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Rumah Sakit Sari Asih Serang
😐 After visiting this hospital, now I know that having a good looking building doesn't mean the hospital has a good care and services too. Even just for serving a drug test, they are not able to serve. And someone has to tell one of their laboratory woman staff how to smile.
4.80 (9.3K reviews)
Al Quoz Mall Medical Fitness Center | Visa Medical Center in Dubai | Salem Center
Medical Center
👍👍 Great place with excellent service and state of the art facilities. I went for my medical assessment required for Emirates ID. First I got a token from the counter, then I was told to wait for my turn and after a few minutes, my identity was verified and I was told to move to the next section. There...
4.90 (8.2K reviews)
SUM Ultimate
👍 As it's a relatively new hospital, there are a lot of things, that need a lot of improvement.
Lets start with the Positive. The Doctors are really good. One of my best experiences with the doctors. The hospital is pretty clean and well maintained. The cleaning staff and the security staff are really...
4.70 (8K reviews)
F-Medical Group Frosinone
Public medical center
👍👍 I needed a shoulder x-ray for my 88-year-old mother-in-law very quickly. After contacting various local centers, (on Saturday) I found immediate availability at the F medical medical center in Frosinone. I honestly did not know him, I must say it was a welcome surprise. Immediate acceptance with Pa...
4.80 (5.9K reviews)
Private hospital
😠 Update Aug 2023 : No improvement at all. Still took me more than 2 hours to get the medicine. This hospital really need to learn a new ways to handle this problem
Update Oct 2023 : Old fashioned queue system for medicines, really consume a lot of time. Please consider to use grab or gojek to deliv...
4.60 (5.2K reviews)
Mawar Medical Centre Seremban
Private hospital
👍 My mom arrived here at 817am. Nurse asked her to take blood and urin. Finished all that with breakfast and come back here at 9am. Now 1111am still waiting for Dr Deepa. Was told by her assistant that Dr Deepa has tight schedule with patients on board.
4.90 (4.9K reviews)
Prince Court Medical Centre
Private hospital
😠 If I could leave 0 star, I would do so!
I visited the Emergency Department. My visit was to be covered by a Guarantee Letter from my company’s insurance. After the consultation with the doctor, I was informed by a nurse that I would need to wait for the payment counter to call my name once the Guar...
4.50 (4.6K reviews)
Puskesmas Kecamatan Pulo Gadung
Public medical center
👍👍 ["Good and fast service, the security so friendly and helpfull for us, good place with responsive doctor and medical staff",null,[0,120]]
4.80 (4.3K reviews)
Public Health Center district. Kebon Jeruk
Public medical center
😠 Per 1 September 2018, make sure your BPJS card is active, so you can go to POLI GIGI (dentist) here. I just noted when i want to go to poli gigi but my BPJS is not active, so I'm not allowed to go here. any comments ???
4.60 (3.8K reviews)
Soin Medical Center - Kettering Health
👍👍 I could not have asked for better care. The nurses and doctors on the cardiology floor are all phenomenal in care. Taylor, Jessica, Marti and Heather went above and beyond care. All of the nurses were so awesome. They make you feel more like family instead of just a patient. They give that personal...
4.50 (3.3K reviews)
Puskesmas Kecamatan Pasar Rebo
Community health centre
Puskesmas Kecamatan Pasar Rebo is a highly rated community health center in Jakarta with a focus on patient care and a wide range of services. The facility provides a positive experience for many visitors and offers friendly and efficient assistance.
4.70 (2.4K reviews)
Pancoran Subdistrict Public Health Center
Public medical center
👍👍 Sangat bagus pelayanannya.
4.60 (2.4K reviews)
Bodetal Therme Thale
👍👍 Wir haben die Therme zum ersten Mal besucht und wollten uns einen schönen entspannten Mutter-Töchter-Tag machen. Nach allem schlechten was ich gelesen habe war ich sehr gespannt und muss sagen, dass ich alle schlechten Rezensionen nicht nachvollziehen kann.
Das Personal war von Kasse über Bademeiste...
3.90 (2.3K reviews)
Puskesmas Kebayoran Baru
Public medical center
👍👍 I'am really respec all dr'staff' puskesmas keb'baru iskandsrsyah''all of them doing a good job'they are profesional'nice peopel'so i hope they continew do this busnis more bettèr''okay 'god will give all of you'long live'healthy'bledt'succsses for evrithing'take care'and all the best
4.70 (2.2K reviews)
UPTD Puskesmas Cinere
Public medical center
😠 Who takes care of the OB registration, right? How come you don't know how simple the information is that dental clinics can't accept fillings? It's like an employee lacking a briefing.
There is no information on the website.
What else on Instagram, not like other health centers. It's just a photo o...
4.60 (2K reviews)
Digna health Chalco
😠 Una estrella por el excelente servicio de recepción y para que no queden en cero, sin embargo CERO estrellas por la radiologa (no el dpto, sino una simple persona que tuve el desagrado de conocer) no se toma la molestia ni de parecer querer lo que hace, ya no pido una sonrisa ni amabilidad pero por...
