Worst rated places in Duplin County

Steer clear of these locations to ensure a positive experience in Duplin County. Our list highlights the least favorable places to help you make informed choices and enjoy your time in the city.

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Goshen Medical Center - Wallace image
Goshen Medical Center - Wallace
Medical office
🫤 I only receive services here because of the physician Lois. I wish she worked at a better facility. She is very helpful and caring. The front desk help are unprofessional and lack communication skills and people skills. The male physician here is absolutely the worse. I had to see Eugenio for a sinu...
2.60 (31 reviews)
House of Raeford (Wallace) image
House of Raeford (Wallace)
Meat processor
2.90 (53 reviews)
S&K Ice Cream Parlor image
S&K Ice Cream Parlor
Ice cream shop
3.00 (89 reviews)
Wendy's image
Fast food restaurant
😠 1st time I went, after 11:20 at night after work, ordered chicken sandwich and fries...got home and opened it up...it was awful, so I threw it all away even though I was hungry. I let some weeks go by before I went back, so I went tonight at late night, Joshua was working and was out in the parkin...
$ $$$
3.00 (63 reviews)
Magnolia Market Place image
Magnolia Market Place
Convenience store
3.00 (46 reviews)
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