Top rated Physiotherapists in Angier

Experience the best that Angier has to offer with our curated list of top-rated places. Sorted by average review scores from venues boasting over 30 reviews, these establishments promise exceptional quality and experiences to elevate your visit in the city.

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Back in Action Physical Therapy image
Back in Action Physical Therapy
Physical therapy clinic
👍👍 Rebecca is amazing! I came in with a lot of doubts. After the first appointment, she instilled confidence in me and the program. Now I’m back to where I was and even better in a lot of ways. I highly recommend Rebecca and Back in Action as an environment!
5.00 (113 reviews) (~8.62 km from centre)
CORA Physical Therapy Fuquay-Varina image
CORA Physical Therapy Fuquay-Varina
Physical therapy clinic
👍👍 I suffered a traumatic neck injury in June 2021. I finally got my ducks in a row and received a referral to Cora in October. It has been a life altering experience when I started PT with Jennifer. She put me on a regimen of dry needling and mobility work for my T-Spine, traps, and left upper extremi...
4.90 (72 reviews) (~9.89 km from centre)
EmergeOrtho Fuquay-Varina | Orthopedic Clinic image
EmergeOrtho Fuquay-Varina | Orthopedic Clinic
Orthopedic clinic
🫤 If going for a child I would find a pediatric orthopedic or another urgent care/walk-in facility. Not kid friendly or understanding at all. I wish all practices that are “open to seeing kids” took in consideration kids are not adults. Their behavior looks different, they communicate differently and...
4.70 (254 reviews) (~9.79 km from centre)
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