4.40 (2K reviews)
Salud Digna
Medical laboratory
😠 Dear Tourists or travelers, who planning to travel from Mexico, where PCR test is needed. Salud Digna is the most irreliable place to get your PCR test on time.
I paid for my test online, I went there next day, did my test, they promised to send me the results Max 2 days.
Guess what, they never sen...
3.70 (2K reviews)
CESFAM Barros Luco
Medical Center
😠 If you have time to spare, want to have a really bad time and appreciate how inefficient health centers can be, come here. Not even they know how to organize themselves to serve people and when you ask them they get angry, they answer badly and when you suggest a better form of management they almos...
4.20 (1.8K reviews)
Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat Kecamatan Duren Sawit
Public medical center
😠 Visit this place to do swab. Front Staff not helpful and not clear. Only asking some private questions in public area. Finally the results, mention to visit other puskesmas based on our district, also not give detail instruction.
The service very bad.
4.20 (1.7K reviews)
Salud Digna
😠 Por favor, no vayan a esta sucursal por sus lentes. Hacen el examen sin conciencia, rápido, sin cuidado y mal. Las graduaciones que ponen son erróneas, dado que no hacen cada uno de los pasos que son necesarios para asignar una graduación. Esto es negligencia. Aclaro que el problema no es de la empr...
4.40 (1.6K reviews)
General Ricardos Health Center
Public medical center
😠 No me extraña que la sanidad pública desaparezca. Es un centro donde se refleja perfectamente lo peor del sistema de seguridad social. Nunca te cogen el tlf, cuando logras que lo descuelguen no te resuelven los problemas, y te cuelgan. Son mal educados y actitud chulesca. Ponen pancartas de "luchemo...
3.60 (1.6K reviews)
IKA Hospital
Public medical center
😠 Επισκέφτηκα τον γιατρό λόγω έντονου πόνου στο τελευταίο μου δόντι, το οποίο κουνιόταν. Ο γιατρός μου είπε ότι πρέπει να το αφαιρέσω αμέσως χωρίς να γίνει ακτινογραφία στη γνάθο. Εξαιτίας του έντονου πόνου, συμφώνησα. Κατά την εξαγωγή, έσπασε η ρίζα του δοντιού και ο γιατρός μου είπε ότι με τον καιρό...
3.80 (1.5K reviews)
Kettering Health Hamilton
👍👍 Went to ER and was released feeling great and well guided.
Bethany P. Was my nurse. She’s one of the best and most professional nurses I’ve seen.
Dr. Lalit Goyal did an amazing work and guided my nurses and me to feel much better.
I wanted to take a minute to leave a review and to congratulate ev...
4.50 (1.5K reviews)
RedSalud Clinic
Private hospital
👍👍 I had gastric bypass surgery in conversion surgery due to gastroesophageal reflux. Although I had some problems when making my payment in the admissions area. María José, Doc San Martín's secretary, was super expeditious, decisive and empathetic. From Doc San Martín, to the anesthetist Christopher a...
4.20 (1.5K reviews)
NewMed Immediate Care Rolling Meadows
Urgent care center
😠 I was told to go to an urgent care by my 1 year old daughters physician since she has cold symptoms . I guess her doctor didn’t want her to go in because of exposure. So I went to this immediate care center and the staff was so rude. I didn’t tell them that she currently had a fever and one of said...
4.60 (1.4K reviews)
Therme Bad Steben
Thermal baths
Thermally heated outdoor & indoor pools at a spa with saunas, floatation tanks & bistro dining.
4.40 (1.4K reviews)
uniCare Medical Centre
Medical Center
😠 I wish i can rate -5 ****
Here people don’t serve patients they serve attitude,
Be visited reception straight denied accepting cash patient, since i was forgot mask in car the lady of reception go buy an come!!
Wow what a L&D very poor staff at initial I understand the staff is like this then what...
4.50 (1.4K reviews)
Maestranza Medical Center
Medical Center
🫤 Era una opción estupenda para dar respuesta a las necesidades médicas porque concentraba profesionales de muchas especialidades y pruebas de diagnosis, pero en los últimos años el nivel de atención ha caído muchísimo (lógicamente no puedo decir que en todas las especialidades pero en muchas si).
2.70 (1.4K reviews)
Dr. Musa'ad Azallal Medical Center
Medical Center
👍👍 In Dr Aya’s clinic I had the most comfortable experience I have in cleaning my teeth along with making a perfect smile by fixing the whole front teeth with attention to the small details.
I highly recommend her for anyone looking for perfectionisim.
4.00 (1.3K reviews)
Klinik Mitra Jarakosta
Public medical center
👍 alhamdulillah sudah ada perbaikan dalam segi pelyanan dan dokternya juga ramah .apotekerny cepat tdak sperti dahulu nyiapin obat sampe satu jam... receptionisnya yg di poto sangat ramah .trima kasih sudah ada perbaikan
4.50 (1.3K reviews)
Kettering Health Middletown
Public medical center
👍👍 This was the best ER experience I've had. No
line of people waiting. I had other tests done
earlier in the week & still didn't know what was
wrong with me. Each person who dealt with me at Kettering was efficient & compassionate. They did all that they could to make me comfortable. And with 1 test,...
