Top rated places in Hlevakha Settlement Hromada

Experience the best that Hlevakha Settlement Hromada has to offer with our curated list of top-rated places. Sorted by average review scores from venues boasting over 30 reviews, these establishments promise exceptional quality and experiences to elevate your visit in the city.

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graver studio image
graver studio
Novelty store
👍👍 Приємне спілкування, підтвердження дизайну, вчасна доставка + іграшка на ялинку в подарунок. І найголовніше задоволена донечка. Дякую Вам
5.00 (37 reviews)
Радіолокаційна станція "Дуга" image
Радіолокаційна станція "Дуга"
Tourist attraction
👍👍 Massive man made radar structure you could witness. the shear height and magnitude of the structure will make you go wow... the steel truss, its connection and the cantilever potion supporting the radar is amazing and great feat of engineering. The beauty is that the structure is standing tall been...
4.90 (1.2K reviews)
Pripyat amusement park image
Pripyat amusement park
Amusement park
Radioactive amusement park abandoned in April 1986 after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.
4.90 (1K reviews)
GAMMA TRAVEL - official tours to Chernobyl zone image
GAMMA TRAVEL - official tours to Chernobyl zone
Outdoor activity organiser
👍👍 We went on two tours to the Chernobyl zone with Gamma: one group tour with 20 people and after a few months a 2 day private tour with 3 people. We had Kate as our guide both times. It was a great experience. The guide is very knowledgeable, professional and simply very kind. If you are really inte...
4.90 (213 reviews)
Try Koty image
Try Koty
👍👍 1.XI.2021 Салат "Столичный" на отлично! Из пожеланий - бумажные пакеты, понимаю что дороже, но лучше с ручками, особенно, когда их несколько. Октябрь, 2021.Оценил первое блюдо, конкретно гороховый суп. Хорош и как раз к холодному сезону. Буду заказывать к "Дьябло". Август, 2021.Кофе теперь только...
$$ $$
4.90 (103 reviews)
Jupiter Radiotechnology Factory image
Jupiter Radiotechnology Factory
Historical place
👍👍 Атмосферное место с брошенными цехами завода. На задворках есть несколько брошенных автобусов и один огромный экскаватор.
4.90 (95 reviews)
Avanhard Stadium image
Avanhard Stadium
Historical place
👍👍 На поле одни деревья, впрочем привычная картина для укр футбола
4.90 (78 reviews)
Струмок image
Bathroom supply store
👍👍 Дуже привітний персонал. Та допомагають в кожному питанні на високому рівні. Дякую.
4.90 (49 reviews)
ЗГРЛС "Дуга" image
ЗГРЛС "Дуга"
Tourist attraction
👍👍 Duga was a Soviet over-the-horizon radar system used as part of the Soviet missile defense early-warning radar network. The system operated from July 1976 to December 1989. Two operational Duga radars were deployed, one near Chernobyl and Chernihiv in the Ukrainian SSR, the other in eastern Siberia
4.90 (38 reviews)
Ivory image
Beauty salon
👍👍 Все супер. Девушка Наталья стрижёт великолепно! Быстро и стильно. Рекомендую. Болтает правда много :)))
4.90 (35 reviews)
Monument to Those Who Saved the World image
Monument to Those Who Saved the World
Memorial statue to the "liquidators" who helped clean up the site of the Chernobyl nuclear accident.
4.80 (1.4K reviews)
Palace of Culture Energetik image
Palace of Culture Energetik
Historical place
Abandoned 1970s community center, formerly housing a theater, gym, library & swimming pool.
4.80 (820 reviews)
Prometheus image
👍 The statue was originally in Pripyat. In front of the music school. After the accident they moved it next to the administrative building of NPP. Now it is next to the memorial of the firemen and technicians that died in the early days of the accident. Next to it is the bridge from where you can fee...
4.80 (232 reviews)
Azure Swimming Pool image
Azure Swimming Pool
Tourist attraction
4.80 (170 reviews)
Ferris wheel image
Ferris wheel
Historical place
4.80 (73 reviews)
Twinsgym image
4.80 (58 reviews)
Kaktus:) Kava image
Kaktus:) Kava
Coffee shop
👍👍 Очень уютно и весело выпить чашечку кофе с друзьями! Обслуживание хорошее! Кофе вкусное)
4.80 (56 reviews)
Polissya hotel image
Polissya hotel
👍👍 Хороший отель, только опасно там ходить, хрупкий и много монолитовцев которые молятся по ночам, мутанты всякие. И декодер стрелка с тайником можете не искать, его забрал сам стрелок.
4.80 (53 reviews)
Pidstantsyya Chaes image
Pidstantsyya Chaes
Historical place
👍👍 Amazing! We got to take an amazingly close view of reactor 4. The sight was so absolutely breathtaking that it actually gave me lung cancer! Also the added impaired eyesight and creepy beautiful scenery was an added bonus too! Even though I may have lost my eyesight, after coming back I fortunately...
4.70 (3.1K reviews)
Baker's Bistro image
Baker's Bistro
Family restaurant
👍👍 Excellent and comfortable place! Delicious food and friendly waiters. Soothing and relaxing atmosphere ideal for spending time with your family and / or friends. We had a really great time there celebrating birthday. There is a playground outside and kid's room with animators, where you can leave y...
4.70 (1.5K reviews)
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Cities in Hlevakha Settlement Hromada