily visible from the waterfr...
4.40 (93 reviews) (~5.73 km from centre)
Royal Tombs image
Royal Tombs
Historical landmark
👍👍 quite and beautiful place,I like there on Sunday
4.10 (57 reviews) (~5.13 km from centre)
3 Headed Coconut image
3 Headed Coconut
Tourist attraction
👍👍 Wow such an interesting and unique coconut tree with 3 branches. Only 3 in the world !!
4.20 (52 reviews) (~3.86 km from centre)
Ancient Tonga image
Ancient Tonga
Tourist attraction
👍👍 A bit tricky to find if you organise it yourself - the taxi driver needed guidance from the GPS and even then dropped me off at the wrong entrance, however once there I had an amazing experience. I was the only solo traveller that had shown up for that afternoon but was joined by a large group of Ge...
4.50 (52 reviews) (~8.06 km from centre)
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