4.60 (1.3K reviews)
Tanah Abang Sub-district Puskesmas
Public medical center
👍👍 ["I i got my ear buzzing checked, came at 7am to avoid the long line, overall the service was so good.",null,[0,100]]
4.60 (1.2K reviews)
INVICTA - Klinika Zdrowia i Leczenia Niepłodności
Fertility clinic
😠 We had unsuccessful (very...) treatment at the Invicta clinic in Gdansk in January/February. To cut a long story short, 26 oocytes were retrieved but only 6 were mature, only 3 fertilised and none of them made it to day 5 so there was nothing to transfer... About half of my eggs were apparently 'deg...
4.50 (1.2K reviews)
Salud Digna
Medical laboratory
😠 Muy mal el personal de las cajas en coordinación con los que realizan los estudios, fui a solicitar espermatobioscopia y me hicieron regresar tres veces, i) que los estudios son antes de las 13 hrs y en ese momento me comentan que lleve mi muestra desde casa, ii) llevo mi muestra y me comentan el pe...
3.80 (1.2K reviews)
Ohio State Outpatient Care New Albany
Public medical center
😠 If you are vegan or gf, they cannot guarantee no cross contamination. How hard would it be to use a cutting board for specific diets. I do it all the time in my business. If a person is allergic to wheat or have a special diet, all you have to do is change your gloves and use a cutting board design...
4.80 (1.2K reviews)
Puskesmas Sukodono
Public medical center
👍👍 Pelayanan sangat bagus. Walaupun mertua saya pakai bpjs kelas 3 tetap dapat kamar yang sangat layak. Kebersihan kamar sangat dijaga. Pihak puskesmas ramah2. Sangat tanggap saat infus pasien sudah mau habis. Makanan rawat inap juga sangat bervariasi dan bergizi.
4.40 (1.2K reviews)
Centre Médical et Dentaire Cosem St Etienne
Medical office
😠 Nul !!! j'y étais aller il y a plusieurs semaine pour un rdv avec un rhumatologue.
Il m'a traiter de menteur, n'a rien écouter de ce que je lui ai dit et m'a dit que ce que je lui disais n'existait pas et de retourner travailler car j'ai 24 ans donc je ne suis pas malade pour lui.
Depuis ma situatio...
4.20 (1.2K reviews)
AME - Ambulatório Médico de Especialidades Maria Zélia
Public medical center
👍👍 Local limpo e organizado. Há várias triagens na farmácia de alto custo.
Independente de estar cheio, temos que agradecer o governo por nos fornecer remédios gratuito. Em qualquer lugar do mundo se paga.
Va com paciência pois é cheio todos os dias, eu fui numa quarta feira
3.40 (1.2K reviews)
Puskesmas Kecamatan Cakung
Public medical center
😠 Kecewa bgt, pelayanan lama, pasien dianggurin, rujukan jg lama, petugasnya yg utama tolong jgn KETUS " JGN NYOLOT, KITA BPJS JG BAYAR jgn seperti itu pelayanan nya buruk, parah petugasnya JUTEK KETUS, Sampe saya dan KK saya yg Lg dikursi roda dibilang bsk klo mau buat rujukan jgn kesini ya Bu. Astag...
4.40 (1.1K reviews)
Puskesmas Kecamatan Palmerah
Community health centre
👍👍 The immunization policy really helped with the speed, the doctors and nurses were very friendly ❤️
4.30 (1.1K reviews)
Coolangatta Medical Centre
Medical Center
😐 Dr O’Brien is fantastic, as are most of the reception team.
Unfortunately some of the receptionists are not and it had a negative impact on my experience at the clinic. Whilst waiting for this particular young lady to stop chatting in the corner for a few minutes to hand her a referral form, sh...
4.60 (1.1K reviews)
Yardley Green Medical Centre
Public medical center
😠 Trying to call to get an appointment has been a complete nightmare. I've been suffering with severe pains in my back since Friday I could hardly sit or stand. Tried calling the surgery on Tuesday but was told I was no 14 and advised to book online. So I made an online request but to date have receiv...
4.20 (1.1K reviews)
Urgent care center
😠 It is a real shame that you call on the phone and do not get caught, but not at all, neither medical nor administrative matter. One call after another and deaf ears.
I repeat, a real shame of the health system. And thank goodness I'm not dying but for them I'd already be a corpse.
SHAME !!!!
4.00 (1.1K reviews)
Puskesmas Ganting
Public medical center
👍👍 Good service! As long as we've prepared the required documents and stuff, then it won't be long to process.
P.S Keep up the good work
4.80 (1.1K reviews)
مجمع الدكتورة محاسن الطبي
Medical Center
😠 Advice for someone to come to the doctor is the advantages of continuing a pregnancy because you are looking for an amount and amount of this other than what motivated her to follow the pregnancy and other than the medicines that she dispenses to you. It is better in terms of price and the ratio of...
4.10 (1.1K reviews)
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🏨 Accommodation
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🛠️ Services
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😌 Wellness
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🚩 Other
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- Surgical center
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