Best places in Fastiv Urban Hromada

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Радіолокаційна станція "Дуга" image
Радіолокаційна станція "Дуга"
Tourist attraction
👍👍 Massive man made radar structure you could witness. the shear height and magnitude of the structure will make you go wow... the steel truss, its connection and the cantilever potion supporting the radar is amazing and great feat of engineering. The beauty is that the structure is standing tall been...
4.90 (1.2K reviews)
Pripyat amusement park image
Pripyat amusement park
Amusement park
Radioactive amusement park abandoned in April 1986 after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.
4.90 (1K reviews)
Monument to Those Who Saved the World image
Monument to Those Who Saved the World
Memorial statue to the "liquidators" who helped clean up the site of the Chernobyl nuclear accident.
4.80 (1.4K reviews)
Palace of Culture Energetik image
Palace of Culture Energetik
Historical place
Abandoned 1970s community center, formerly housing a theater, gym, library & swimming pool.
4.80 (820 reviews)
Fastivsʹke Morozyvo image
Fastivsʹke Morozyvo
Ice cream shop
👍👍 Ми кияни! І нам дуже подобається фастівське морозиво! Смакота!!!
$ $$$
4.80 (677 reviews)
Pidstantsyya Chaes image
Pidstantsyya Chaes
Historical place
👍👍 Amazing! We got to take an amazingly close view of reactor 4. The sight was so absolutely breathtaking that it actually gave me lung cancer! Also the added impaired eyesight and creepy beautiful scenery was an added bonus too! Even though I may have lost my eyesight, after coming back I fortunately...
4.70 (3.1K reviews)
Memorialʹnyy Kompleks "Zirka Polyn" image
Memorialʹnyy Kompleks "Zirka Polyn"
Memorial park
👍👍 For all foreigners, coming to Chornobyl, please take into the consideration the fact, that for Ukrainians, as long as people from Belarus and Russian Federation, this is a place of biggest nuclear accident in the human history. There are no monsters here, as long as coming here a new leg won’t grow....
4.70 (811 reviews)
Chernobyl Observation Deck image
Chernobyl Observation Deck
Historical landmark
👍👍 Seeing is believing, must see the massiveness of the reactor and its cover. its compulsory to wear fully covered cloths whilst this area. Cannot go near the fence for a sake of higher radiation. a photo show how the reactor looked after destruction and present with covered steel doom.
4.70 (807 reviews)
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant sarcophagus image
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant sarcophagus
Historical place
👍👍 Love this place! One arm is always taking interesting photos while the other two are having fun!
4.60 (1K reviews)
San Angelo image
San Angelo
Coffee shop
👍👍 The best place to eat in Fastow. Highly recommended!
$$ $$
4.60 (1K reviews)
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant image
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant
Historical place
👍👍 Spent 2 weeks there, it was the most wonderful time!! lots more Flora and fauna than the last time that I was there.. Update unexpected Side note, my hair fell out ..I grew a 3rd eye!! my friends now call me blinky
4.60 (961 reviews)
Brat·sʹka Mohyla S. Kopachi image
Brat·sʹka Mohyla S. Kopachi
War memorial
👍👍 One of the best places that we visited during our trip. The kindergarten is so well preserved, full with toys, clothes, newspapers from the period before the accident. In the basement there are jars with compot. The atmosphere is really dark and sad. Infront of the building we have measured around 1...
4.70 (409 reviews)
Don Coffe'on image
Don Coffe'on
👍👍 Дуже затишно і комфортно. Дякую "Don Coffe'on" за найсмачнішу каву в місті!😍
$$ $$
4.80 (247 reviews)
Prometheus image
👍 The statue was originally in Pripyat. In front of the music school. After the accident they moved it next to the administrative building of NPP. Now it is next to the memorial of the firemen and technicians that died in the early days of the accident. Next to it is the bridge from where you can fee...
4.80 (232 reviews)
Azure Swimming Pool image
Azure Swimming Pool
Tourist attraction
4.80 (170 reviews)
Сільпо image
👍👍 Продукты свежие. Продавцы в зале всегда помогут найти любой товар, отзыв про этот магазин и когда приезжаю в другие города - попадаю как к себе домой. Похожая музыка, запахи. Пицца вкусная, есть заказ по телефону. Оплачиваем семьёй приложением и в месяц до 400 грн собираем бонусами и 150 грн кэшбек...
4.40 (1.7K reviews)
Cooling Pond image
Cooling Pond
👍👍 Radioactive spikes still all around this area, definitely don't go swimming here
4.70 (186 reviews)
Syta Mysha image
Syta Mysha
👍👍 Знайшли це місце по відгуках , дуже сподобалося ! Замовляли борщ, грибний крем- суп і пательню з вуджениною, все дуже смачно, а ціна не може не сподобатися . За все замовлення заплатили 260 гривень) після цін Києва - це дуже приємно. Персонал супер, привітний і доброзичливий. Туалет чистий і є тепла...
$$ $$
4.50 (388 reviews)
Osama Sushi image
Osama Sushi
Meal delivery
👍👍 Сьогодні замовила Чорний дракон, то він смердить оселедцем, поп алась кістка з оселедця.За що я заплатила гроші?
4.80 (134 reviews)
Third Angel Statue image
Third Angel Statue
👍👍 The Chernobyl tour stops here, if you can try break away and look down the paths before people start walking down them.
4.70 (168 reviews)
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