Top rated Chinese restaurants in Angier

Experience the best that Angier has to offer with our curated list of top-rated places. Sorted by average review scores from venues boasting over 30 reviews, these establishments promise exceptional quality and experiences to elevate your visit in the city.

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Mei Wei Oriental Diner image
Mei Wei Oriental Diner
Chinese restaurant
Unfussy, quick-serve restaurant offering Chinese & Thai cuisine staples in a strip-mall setting.
4.10 (269 reviews) (~9.92 km from centre)
New Rainbow image
New Rainbow
Chinese restaurant
😠 They always have an attitude. The food is not that good. If you get anything that has veggies please tell them light veggies because you end up with more veggies than whatever meat you're supposed to have.
$ $$$
3.80 (169 reviews) (~2.25 km from centre)
Tip: Click on the rating to open it on Google Maps

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