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Dinosaur BBQ Park image
Dinosaur BBQ Park
Theme park
😠 Too expensive for what it is. It took 20 mins to go through the “museum” of animatronic dinosaurs. Anything fun or interactive was an additional cost on top of the outrageous admission cost. Plus when I think STEM, I think fun, interactive, and educational. This place was highly disappointing.
2.40 (70 reviews)
Bobhaus image
😠 I never had €6,80 coffee that was so transparant that I could see the bottom of my cup. Can’t imagine you would serve this to your customers with a smile on your face. Did not order anything else because of this (and because of the mega high prices).
$$$ $
2.60 (1.7K reviews)
新宿ビアガーデン 天空ヒルズ image
新宿ビアガーデン 天空ヒルズ
Beer garden
😠 ["Don't go to this place. It's not Hawaiian at all. The food is just some curry that you can get anywhere for 500 yen. The place is filthy and disgusting and charges a seating fee for their tiny dirty chairs. If you want to go to a beer garden, there are loads of other places that you can spend your...
2.60 (158 reviews)
Platzhirsch image
Beer garden
😠 The worst experience in a bar/biergarten I've ever had. It is so lovely situated ans looks inviting under the trees with the fairest lights. But don't be fooled. The most unfriendly waiters, took ages to take our order and even longer to get our two drinks. The white wine tastes cheap and wasn't chi...
2.70 (140 reviews)
Anton & Anni image
Anton & Anni
🫤 The fist thing that comes to mind when o think of Germany is a pretzel. Today I got a pretzel that was celebrating it’s 3rd birthday. There is not a flight in this airport to any country as dry as this pretzel. It was so hard that security would take it away because it could be used as a weapon. Thi...
2.80 (213 reviews)
Hotel Berliner Bär image
Hotel Berliner Bär
Unfussy hotel offering casual rooms, plus dining & an indoor pool, as well as a gym & a sauna.
2.80 (199 reviews)
Café The Coin image
Café The Coin
😠 We came in when they had turned the grill off at about 16:00 for an early dinner. Grey mashed potatoes and oily bad tasting salmon. Didn't eat much of it because it just wasn't nice and we were worried we might get food poisoning. The bathrooms were dirty in the corners and near pipes. Would not rec...
2.80 (188 reviews)
Perie Chiba BBQ BEER GARDEN image
Beer garden
😐 2年前に職場の同僚達と4人で利用し、2019年8月にプライベートで2回目の利用をしました。利用前日に急遽思い立ったのでわタープ下のソファー席は利用できませんでしたが、13時から食べ始め少ししたら日差しも向きが変わったので、そこまで暑い思いはせずBBQを楽しめました。肉のメニューと前菜は2年前と全く変...
2.80 (63 reviews)
Mambo Beer Garden image
Mambo Beer Garden
Beer garden
👍 Homely atmosphere and wonderful staff
$ $$$
2.80 (62 reviews)
Jolly Time image
Jolly Time
Night club
😠 Gegenüber den Anwohnern einfach nur asozial, ständige Lärmbelastung für anscheinend nichts.wie man hört ist da ja nichts los außer erstsemesterfeiern. Updat 2022, asoziles verhalten wie gewohnt. Extrem Laute Bässe, einfach nicht mehr zeitgemäß. Update assozialer geht es nicht mehr. Und wieder ei...
$$ $$
2.90 (266 reviews)
Hofbräu Wirtshaus Bispingen image
Hofbräu Wirtshaus Bispingen
👍👍 Wir hatten kürzlich das Vergnügen, das Hofbräu Wirtshaus zu besuchen und wir waren beeindruckt von der tollen, authentischen Atmosphäre. Es war wirklich ein Erlebnis, den Charme und die Tradition dieses Ortes zu spüren. Die Preise waren angemessen und die Auswahl an Speisen und Getränken war ganz g...
2.90 (173 reviews)
Hotel Am Fluss image
Hotel Am Fluss
Laid-back riverfront hotel offering a garden, a restaurant & a bar, plus free parking & Wi-Fi.
2.90 (158 reviews)
Sabrina Pasta & Clam Chowder - Takasaki OPA image
Sabrina Pasta & Clam Chowder - Takasaki OPA
Italian restaurant
😠 2022年3月に訪問。 【生搾りモンブラン専門店】 アイエムエムフードサービス株式会社が運営する生搾りモンブランの専門店。いつの間にやらパスタ屋とモンブラン屋の項目がマップ上で統合されてしまった様なので取り敢えずそのまま掲載。 - - 【場所】 店舗は高崎オーパ7階。 高崎オーパ店は独立した店舗が存在せず、専属...
2.90 (153 reviews)
Feringas Seegarten image
Feringas Seegarten
Beer garden
🫤 Wie man heute zum Sonntag bei super Wetter nur eine Stelle zum Bezahlen öffnen kann, ist für mich unklar. Da sind lange Schlangen und kaltes Essen vorprogrammiert. Dazu kam, dass mein bestellten Maß auf zwei Gläser aufgeteilt wurde und dann auch nicht frisch gezapft, sondern aus der Flasche aufgegos...
2.90 (84 reviews)
The Flourmill image
The Flourmill
😠 Just watched the Facebook video with your security chucking a old aged homeless guy down the road...take action. Shame.
2.90 (53 reviews)

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