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Playa canina La Veintiuna image
Playa canina La Veintiuna
Dog park
🫤 Playa ? Es fácil. Cualquier “playa” sin socorrista, ya es para perros. Piedras incómodas para nuestros perros y muy difícil acceso al agua. Vecinos incómodos con carteles en sus balcones, pero tampoco veo que ellos bajen a bañarse ahí, no lo harían. Más que playa de perros es playa que no sabías que...
1.70 (103 reviews)
Gateway Village Apartments image
Gateway Village Apartments
Apartment complex
😠 Worst place to live. They charge for EVERYTHING!!! Even after we cleaned the entire apartment upon moving out. We have photo evidence and video evidence of the entire apartment cleaned prior to us leaving! We got a bill for almost 2,000 that we "owe" for cleaning, etc. It's absolutely ridiculous! No...
2.10 (63 reviews)
Parc per a gossos image
Parc per a gossos
Dog park
😠 It's a shame... A source of bacteria and dirt... Don't imprison your dog in that 1m² toilet
2.30 (55 reviews)
OTR Bordertown image
OTR Bordertown
Convenience store
2.40 (90 reviews)
Beverly Hills Dog Park image
Beverly Hills Dog Park
Dog park
😠 IT’S A PRIVATE PARK that makes you register your dog and should be labeled as such on here. And you have to go pick up a license and a key fob first at another location. Ridiculous, and the place is TINY and all dirt. Not signing over any personal info for that nonsense. Wish I could leave no stars,...
2.60 (123 reviews)
Cala Torrota image
Cala Torrota
Dog park
😠 Que vergüenza de “playa”. Se supone que es el único sitio para mascotas en la zona y no es ni accessibile porqué son solo rocas. El ayuntamiento quiere ir de “pet friendly” y lo único que hace es poner en riesgo la salud de nuestras mascotas. Ni que faltaran km de playas disponibles.
2.70 (76 reviews)
Spiaggia di cani – Platja per a cutxos image
Spiaggia di cani – Platja per a cutxos
Dog park
😠 Più che spiaggia per cani, direi spiaggia da cani! Sono Romano ma vengo ogni estate dal Alghero perché ho casa. la spiaggia in questione è una striscia di terra prima di Fertilia, sporca e piena di alghe che non vengono mai raccolte non è recintata e vige il divieto di lasciare il cane libero, l’ Ac...
2.70 (72 reviews)
El Estero Lake Dog Park image
El Estero Lake Dog Park
Dog park
😐 The park is small and consists almost exclusively of black dirt with a little bit of mulch mixed in. Very dirty. Very dusty. Your dogs will leave filthy. It has to be a giant mud puddle when it rains. The area is pleasant enough; pretty, but with loud traffic nearby. Lots of shade. The way th...
2.70 (54 reviews)
Haisley Lynch Dog Park image
Haisley Lynch Dog Park
Dog park
😠 This is the poorest excuse for a dog-park on the planet. This is where Dirty Mike and the boys probably gather for hobo-orgies. As soon as you enter the gate you're guaranteed to be in the presence of a gaggle of bums. There are living organisms in the blood stained fountain. This is one big fenced...
2.90 (88 reviews)
Jokelan koirapuisto image
Jokelan koirapuisto
Dog park
😐 Ei puita-ei törmäily vaaraa. Luulisi että aitaukset olisi voinut tehdä isommiksi, kun ympärillä on niin paljon lääniä.
2.90 (69 reviews)
Park for Dogs image
Park for Dogs
Dog park
👍 Esta muy bien adaptado, mejor que el de antes y con más espacio. Lo malo los huecos , pero es normal .
2.90 (55 reviews)
Park for Dogs image
Park for Dogs
Dog park
😠 It is less of a park, more of a hole in the city. It was muddy and no other dogs came to the park in the forty minutes we were there. There are better ones if you're just looking for an outing with your cute pal.
2.90 (52 reviews)

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