Top rated Dental hygienists in Angier

Experience the best that Angier has to offer with our curated list of top-rated places. Sorted by average review scores from venues boasting over 30 reviews, these establishments promise exceptional quality and experiences to elevate your visit in the city.

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Charles Ashley Mann, DDS & Associates image
Charles Ashley Mann, DDS & Associates
👍👍 Dr A has been our dentist for years. And always will be. We luv him and his staff
4.90 (284 reviews) (~9.55 km from centre)
Signature Family Dentistry image
Signature Family Dentistry
😠 It does not make much sense to me to clean and polish my teeth first, then scrap tartar and probe my gums with a pick after the cleaning. Also was asked if I had ever tried a prescription mouthwash for my gums and I said no. I thought I would be getting a prescription to fill at the drugstore. I...
4.90 (238 reviews) (~0.03 km from centre)
Fuquay Pediatric Dentistry - Serena Kankash, DMD image
Fuquay Pediatric Dentistry - Serena Kankash, DMD
Pediatric dentist
😠 The office is very nice and beautifully decorated. The staff are nice as well. That being said, the customer service here is nonexistent. There are never enough office staff to answer the phone to reschedule an appointment or answer billing questions. You will also have questions about the billing b...
4.70 (286 reviews) (~9.89 km from centre)
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