Top rated Catholic churches in Glenvar Heights

Experience the best that Glenvar Heights has to offer with our curated list of top-rated places. Sorted by average review scores from venues boasting over 30 reviews, these establishments promise exceptional quality and experiences to elevate your visit in the city. This list contains 2 places from Catholic church category.

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St. Augustine Church & Catholic Student Center at the University of Miami image
St. Augustine Church & Catholic Student Center at the University of Miami
Catholic church
👍👍 Warmest, most spiritually fertile parish my family has ever belonged to. Father Vigoa is an outstanding priest, as are Father Oscar and Father Leo. The Adoration chapel is an oasis that envelops you like a mother's womb. I'm infinitely thankful to call this parish home.
4.80 (219 reviews) (~4.43 km from centre)
Church of the Little Flower image
Church of the Little Flower
Catholic church
😠 I do not like the Spanish mass 12:30 pm. They should not play the conga drums while singing holy church music. Not is it only inappropriate, but this is used in Santeria... this is supposed to be a Roman Catholic mass and not Santeria. Please get rid of conga drums !!!
4.50 (123 reviews) (~6.04 km from centre)
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