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GYM image
Gymnastics center
😠 If you take care of poor people, I will report it to the Ministry of Manpower and you will be penalized. People's job desk is to be a cashier, not a cleaning service. Do you know what a cashier's job desk is? You don't go to school, so you don't know. If you want to clean, hire a cleaning service, y...
2.10 (144 reviews)
SmartFit Gym - Centro Maya Mall image
SmartFit Gym - Centro Maya Mall
😠 Pensé q yo era el único q veía cosas tan malas en el “nuevo” gym, empezando por la falta de vergüenza del personal del aseo (femenino) cuando hay clientes bañándose y desnudos en los lockers, es inaceptable q no haya aire acondicionado y q no haya papel para limpiar las máquinas, q no haya agua cali...
2.50 (102 reviews)
Forma Sport Patraix image
Forma Sport Patraix
Gymnastics center
😠 The worst gym you can find in Valencia, it's very cheap but it's not worth it even if it was free. 50% of the machines are broken, they weld them every 2x3 and they break the same because the quality is horrible, the bars are also broken more than half at the bottom of free weights... In short, wit...
2.60 (908 reviews)
Forma Sport Leandro image
Forma Sport Leandro
Fitness center
😠 The cheap is expensive I will try to list all the problems of this gym: -The material, this incredibly old and abandoned, rusty and broken machines, bent bars, broken discs ... -I went in summer and the heat was unbearable -The boy who cleans this all the time whistling in an unbearable way and tal...
2.80 (309 reviews)
Fitness PlanetOcio image
Fitness PlanetOcio
Gymnastics center
😠 Las trabajadoras que están en recepción son poco agradables quitando una que lleva gafas, que es súper amable. El resto, cuando entras por la puerta, te miran y ni te saludan, algo que estando de cara al público deberían cambiar. Además de que en el interior hace un calor tremendo, hay aire acondici...
2.80 (176 reviews)
BDiR Sabadell image
BDiR Sabadell
Gymnastics center
😠 Si alguna vez os habéis preguntando donde van a parar las MÁQUINAS VIEJAS y DESGASTADAS de la cadena DIR. Será aquí? De 4 bicis sólo funciona una, las maquinas fitness hacen RUIDO terrible. Dejaré las fotos para que juzguéis vosotros mismos si vale la pena ir 😅
2.80 (93 reviews)
Planet Gym (Sport And Fitness Center image
Planet Gym (Sport And Fitness Center
Gymnastics center
😠 0 respect to the neighbors, shame on you.
2.80 (52 reviews)
Gimnasio Holiday Gym Aluche image
Gimnasio Holiday Gym Aluche
Gymnastics center
😠 Lately, none of the material is in its place, to find a disc you have to go through half a gym... the gym instructors do less and less and they know less, of course for what they pay their employees, it's normal...
2.90 (359 reviews)
Fitsi Condesa image
Fitsi Condesa
😠 Si lo que buscan es que los traten mal por las mañanas, necesitan venir a este gimnasio. El personal de la mañana está muy mal capacitado en cuanto al servicio a cliente para realizar los cobros que en un inicio estaban automatizados. Son capaces de corretear y pelear con tal de que pagues aquello q...
2.90 (330 reviews)
Mpact Sports image
Mpact Sports
Gymnastics center
👍👍 My son went to a classmate’s party here and liked it so much he decided to have his own Nerf Wars party for his ninth birthday. The staff was so helpful setting up and cleaning up the food and decorations we brought and in marshaling the kids. This party room had a view of the hymn. The other was a...
2.90 (225 reviews)
Forma Sport AV Burjassot image
Forma Sport AV Burjassot
Gymnastics center
😠 PELIGROSO - INSEGURO - DELINCUENTES EN LOS VESTUARIOS - INCOMPETENTES EN RECEPCIÓN Y ADMINISTRACIÓN El día 12 de Diciembre de 2017 me apunté al gym y pregunté, además, por las taquillas de uso mensual y se me informó que su precio es de 9.99€ al mes.Tuvieron que buscar esta información, indicando "...
2.90 (190 reviews)
La Piscina de Piera image
La Piscina de Piera
Public swimming pool
😠 Zona de musculacio un engany, pago 45€ mensuals per 4 máquines velles i en mal estat. No hi ha dret que a Piera no hi hagi una sala de musculacio amb cara i ulls. El 30% de la maquinaria no funciona. Gimnas amb nula higiene. Zones perilloses amb indicacions de perill per enfonsament. A destacar el p...
2.90 (93 reviews)
Metropolitan Sant Just image
Metropolitan Sant Just
Gymnastics center
😠 It’s safe to say I am canceling my membership. After visiting this location it doesn’t have much to offer besides new equipment. It is much smaller than my original location and offers less, no pool, no restaurant, etc. Also, there’s a drastic price difference from this location to others in the c...
2.90 (89 reviews)
Ginásio Poliesportivo 8 Norte image
Ginásio Poliesportivo 8 Norte
Gymnastics center
2.90 (63 reviews)
qi Body & Mind Fitness image
qi Body & Mind Fitness
Gymnastics center
😠 I used to really like Qi back in the day like 2016-17 when the equipment was newer, the staff and teachers were better (the Yoga classes were AMAZING back in the day....) , they actually ran the central air and A/C to clean the air, they had a free towel service, and most importantly they charged a...
2.90 (60 reviews)
Kurosawajiri Gymnasium image
Kurosawajiri Gymnasium
Gymnastics center
😠 高齢男性の管理人の態度が最低最悪。初っ端から喧嘩腰な態度、面識ない初見の私にいきなり「アンタ」呼ばわり、申請書渡すと、窓口のガラス窓を勢いよく強く閉められた。あまりに酷くて驚いた。入り口脇に、シルバーマークを付けた黒い軽自動車が止まってたら要注意。 子どもたちが関わる場所に居てはいけない人。
2.90 (51 reviews)

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